
12 years of grinding a sword will never give up, Fan Kexin's mother: My daughter is a force that does not accept defeat!

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is Fan Kexin's third Olympic trip, and it is likely to be the last... 12 years of grinding a sword, 29-year-old finally fulfilled her 12-year Olympic gold medal dream at this Winter Olympics - and won the short track speed skating 2000 meters mixed team relay championship with her teammates, this moment Fan Kexin waited too long!

12 years of grinding a sword will never give up, Fan Kexin's mother: My daughter is a force that does not accept defeat!

With the joy of the child, the front reporting team of the "Home Oil" column recently joined hands with the Qitaihe video number of the network information to come to Fan Kexin's hometown - Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, to accompany Fan Kexin's family and her former sports school's brothers and sisters to watch her matches in the Winter Olympics.

It is reported that the Qitaihe Municipal Sports Bureau is one of the leading organizers of this live broadcast, as the third Winter Olympic champion cultivated by Qitaihe City after Dayang Yang and Wang Mao, Fan Kexin is not only the pride of his hometown like them, but also took over their banner in the national short track speed skating team and became the leader of a new generation of short track women's teams.

Before the start of the competition, the camera circled around the live broadcast scene, and everywhere you could see the achievements of the ice and snow celebrities of Qitaihe City, one photo after another on the podium, and a happy smile, all recording the glorious history of ice and snow sports in Qitaihe City, especially the short track speed skating project.

The competition on the day was the short track speed skating women's 500 meters, which was the only individual event that Fan Kexin participated in this Winter Olympics, and it was also the distance she has been best at, but this time, good luck did not take her side...

In the first round of the competition, Fan Kexin was assigned to the first group, shouldering the task of "taking the lead" for the Chinese team, and everyone on the live broadcast scene clasped their palms and stared directly at the big screen... syllable! With a gunshot, Fan Kexin took the lead in grabbing the third position, in front of two strong Canadian players, the next few laps, although Fan Kexin has been trying to find opportunities to surpass, but the two Canadian players cooperate tacitly, well card the main position.

12 years of grinding a sword will never give up, Fan Kexin's mother: My daughter is a force that does not accept defeat!

Entering the last lap, the let-go Fan Kexin wanted to overtake from the outside, but Canada's Charles accidentally fell at this time, interfering with her out of the track, although the tenacious Fan Kexin quickly got back up and crossed the finish line at the fastest speed, but finally ranked third in the group and missed the semi-finals.

12 years of grinding a sword will never give up, Fan Kexin's mother: My daughter is a force that does not accept defeat!

For this result, it is false to say that there is no regret, when Fan Kexin fell, the live broadcast scene was also a sigh... After all, this may be Fan Kexin's last chance to win the gold medal in the individual events of the Winter Olympics, and after the game, Fan Kexin at the other end of the camera can hardly hide his loss and walks straight back to the rest area.

Of course, competitive sports are so rapidly changing, and it is difficult to guarantee that the effort will be perfectly rewarded. For Fan Kexin, who has realized the dream of the Winter Olympic gold medal, the regret of the personal project does not have to be too sad, next, she will also participate in the women's 3000m relay competition with her teammates, and her family and brothers and sisters all said that they are looking forward to seeing Fan Kexin win the second gold!

"My deepest impression of my daughter since she was a child is that she struggles and has the strength to not accept defeat!" Fan Kexin's mother, who watched the game, said to the reporter in a serious tone. "At that time, the conditions were not good, they were all training on the outdoor ice rink, if other children trained, if they skated 50 laps, Fan Kexin had to skate at least 100 laps, and it was only after others left the training ground that my daughter left."

This is true, the teammates who have trained with Fan Kexin have also said that when training in Harbin, every time others walk away, she just doesn't leave and continues to practice. Almost everyone who has come into contact with Fan Kexin has the same impression - toughness!

It is also with this tenacity that Fan Kexin persisted to this day, step by step to the highest podium of the Olympic Games, although he experienced glory and troughs, but never bowed his head and conceded defeat. "She always reported good news and no worries, and never let me and her father worry about it." Fan Kexin's mother said proudly.

According to Fan Kexin's mother, Fan Kexin has not returned home for the New Year for 12 years, and every time she comes back from vacation, it is the family's "New Year" day. "She likes to eat the three fresh foods I made the most, and this time when she comes back with the Olympic gold medal, I want to let her eat enough!"

Text/Su Shiwei

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