
After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

author:History is lamentable
"The prosecutor said that I had no compassion, that I retaliated against society, which I could not agree with, if according to my ability, I wanted to retaliate against society, not to mention 13 lives, 130 lives are more than that, I have children, but I also have a father, but I will never beat him." I just want to protect my own life, human life is only once, I will only sin when my own life is in danger, my own life is the biggest, for me, I let my relatives and friends suffer for more than ten years, very undeserved, as a person can try anything, but do not try to commit crimes, I am more painful than anyone."

This is the death sentence of a death row inmate, his name is Cheng Ruilong, he looks like Sven, wearing a gold-framed glasses, at first glance, it seems difficult to associate him with the brutal murderous demon, but in fact, from 1996 to 2005, Cheng Ruilong has brutally killed 13 people, including three policemen, alone or in collusion with others in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Zhejiang and other places.

Why did Cheng Ruilong embark on the road of crime, and what kind of revenge society did he say? In his 13 years of fugitive life, he constantly changed his name, how did he fall into the net?

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

Cheng Ruilong's hometown is located in the old revolutionary area of northern Guangdong Lianzhou Qianchong Village, his father Cheng Fangping is the village chief of Qianchong Village, quite prestigious in the local area, Cheng Fangping family planting tobacco leaves, an acre of land income of 800 yuan, although the income is not much, but life is relatively rich, plus do a little business, the family life is more comfortable.

Born on January 10, 1973, Jackie Chan was very fat when he was a child, and his neighbors called him "Fat Boy". He has been grumpy since he was a child, his academic performance is very poor, and he has been mixing with some small all day since he graduated from junior high school, calling his brothers and brothers fooling around.

Cheng Fangping has always looked forward to Jackie Chan, but Cheng Ruilong is always out of trouble, whenever Cheng Ruilong's nose is blue and his face is swollen, Cheng Fangping will not only not comfort the child, but will also beat him violently, punish him to kneel on a long wooden bench and admit his mistake, whenever at this time, Cheng Ruilong always stubbornly holds his head high and will never accept defeat.

Neighbors have advised Cheng Fangping that "the child is too small, don't be embarrassed by the child", and then he will also persuade Cheng Ruilong to "fat boy, good man does not eat the loss in front of him, what can you do if you admit a mistake?" ”

The mother could not bear to watch Cheng Ruilong being beaten, and always secretly blew the wind in Cheng Fangping's ear and said good things to Cheng Ruilong. But Cheng Fangping believes that there is filial piety under the stick.

Cheng Ruilong never accepted defeat, and also began to practice boxing, strengthening his body while preventing himself from being beaten too hard by his father, in his heart, only force can protect himself.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

In junior high school, Cheng Ruilong and the principal's daughter fell in love, which was soon known to the principal, and after that, the class teacher found an excuse to expel Cheng Ruilong from the school.

In that era, There was no way out for Cheng Ruilong to do nothing, when the soldier became his first choice, Cheng Fangping also wanted to let his children go to the army to train, but there were also some hard conditions for joining the army, not only to assess physical fitness, but also to test cultural achievements.

Cheng Ruilong was bent on entering the army, he studied seriously for half a month, participated in two selections, but after the announcement of the admission results, he was not among the candidates, and the other candidate who participated with him, both of which were inferior to his, was admitted, which made Cheng Ruilong indignant.

This incident had a great impact on Jackie Ruilong, and later he said, "Becoming a soldier is my dream in life, if I really can't do it, there are excuses, but someone can directly enlist in the army if I can't do it, which makes me feel that many things in the world are balanced through relationships."

Since then, Jackie Chan has developed feelings of rejection and hatred for society.

After entering the society, Jackie Ruilong also met a small Pan, Pan often cheated and stole outside, and later, Pan let Jackie Ruilong go to pick up the truck on the 107 National Highway to steal some things to sell, And Jackie Ruilong was physically fit, thus joining the gang and becoming a habitual criminal.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

Later, Cheng Ruilong went to Foshan, Guangdong Province, riding a tricycle to collect waste, when he was young, he could earn fifty or sixty yuan a day, and when he could earn more than 100 yuan, he also took his brother to help collect waste.

This enviable salary does not satisfy Jackie Ruilong's desires, he feels that it is still too slow to collect waste to get money, and he always feels that it is fast to do some illegal things to make money, so he has engaged in stealing activities again.

As the saying goes, often walk by the river where can not wet shoes, in 1993, 20-year-old Jackie Ruilong was arrested for stealing, sentenced to two years of labor reform, at this time he already had a girlfriend, named Yao Lin, has become pregnant, the family have advised Yao Lin to beat up this child, followed by Jackie Ruilong has no future, but Yao Lin is unwilling, secretly gave birth to this child.

In May 1996, Jackie Ruilong was released from prison, at this time his son was more than a year old, Yao Lin did a little business, still wanted to live a good life with Jackie Ruilong, but Jackie Ruilong only said to her "I'm sorry for you", and then got together with the previous gang of bastard friends.

In the eyes of Cheng Ruilong, those brothers who were born into death are the ones who can really understand his heart, and Yao Lin has since stopped interacting with Cheng Ruilong and raised his children alone.

Jackie Ruilong also has a nickname called Lan Qirong, Lan Qirong has been mischievous since childhood, because the fried fish was fried off 1 hand, Lan Qirong is Jackie Ruilong's most trusted partner, in 1996, Lan Qirong returned to Foshan, neither of them had a serious job, often thinking about life in the house.

The gang decided to do a big vote and completely get rid of the trouble of not having money.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

Soon after, when the three of them were passing by the refrigeration factory of a hotel in Nanhai, Foshan, they found a stack of money on the desk of a boss, and Cheng Ruilong said to Lan Qirong, "This boss is quite rich, let's get him." This idea was agreed by Lan Qirong.

At that time, According to the routine of the film and television drama, Cheng Ruilong asked Lan Qirong to step on the point, follow the boss, and figure out his life rules and residence, and Cheng Ruilong bought several knives and black stockings for the lady.

Half a month later, Cheng Ruilong made a move, they tied the boss's wife and daughter to a secret place, and then began to blackmail the seafood shop owner, demanding that he pay a ransom of 300,000 yuan.

The boss said "I don't have that much money, only 200,000", Cheng Ruilong listened, nodded his head and agreed, and then told the boss that "no reporting is allowed, nor can you pay money later than 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, otherwise you will wait to collect the body."

After the boss left, Jackie Ruilong secretly followed the boss to see if he would call the police, only to see the boss driving a pickup truck back to the store to get money, and Cheng Ruilong was completely at ease.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

At 9 o'clock in the morning of the second day, the boss came to the designated place on time with 200,000 yuan in cash, and Cheng Ruilong, Lan Qirong and Cheng Sheng got the money, and Cheng Sheng walked behind, but was blocked by two people.

It turned out that the boss was afraid that Cheng Ruilong would not keep his promises, so he let two relatives in the family come over and directly captured Cheng Sheng, and several people sent Cheng Sheng to the police station, and later Cheng Sheng was sentenced to death.

On May 27, 1996, when the police arrested another accomplice, Cheng Haifang, on the side of The Road in Dalian City, they were met with resistance from Cheng Haifang, and Cheng Haifang was killed on the spot.

The loss of two hairs at once made Jackie Ruilong very sad, and after that, he began a 13-year fugitive life.

In his fugitive career, Jackie Ruilong wanted to turn himself in, but in his view, robbery was a very serious thing, and if he was caught, what awaited him would be a never-ending prison life or a death sentence, so he decided that once he embarked on this road, he could not turn back.

In the process of fleeing, he and Lan Qirong relied on each other for their lives, hid in Tibet, and would learn about the process of the seafood store robbery on the newsstand every day, thus avoiding the police's tracking, eating and sleeping, and moving away.

Jackie Ruilong did not dare to take a means of transportation, so he pickpocketed trains, stole bicycles, rode motorcycles, he carried more than a hundred thousand yuan in his pocket but did not dare to spend, as soon as he touched people wearing police uniforms, he quickly shrunk his neck and hid them in the collar, or blocked them with newspapers, turned his head and left.

In this way, Cheng Ruilong and Lan Qirong went to Wuzhou, Guangxi, and later to Guilin, Cheng Ruilong, alias Yang Guanghua, deposited the stolen 140,000 yuan into the Agricultural Bank of China's BBK branch, rented a house in the beautiful Seven Star Park, and squandered more than 100,000 stolen money, they felt that such a life was still too monotonous and boring, so they went out to find flowers and ask for willows.

In a sauna shop, Jackie Ruilong met his later girlfriend Li Mouru, the two quickly lived together, in the days of living with Li Mouru, Jackie Ruilong felt very happy and warm, he believed that this was true love, but this calm was broken shortly after.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

In April 1997, Cheng Ruilong and Li Mouru were seized by the local police while they were asleep, because Li Mouru was engaged in sauna massage, so the police confiscated more than 20,000 yuan obtained by Li Mouru as illegal gains, and the house where they lived was also sealed.

In this way, Cheng Ruilong and Li Mouru, who originally had a foothold, had no place to live, and their embarrassing life forced the two to return to their old business.

Li Mouru knew a boss Li who was very rich, and she suggested that Cheng Ruilong kidnap him, extort ten million yuan, and then abscond with this money, and from then on, the golden basin washed his hands, and Cheng Ruilong gladly accepted.

At 10:00 p.m. on April 14, 1997, Cheng Ruilong and Lan Qirong came to Boss Li's downstairs, and waited until 1 a.m., when they waited until Boss Li, who had just returned home, took a knife against his chest and tied his hands back with chains, Boss Li shouted desperately, at this time, Lan Qirong stabbed him in the stomach with a knife until he stopped making a sound, and then Cheng Ruilong stabbed Boss Li several times in the back, and Boss Li unfortunately died.

Cheng Ruilong later recalled the incident, saying, "Although more than ten years have passed, this is the first time I have done such a big thing, and I can often remember the situation that night."

After that, Cheng Ruilong went through various channels to listen to the progress of the case, sometimes picking up newspapers to read, sometimes going to newsstands or book stalls to buy newspapers to read relevant information, or watching TV news in restaurants during meals.

In the past 13 years, Jackie Chan, Li Bing, Huang Long, Lin Qiang, Li Hui, Zhou Quan and more than a dozen names have been used, and later he can't even remember his own name, and he is fully integrated into the role.

When fleeing to Hangzhou, Lan Qirong and Cheng Ruilong discussed getting a gun to continue to commit crimes in the future, Lan Qirong told Cheng Ruilong that he found a policeman with a gun at home, so he and Cheng Ruilong sneaked into the house, and when the police returned home, they smashed him with a hammer and grabbed a Type 77 pistol and 6 rounds of ammunition.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

It was through this gun that Cheng Ruilong later made several more cases.

On May 22, 1997, Jiang Minghua, the squadron leader of the patrol police detachment of the Foshan City Public Security Bureau, led the team member Deng Yongjian on official duties, and when they were preparing to withdraw at 10 p.m., they found that two men were suspicious, Jiang Minghua and Deng Yongjian went forward to check, Cheng Ruilong saw that the situation was not good, took out a pistol from his pocket, shot at Jiang Minghua and Deng Yongjian, two policemen were shot and killed, and then Cheng Ruilong shot and injured a policeman who came to support, and then fled.

Soon after, Lan Qirong was caught by the police and sentenced to death, and Cheng Ruilong was heartbroken.

In 2001, the Ministry of Public Security issued a national A-level wanted notice, and Cheng Ruilong became a key fugitive.

On January 18, 2005, Cheng Ruilong and a friend he later met, Zou Xiongyuan, stole a safe at a unit in Longnan County, Jiangxi Province, and then got on a bus with a huge amount of cash.

Who knew that at this time encountered the traffic police interrogation, zou Xiongyuan, who was carrying cash and several mobile phones at the time, was targeted by the police, Cheng Ruilong sat in the back row, seeing his friend killed, he drew his knife and stabbed a policeman, the police could not dodge, the face was stabbed, fell on the car, another police officer saw the situation, and quickly went forward to fight.

Cheng Ruilong, who was wielding a bayonet, scratched the arm of the policeman and jumped out of the car to escape, but the policeman with an injured arm also jumped down, picked up a stone on the side of the road, and smashed it hard at him.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

When the police questioned him, Cheng Ruilong claimed that he was a Fujianese, named Zhou Quan, whose parents died when he was a child, had no one to rely on, was displaced, was illiterate, had no identity card, and did not have a fixed residence.

Unable to verify his full identity information, he had no other relatives, and although the police thought he was suspicious, they did not interrogate the facts of the case, and there was no matching result in the database comparison, and he could only be sentenced to 7 years in prison for theft.

During his sentence, Jackie Ruilong was very active, receiving several commutation rewards from the prison, and according to the prison's commutation regulations, Cheng Ruilong would be released in May 2009, but at this time, he had a dispute with a prisoner in the same cell, injured him, and was sentenced to an additional year in prison by the court.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

On May 24, 2009, when the police of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Nanchang Municipal Public Security Bureau inquired through the online information system, they found that the comprehensive information of the criminals entered by the Longnan County Public Security Bureau in the robbery case handled in 2005 was very consistent with the information of Jackie Ruilong, which was reported by the Ministry of Public Security at that time, and immediately dispatched criminal investigation experts to start screening and verification.

After repeated review, it was confirmed that Zhou Quan was Cheng Ruilong, a Class A wanted criminal of the Ministry of Public Security who had absconded for 13 years, and then the police took Cheng Ruilong to the Jiangxi Provincial Detention Center for further review, and Cheng Ruilong put forward a condition, saying that he would look at Li Mouru's photo before he was willing to confess his crime, and finally the police agreed to his request, and Cheng Ruilong began to confess.

Shooting and killing three policemen, carrying 13 lives, absconding for 13 years, Cheng Ruilong is still unable to escape justice. If he hadn't been sentenced to another year for his misdeeds, he might well have escaped again.

After being sentenced to a year, Cheng Ruilong said, "Once I am released from prison, I must do a big vote", and what he said "big" is actually to kill the prison corrections police, who sorted out and reported the materials of Cheng Ruilong's beating of prisoners, resulting in the result of the increased sentence, fortunately, Cheng Ruilong's true identity was recognized by the police, and did not lead to worse results.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

During the interrogation, Jackie Chan said, "During the 13 years of escape, I lost happiness, family affection, happiness, family and humanity, parents, brothers and sisters, wives, and children were erased from the depths of memory, I have forgotten what their names are, I only remember my mother's surname He, January 10, 1973 is the day I was born."

On January 7, 2010, the sky in Foshan City was overcast, and the Intermediate People's Court tried Cheng Ruilong, and before the trial, Cheng Ruilong asked the detention center staff, "I want to wear new clothes, wear black-rimmed glasses, and dress neatly before I can appear in court for trial."

Jackie Ruilong's old father and brother bought him a pair of black slacks and flat glasses, which were handed over to him through the detention center personnel, at this time, Cheng Ruilong's father had long forgotten his appearance, when the police took a photo of Jackie Ruilong with a mobile phone, the father said that the first photo did not recognize, the second one looked a little similar.

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

In the courtroom, Cheng Ruilong looked calm, smiling, and speaking in a gentle tone, as if those crimes had nothing to do with him, and during the interrogation, he kept tapping the ground with his feet, crossed Erlang's legs and relaxed, looking back at the other people in the audience from time to time, who were very angry with him and said, "He can still laugh."

On February 21, 2010, the first-instance trial sentenced Cheng Ruilong to death for intentional homicide, robbery, and several crimes, and after Cheng Ruilong appealed, the court of second instance rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

Before the execution, some media interviewed Cheng Ruilong, he said, "What I have missed most in the past ten years is my family, I am still very happy to be arrested, I can finally meet my family, every time I hear the news of my family, I want to cry, for my children, I have not fulfilled my father's duties for so many years, I am very sorry."

The reporter asked Cheng Ruilong," Do you regret it? Cheng Ruilong replied, "I said in court, I can't die 10 times, I was sentenced to any sentence, this matter everyone on the earth knows, don't need me to say, if there is a future life, I will be a commoner, live a life in a down-to-earth manner, even if I pick up garbage, there are people who can get rich, I will not take this road again."

After absconding for thirteen years and killing his accomplices one after another, he asked before the execution: Why didn't my family come?

At 10:14 a.m. on November 2, 2010, 37-year-old Cheng Ruilong was escorted to a room of more than 20 square meters with handcuffs and shackles, the room was empty, only a single bed, Cheng Ruilong lay on the bed, stretched his arm out to another room, the executioner used scissors to cut his sleeve, and then injected him with some anesthetics.

After about a few minutes, the medical staff injected him with a specific drug, and two minutes later, a "drip" sound was heard on the instrument, and Jackie Chan bid farewell to the world.

All the staff members present had solemn expressions, and an indescribable feeling spread in the air, and the forensic doctor with white gloves came to Cheng Ruilong, opened his eyelids to check his pupils, and finally confirmed that he was dead, and the supervising prosecutor signed the death penalty supervision record.

Before the execution, Jackie Chan's last words were, "Why didn't my family come?" The answer was "Your family is reluctant to come, and the execution site is not suitable for your family to watch." This answer made Jackie Ruilong very sad and somewhat difficult to accept.

Cheng Ruilong did not see his family for the last time until his death.

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