
Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

In the men's 500m final of speed skating on February 12, China's race to ride the dust to hit the line first and won the championship, while South Korea's Che Minkui won the second place.

For South Korean player Che Minkui, the result of being able to win the second place in the Beijing Winter Olympics is already very good, after all, for the Korean team, the performance in this Winter Olympics is really not very good, and the current position has only won a gold medal!

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

However, Che Minkui seemed to be a little reluctant, and before he reached the podium, he actually made a disgraceful move, bending down to wipe the podium! Seems to have a point!

In this regard, Wang Meng was also very puzzled after hearing about what Che Minkui had done, Wang Meng said: Speed skating A person runs a road, you skate yours, I skate mine, the two can't get along at all, no one knows why Korean runners wipe the ground, which has nothing to do with other runners. Can you rub it and run a little faster?

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

Many netizens are also very angry about this, thinking that Che Minkui has defiled our podium, and Che Minkui should be expelled from the podium, and then we have to wipe our podium again, because after Che Minkui went up, our podium was polluted by him!

More netizens said that Che Minkui was worried that netizens had forgotten all kinds of riotous operations in the Pyeongchang Olympic Games four years ago?

In the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the South Koreans took advantage of the home field to make many decisions in favor of the Korean team, resulting in the Canadian players collectively making a move to wipe the podium, alluding to the fact that the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea was not clean and unfair!

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

In fact, it is not surprising that Che Minkui has such a riot operation!

Because in this Winter Olympics, the South Korean team has collectively overturned, which also makes this ice and snow "pseudo-power" prototype revealed!

In the 1000-meter skating competition, the referee punished Hwang Dae-hyun for violating the law and expelled him, and finally a total of 3 South Korean players were expelled from the game.

After the game, Huang Daxian said that the referee is China's, and he can punish whoever he wants.

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power
Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

In this regard, many netizens said that it is no wonder that the Korean team at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics four years ago could win 3 gold medals, which turned out to be because most of the referees at that time were Koreans, and they wanted to punish whomever they wanted!

In the Beijing Winter Olympics, we used 360-degree high-speed camera equipment to shoot every detail of the athletes on the field clearly, which also provided a higher guarantee for the fairness of the game!

Athletes from all over the world have expressed their admiration for this, and only the South Korean team has such a yin and yang weirdness!

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

The South Korean team's performance in this Winter Olympics is not ideal, not to find reasons in themselves, but to use a variety of riotous operations to excuse themselves, it is inevitable that people feel disdainful!

What is even more interesting is that the Korean team actually said that the food of our host was too unpalatable to eat normally, and this also made it impossible for the Korean team to play its due level.

This is even more unbearable, but before the Chinese netizens can refute, the contestants from other countries have stood up to refute that China's food is so delicious, they have shared their food experience in China on social platforms! Isn't that just a slap in the face to the South Korean team?

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

It seems that the best food for entertaining korean teams should be to give them only sauerkraut every day! If you can't eat grapes, say grapes are sour! It seems that they can only eat sauerkraut!

What the hell are you talking about!

No wonder many netizens have said that a Beijing Winter Olympics has completely opened up the true face of the so-called ice and snow power of the South Korean team!

Various reasons and various operations are disgraceful, the South Korean team overturned, and the typical can not afford to lose to pull out the pseudo-power

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