
Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance

Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance

Text/Little Sir

As we all know, before the outbreak of the Opium War, because the mainland was in a trade surplus with Britain, the porcelain, tea, silk and other products produced by the mainland were deeply loved by foreign countries, so foreign silver continued to flow into the mainland, which made Britain angry and ashamed, so it brazenly launched the Opium War, in order to sell opium to the mainland and obtain huge profits. In fact, tea has always been a precious product of the mainland, and the mainland even uses tea as an economic weapon to restrict the "Luocha people", that is, the Russians. Tea has a long history in the mainland, but the earliest recorded period is naturally the Tang Dynasty.

Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance

In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Yu wrote the "Tea Classic", which was the first book dedicated to tea in ancient mainland China. With the excavation of a Tang Dynasty tomb in Fuzhou, Fujian Province in 2013, more than 30 funerary items were unearthed, many of which were related to drinking tea, from this point of view, the Tang Dynasty tea drinking was popular, so Lu Yu wrote systematic tea books. The natural history experts in Fujian Province told reporters that there are very few written records about the historical development of Fujian in the Tang Dynasty, and even if there are only some sporadic fragments, the tomb and the excavation of the funerary products in it are quite real reflections of the life scene at that time, which is very rare.

Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance
Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance

According to the reporter's report at the archaeological site, it can be found that this two-meter-deep green brick tomb lies horizontally between two residential buildings, the rectangular burial chamber is 1.8 meters wide, 5 meters long, and 2.2 meters high. According to the research, it has been determined that this is a well-preserved ancient tomb before the middle of the Tang Dynasty, according to the funerary products in the tomb, the tomb owner should not be an ordinary small family, but a local rich family, it seems to be a squire. More than 30 cultural relics have been excavated in archaeology, mainly Tang Dynasty celadon porcelain.

Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance

Although these cultural relics have been buried underground for more than a thousand years, they are still very well preserved, including five-clam plates, pan pots, amphora jars, incense burners, pottery stoves, etc., mostly for living utensils, many of which are related to tea drinking, incense and so on. If the owner of the tomb is just a farmer, there is probably no time to drink tea for recreation, and the incense is dressed up. The style of these porcelains is simple and elegant, glorious and moist, showing the mysterious charm of mainland porcelain. Some experts said that because the tomb was not destroyed, the excavated artifacts were very complete, and the whole scene looked like a miniature social scene, which was very important for the study of the significance of the Tang Dynasty family.

Ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty were found in the residential area of Fujian, well preserved, and after experts excavated: the research is of great significance

According to the archaeological team, after the excavation of the Fuzhou tomb in the Tang Dynasty is completed, the archaeological team will relocate the tomb as a whole and select another address to restore the original appearance for further investigation and study in the future. In fact, although the "Tea Classic" appeared in the Tang Dynasty, the real popularity of tea drinking was in the Song Dynasty, as can be seen in the "Water Margin", in the Tang Dynasty, tea drinking was mostly a vassal of the nobles and rich families.

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