
What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

author:Tech Planet
What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

Source | Tech Planet

Text | Yang Xiaohe, Xi Rui

The Spring Festival of 2022, from the perspective of consumption data, although it is still not as good as the overall situation in 2021. However, 250 million trips, creating nearly 300 billion yuan (289.1 billion) of consumption performance, has also ushered in some new situations for economic development.

What is more special is that many consumption fever phenomena have opened up some new economic projects. For example, the Beijing Winter Olympics stimulated a boom in ice and snow consumption, the sales of ski equipment during the Spring Festival increased by more than 180% year-on-year, and young people ridiculed that spending tens of thousands of yuan on skiing is considered "poor and slippery"; at the same time, under the stimulus of the tax-free tourism economy, Hainan's "Spring Festival fever" has reached the fifteenth day of the first year, and the consumption heat is significantly higher than that of other parts of the country; in many inland cities, cultural and creative tourism projects such as live script killing have also been created, which are highly sought after by young people; and in the field of quality of life, which is increasingly valued by the middle class, Coastal cities have also seen the emergence of several streets where new consumer goods gather, which are listed as national tourist and leisure blocks.

At the end of Qingping, will the new consumption fever that these young people are enthusiastic about become a lasting new economic phenomenon?

The ice and snow economy is sweeping: from the north to the south, young people's new "luxury" sports

Without surprise, the ski economy is on fire this winter.

Due to the closed management of Zhangjiakou, the site of the 2022 Winter Olympics, the surrounding ski resorts have become lively, especially in Beijing and Northeast China. For many young people, winters without skiing snow are not even complete.

Take the Meilin Valley Ski Resort in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, as an example, because it is not far from Beijing and is the largest ski resort in Asia in the planning, so many people come to visit. "The hotel and the ski slopes are always full, welcoming 3-4,000 people almost a day." Jiang Feng, head of the Meilin Valley Wine Brigade, told Tech Planet, "It is estimated that this heat will continue until the end of February." ”

What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

Merrill Valley Ski Resort

This year, the new and old ski resorts in Meilin Valley have been linked, but the reception capacity of the entire ski resort is still insufficient. "At present, about 30% of the development has been developed, and the whole has been developed, which should be able to compete for the position of the largest ski resort in Asia." Jiang Feng told Tech Planet that the highest gross profit business at present is the hotel, with an average price of about 600 yuan / day, which is a lot higher than the usual price.

But at present, although the ski resort is very popular, it still has not achieved profitability. "About 2 billion yuan has been invested in the early stage, and it costs millions of yuan to make snow every year." Jiang Feng said that there were two heavy snows in the Chifeng area a few years ago, but natural snow could not meet the demand, and the operating costs of the ski resort were still very high.

Even so, he is still very optimistic about the future development of the ice and snow economy. After the Sapporo Winter Olympics in 1970, Japan's ski industry rose for 15 consecutive years, and Jiang Feng believes that the domestic situation will be the same.

In the traditional ice and snow economy of Harbin in the northeast, it is also affected by the sudden epidemic, and many foreign tourists cannot go there. However, this year's picture of Harbin Ice and Snow World appeared at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, which directly stimulated the growth of local tourists.

According to the staff of Ice and Snow World, this year more local tourists in the province. "The number of tourists aged 25-35 is relatively large, mainly tourists from Harbin City, catching up with tourists from other cities in the province."

"At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, there was a scene of a big world, which had a big pull on our popularity. On February 5, it is directly pulled, and the whole cycle is longer than ever, which can be extended to the Lantern Festival. The staff of Harbin Ice and Snow World told Tech Planet, "In the past, the passenger flow at the beginning of the seventh and eighth months of the year will drop significantly, and this year's decline will slow down significantly." ”

According to reports, this ice and snow world is carried out with the theme of "the light of the Winter Olympics shines in the world", and there are 65 groups of ice and snow landscapes in the park, and the number of single landscapes exceeds 100. "Next year, we will integrate more WINTER OLYMPIC IP elements into the big world and continue to seize the dividends of the Winter Olympics." Staff said.

The ice and snow economy is hot, not only in the north. Surprisingly, the fastest growing ski resort during the Spring Festival is the Daming Mountain Ski Resort in Lin'an, Hangzhou. According to "Where to Go" data, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Chengdu are among the top 10 cities where skiers come from.

A "south-to-north" ski trip that includes airfare, accommodation, snow tickets, and coach fees costs an average of nearly 7,000 yuan. But the high consumption of skiing did not scare away young people, especially after the "perfect sports idol" Gu Ailing won the gold medal in the Winter Olympics, Weibo-related hot search reached 83, making 300 million young people more enthusiastic into the ice and snow track, but also making the ice and snow economy move towards the goal of breaking through 800 billion yuan in 2022.

Duty-free consumption outbreak: the island economy is reviving tourism, and the homestay industry is finally ushering in spring?

During the Spring Festival, Li Mei, whose home is in Hainan, did not rest for a day, and the hot shopping business made her have to seize the time to "make money".

"The Spring Festival holiday sold up to 30 orders a day", Li Mei, who is engaged in purchasing in Hainan, engaged in free micro-business economy in the form of picking up goods from outlying islands and then selling them in the circle of friends. Because it is a human flesh with goods, many times the order is too much to pick up. Years ago busy Spring Festival, years after busy Valentine's Day, the cosmetics she managed are hot sellers.

There are also people who want to buy luxury goods from Sanya, and Li Mei entrusts friends in Sanya to take pictures in the store. "It's almost 20% off the genuine product now, or in the high season." Li Mei mentioned that if it is more than 30% off in the off-season, it is also common.

Although the demand for duty-free consumption has surged, Li Mei also knows that now the duty-free shop guides have their own export channels, and the duty-free APP can also be purchased with the limit of tickets on outlying islands.

Of course, there are many more people who like the feeling of traveling and shopping.

Zhao Ni is like this, after the Spring Festival, I wanted to go to the wrong peak to go to Hainan to play, but I did not expect that everywhere was a state of "everyone from the crowd". I first went to the Zhongwu offline store on the side of Haitang to make a big purchase, although I had to queue, it was difficult to stop everyone's enthusiasm.

"A lot of things are cheap, especially cosmetics, and more than three pieces are tax-free and then 30% off." Zhao Ni spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy things, fortunately she is a self-driving tour, and she just finished playing on February 12 and is ready to return to the mainland.

During this trip, Zhao Ni also deeply felt the recovery of Hainan's tourism economy. For example, the surfing in Sanya Houhai Village is a popular attraction, when I came in November last year, dozens of people on the beach were on the board, and when I went a few days ago, I felt that there were thousands of people on the board at the same time. When Zhao Ni came to Sanya in November, the price of the Addison Hotel was about 6,000 yuan for 2 nights, and it would be more than 10,000 or even more than 20,000 during the Spring Festival.

What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

Surf in Sanya Houhai Village

Not only is the regular business hot, but there are also many temporary businesses, which also allow many locals to enjoy dividends.

Because the parking lot and the road into the village of Houhai Village, a new popular attraction, are crowded with cars, many tourists' cars are parked 1 kilometer away from the village, so many motorcycles began to pay for parking lot tourists, as well as selling fruits, selling rolls, and buying a lot of people.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that sanya's homestay economy is also very hot. Looking at bohou village, the whole village is a homestay, and each family is basically full. And the price of a single room has reached thousands of yuan, and the price will not fall back to a few hundred yuan before the Lantern Festival.

Zhao Ni believes that compared with hotels, these homestays are much more cost-effective. The homestay where they stayed was opened in 2021, and the whole homestay adopted the Bauhaus design style, and the environment and some high-end hotels had a fight.

Moreover, a room can take 3 photos for free, and the extra one is 30 yuan. "This is also part of the revenue, many photography studios work with homestays, they know how to teach people to pose, so many people are willing to use their services."

Zhao Ni feels that although the price increase of many services is inevitable during the journey to Hainan, this holiday still leaves her with good memories.

This Spring Festival holiday, the data dimension does show that Hainan's tourism consumption is one level higher than that of other regions. According to official data from Hainan, a total of 5.4113 million tourists were received during the Spring Festival, achieving a total tourism income of 7.53 billion yuan. From January 31 to February 6, the total sales of 10 outlying island duty-free shops in Hainan reached 2.131 billion yuan, an increase of 151% year-on-year.

How long will Hainan's tourism consumption boom last in the future?

As the person in charge of Hainan's largest local business, Yang Zong told Tech Planet: "There is still a lot of room for development in the tax-free economy, because the Haikou International Duty Free City project under construction will be put into operation this year, and the business area after completion is 2 times that of Sanya Duty Free City, which is the largest duty-free mall in Asia; domestic tourism this piece also depends on the development of the epidemic, Hainan is particularly deep this year, there are many reasons for undertaking many tourists who go to Southeast Asia every year; and the homestay industry will usher in long-term development, and its own group has set up a company specializing in homestays." ”

The rise of the new cultural and entertainment economy: breaking the limitations of natural scenery, young people are addicted to "crossing"

When the entertainment project of the Spring Festival every year is only left with the "New Year file", the novelty of young people can no longer be satisfied. A group of young people need to concentrate on releasing their spiritual needs during the Spring Festival, so that the new cultural and entertainment economy will show a new upward trend in this year's Spring Festival.

In the seven days of the Spring Festival, Chengdu Anren Ancient Town received 220,000 tourists, and on the old street of the mansion, there were projects such as "Today is Anren" Mansion Real Scene Experience Drama Parade, Guochao Lion, Ancient Town Chao Dance, Guopu Sichuan Opera, Folk Customs Parade and so on. Touring the ancient town has become the first choice for families, and in the other corner of the ancient town, a group of young people are "isolated from the world", carrying out two days and one night of immersive script killing.

In the century-old mansion of Anren Ancient Town, nearly 10,000 square meters of land, there are Republic of China buildings, big trees in the sky and back gardens..... 16 people and dozens of NPCs spent two days and one night together, providing hotels, meals, clothing, bars, KTV and even professional game shooting, shooting theme photos. The price of such an "extreme" experience is also ten times that of ordinary script killing, and the price is 1288 yuan per person.

What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

This live-action immersive script kills brand Paradise Impression in Chengdu with a total of three live-action locations for use by three different scripts. Another European-style court-themed script kill is also two days and one night, and the price is 1588 yuan.

According to the staff of Happy Vision Impression, after the opening of the Spring Festival, the three scripts can basically be full every day. "Since the opening of the school, some of the shows need to be carpooled, and some are directly reserved, and direct friends gather people to open the show." Taking the script of Anren Ancient Town as an example, the experience cost of each session has exceeded 20,000 yuan.

What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

Compared to ordinary script killing plot reasoning, this super immersive script killing is more for a novel experience. Xiao Chen, who experienced a handful before the Spring Festival, told Tech Planet that this was the first time she had experienced two days and one night of live-action script killing. "The experience is very good, the NPC is very cooperative, and it feels like I have really crossed over to the Republic of China." Mainly for relaxation, reasoning is still secondary. ”

Although the price is comparable to a trip around, under the influence of the epidemic, young people who can't go out do not hesitate to set their sights on these scripts that can also make people "out of touch with reality". The two-day, one-night live-action script kills hotels, restaurants and other entertainment facilities, which is actually equivalent to a vacation around the city.

According to the "2021 Global Free Travel Report" launched by Mafengwo, in 2021, high-frequency, short-distance "going out to play" has become the mainstream of tourist travel. "Micro-vacations" with the surrounding area of the city as the travel radius began to prevail. "The gameplay began to replace the destination and became the main factor influencing people's travel consumption decisions", and the reason for the popularity of the live-action script killing was also here.

The impression of the happy place next to the ancient town has also become the glue of the ancient town tourism.

Happy Impression binds the hotels and local restaurants in the ancient town, and can also drive the flow of people in the ancient town. Anren Ancient Town is 41 km from Chengdu, a 1-hour drive away. In the past, many tourists traveled to and from Chengdu on the same day, but after killing with the real-life script, local tourists can be promoted to travel around the ancient town.

In fact, Anren Ancient Town's own mansion live-action experience drama "Anren Today" is an immersive performance in the mansion reality of the ancient town. Feng Mingran, general manager of Chengdu Junkan Culture and general manager of the performance operation of "Happy Impression", said in an interview, "We have done statistics, after the start of the "Anren Today" in 2018, the overall consumption of scenic spots increased from 20-50 yuan per capita to 300 yuan, and after the operation of "Happy Impression", the per capita consumption increased from 300 yuan to about 2000-3000 yuan."

In the new first-tier cities, Chengdu is the city with the highest growth rate of the script killing industry. According to the statistics of the "2021 Entity Script Killing Consumption Insight Report", it is expected that the domestic script killing market will exceed 15 billion yuan in 2021, and the consumer scale may reach 9.41 million. According to incomplete statistics, at the end of 2019, Chengdu had about 180 script killing stores, which soared to 400 in 2020. In January last year, chengdu had more than 700 script killing stores, ranking first in the country.

Compared with other cities, Chengdu's script killing industry has entered a more differentiated development. This year, The first cross-border script killing drama "Eight Generals of thieves" in China will be premiered at the Chengdu Xinsheng Theater.

In addition, cultural performances such as stage plays, interactive dramas, and operas also attract the attention of young people during the Spring Festival.

In the "2022 Tianfu Cultural Tourism Festival" officially launched by Chengdu Cultural Tourism for the Spring Festival, drama and stage drama have become important parts of the official "stamp". These include happy twist interactive comedy "Gold Fishing Dinner" and musical comedy "Love! Humanity" and so on. According to the relevant staff of Happy Twist, in Shanghai, there are already unboxed performance projects on the fifth day of the Chinese New Year.

The new consumption fever has struck: Shanghai Beach is no longer "old", and Internet celebrities punch a street out of the circle

Known as the "Wanguo Residential Architecture Expo Block", Shanghai's Wukang Road-Anfu Road Block has 90 well-documented historical building complexes, with an average construction age of 88.5 years.

In contrast, in recent years, new consumer brands with an average age of less than 5 years have landed China's first stores, flagship stores, and concept stores in this neighborhood: Art Life Brand Brutalist, Designer Brand Collection Store LOOKNOW, Beauty Collection Store HARMAY Mei, Clothing Brandy Melville, Coffee Brand Three and a Half Meals...

Anfu Road, which is usually surrounded by bloggers, has not been able to obtain a moment of "tranquility" during this year's Spring Festival. The day before the Chinese New Year's Eve, this block officially became a national tourist and leisure block. This also means that new consumer brands on this street cannot stop this year's Spring Festival.

Whether it is a second-hand collection store catching more fish, or a three-and-a-half-line store Force Flight, the store opened on the second day of the Chinese New Year. Shanghai does not have good weather for travel during the Chinese New Year, but this does not hinder the enthusiasm of young people to punch In anfu Road.

What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

Three half-and-half offline stores

The fish shop clerk told Tech Planet that after the store opened in the new year, the flow of people in the store was larger than usual. "This year, because of the Local New Year, many young people are staying in Shanghai, and there are still quite a few people." Compared with usual, the number of customers in the second-hand book area on the second floor of the fish catch is significantly higher. During the Spring Festival holiday, young people who are no longer 996 have more time to visit the store.

On February 11, it was already 7 p.m., Chen Xi and his friends took a taxi to catch more fish and punch cards, despite the rain. Chen Xi told Tech Planet that he had gone to a store in Beijing to catch too many fish, and now he has not had time to work in Shanghai. Take advantage of the holidays to punch in. "It's been raining today, I didn't want to come, and I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to go to work after that, so I simply took a taxi, so I came late."

What new economic fever has been spawned by the 300 billion Spring Festival holiday market?

And in the face of the popularity that has been accumulated in the three and a half meals, the Force flight next to the fish is also a photo punching place for young people. From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., the store was always full.

Unlike the special punch card, the coffee shops around Anfu Road are more "passing" customers. Drinking a cup of coffee and strolling under the plane trees became the standard way to experience "Shanghai life". It is the consumer psychology of "buying a cup of coffee before visiting Anfu Road" that feeds a number of small coffee shops.

Yang Qiang, the owner of the coffee shop, told Tech Planet that there has been no rest in the afternoon of the Spring Festival these days. "One stop is an afternoon, usually sitting in the store drinking coffee and chatting. There are also a lot of young people taking out these days. According to the pricing of 30-40 yuan in the store, Yang Qiang's sales in a day are more than 1,000 yuan.

In fact, "Love Myth", which was released at the end of 2020, made Shanghai out of the circle again. The road that Xu Zheng rides on his bicycle in the movie is Anfu Road. The Scene of the Male and Female Protagonists Dating at the beginning of "Love Myth" - the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center is also located on Anfu Road.

Following the movie punch card filming location, it has also become a new "way of playing" anfu Road, which also drives a group of people to Anfu Road during the Spring Festival. On the Little Red Book, under the notes related to "Anfu Road New Year", many young people choose to punch in those Internet celebrity attractions during the Spring Festival.

The collision of history and trends has given this neighborhood a different color. Anfu Road is also known as the offline version of the Little Red Book.

Influencers, traffic, and hot money gather on this road to make it move from offline to online. In 2020, the notes about "Anfu Road" on the Little Red Book have exceeded 40,000, and Anfu Road Street Auction, Anfu Road Coffee, and Anfu Road Sister have become hot search keywords. Anfu Road has gradually become the first recommended for young people to travel to Shanghai, and has the tendency to replace the old commercial street "Nanjing East Road".

There is no doubt that the Wukang Road-Anfu Road block, which bears the title of the first batch of national tourism and leisure blocks, will attract more new consumer brands this year, and this street represents the latest fashion trend in shanghai and even the national market. The influx of new consumer brands is bound to make this neighborhood a new traffic place in Shanghai, attracting young people who are pursuing trends. New consumption, Generation Z, tourist areas, Shanghai will have a new business card this year.