
The last game print media "sentenced to death"? Official outrage debunked the rumors

On February 9, the UCG editorial board responded to the postponement and suspension of "Practical Technology for Game Consoles" in recent months, saying that according to the requirements of the management department, the content of the magazine needs to be deeply adjusted and temporarily suspended.

The same incident also occurred in previous years, but no refund channel was released for subscribers, and special issues were also added afterwards to give back to users with annual fees. Obviously, the problems facing us this time are much more serious.

In issue 521 of the September 2021 issue, the difficulty of increasing the cost of printing was mentioned in the editorial column, so the page number of the magazine was reduced, but the paper quality was adopted. Since then, the paper content has gradually decreased, and the game guide part of the big head has also been undertaken by the raider special issue, and the audio content has occupied a larger weight, and "buying discs and sending magazines" has become a joke in the reader community.

For a time, all kinds of gossip continued, some said that the capital ran away, the editor split, some said that the e-commerce platform targeted, the issue number expired, and the postal distribution code was cancelled... Whether it is true or not is impossible to know, there is no wind or waves, let alone the wind and rain.

Back to now, the so-called "management department requirements", there have also been a lot of "gossip" on the Internet, and this is the one that has been widely circulated:

The last game print media "sentenced to death"? Official outrage debunked the rumors

A large part of UCG magazine sales depend on the AAA masterpiece of the month, if the demand for the raider book increases, or the topic of large games is relatively high, then the popularity of the magazine will also increase. Conversely, if the latest and hottest games can't edit their peripheral content to readers in the first place, the significance of the magazine will be greatly reduced.

Combined with the "deep adjustment" in the official statement, the number of large games in the current version number reviewed games is not enough to support the content of a full-color half-monthly publication, not to mention that the version number itself has been stagnant for 8 months.

The last game print media "sentenced to death"? Official outrage debunked the rumors

Later today, UCG's veteran porridge debunked the rumor. Porridge said on Weibo that the content adjustment is true, and the suspension of publication is false, but in the end, the news of the new issue of the magazine still needs to wait.

The last game print media "sentenced to death"? Official outrage debunked the rumors

"Practical Technology of Game Consoles" was launched in 1998 and has been published in 528 issues so far, accompanying generations of gamers and one of the few domestic media that adheres to the main game strategy. The game experience of holding a handheld machine and a gamepad in one hand and flipping through the magazine raiders in the other has been a common memory of domestic console players. Although smartphones can now more easily complete accurate data inquiries, journals and magazines still continue their lives with a kind of emotional collection positioning, but the last incense of this game print media era can not avoid the influence of the times.

However, for readers, being able to retain UCG content is already the biggest desire.