
"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

author:Animal Knowledge BOT

On the edge of some islands in the southern hemisphere, a brown-and-white seabird spreads its wings more than 3 meters long, and uses this pair of almost the longest arm span in the world to spread its wings and fly, drifting and flying at sea level, and this flight may be four or five years, or even a lifetime...

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

"Far away, albatross. Through the clouds, like a wandering soul. All of us rejoice. Call the bird in the name of God. ”

The above verse is a tribute to a seabird that is arguably the most revered bird in the West and our "master" today, the albatross.

This seabird has almost the most powerful flying ability among birds, and it represents the flight limits of birds.

1. From the first flight of albatrosses, the average length of each flight is as long as 4-5 years!

2) Ninety percent of an albatross's life is spent flying!

3) A wandering albatross can fly a distance of 8.5 million kilometers in its lifetime, which is equivalent to 10 round trips from the earth to the moon!

4, can sleep while flying!

The above points, in any way, this obsession with flying is beyond the reach of other birds.

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the birds that are best at flying, except for mating, can almost never land</h1>

Albatross is a collective term for all the members of the Albatross Family, and although they are different, they can be said to have their own magical abilities in terms of flight ability.

The albatross is a large seabird with an average arm span of more than 3 meters, the longest of all birds in the world with an average arm span, and the longest can even reach 3.7 meters, close to the height of two floors.

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

Albatross specimens show the arm span

Albatrosses can fly more than 900 kilometers per day, at speeds of up to 85 kilometers per hour, and even fly for hours without having to incite wings once. They are like a fully automatic glider that turns on a cruise control, adjusting its posture with the help of the sea breeze and riding the waves between sea level and blue sky.

The albatross is like its name, as if the only thing that has been believed in all its life is the blue sky. From the time they have good wings and turn one year old, they will fly for the first time in their lives, and just the first flight, they will fly for up to 4-5 years! It's amazing!

At this time you must be curious, they have been flying, do not need to eat and rest?

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

In fact, the feeding of albatrosses can be completely completed during flight, they can carry the waves in the low air near the sea level, and then see some fish swimming above the sea layer will directly grab the prey from the air and eat, this way of flying foraging helps them to not have to fall to the ground to prey.

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?


And the process of sleeping and resting, the albatross can also be completed during the flight. Like a few birds, they have a special form of rest – single-hemisphere slow-wave sleep.

They can put half of their brains into sleep, while the other half remain awake, relying on the waking hemibrain to control and fly, and alternate shifts between the left and right brains to achieve the stunt of "sleeping while flying".

So, if it's not for mating and reproducing, a handful of albatrosses can even fly for a lifetime without land.

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a model of "white-headed and old", but 31% of albatrosses are gay? </h1>

The average lifespan of albatrosses can reach about 33 years, while some individual species of albatrosses can even live to a human level of 60 years on average. This wandering albatross can fly more than 8 million kilometers in a lifetime, equivalent to the distance from Earth to the moon many times, so no other bird can match it in terms of flight.

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

Beyond that, one of their most admirable things is that in the albatross world, the "divorce rate" of separated partners is only 0.3%. After a pair of albatrosses are married and established, the monogamous pair will stay together for a lifetime, unchanged for life until death, and can be said to be the most loyal birds in the world.

However, after a large number of studies by scientists, it was actually 31% of the partners in the albatross world that were "female homosexuals".

"Birds that can fly when they are asleep", with a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters, the birds that are best at flying after flying for 5 years without landing, in addition to mating can almost live without landing on the ground, the model of "white head and old age", but 31% of the albatrosses are gay?

The albatross flies in the wind, fights in the long sky, shakes thousands of miles, goes thousands of miles, is loyal and unswerving, and is worthy of being the "proud son of heaven".

@Animal Knowledge BOT [Come and See Me] [Come and See Me]