
Hong Kong Entertainment: The right way to open the "Dawn of the Nineties Reddest"

author:Don tears

Preach in words. - Don Tears

The relationship between fans and stars is subtle and difficult to describe.

Regarding the matter of star chasing, many people, even if they are not young, their mentality is still like a teenager, hot and impulsive.

For example, disputes about "who is redder" can be seen in various comment areas at any time.

Leaving aside those low-quality statements.

In fact, the heart of the fist that justifies the idol's name is not shameful.

But there still needs to be a method.

For example, about the phrase "the reddest in the 1990s", how to open it correctly?

In fact, there is no need to brush the meme of the Star Ye movie "I love dawn".

Hong Kong Entertainment: The right way to open the "Dawn of the Nineties Reddest"

You should talk about the work.

Go back in time.

In 1985, at the age of nineteen, Dawn returned to Hong Kong to participate in a "Biquan Rising Star Competition", winning the championship but no one cared.

The following year, he set his sights on TVB's rookie competition, which was designed to send talent to Huaxing Records, such as the "Hong Kong Amateur Singing Competition", where the winner of the competition was generally included in the Polaroid Gold Account. For example, Jacky Cheung and Li Keqin, who debuted as the champion of the one-year competition before and after the foot, also signed a contract with Poly Gold as a singer.

This time Dawn got his wish, although it was only the third place, but it was good enough to reach the threshold of Hua Xing.

Years later, he recalled that the family itself did not agree to enter the entertainment circle, but the first-line opportunity left was to try, and if he failed, he would no longer be given the opportunity, and the result was that he won and entered the entertainment circle of his heart.

But to be fair, Dawn relies on the advantages of tall stature and youthful appearance, and the singing skills are really very ordinary.

After entering Huaxing, he was thrown aside and did not even have the opportunity to publish a record.

But no matter what, he seized the opportunity, whether it was chaotic or boring, and six years later he was crowned the King of Heaven.

And the four heavenly kings are all handsome for a while, and each is good at winning.

They are based on absolute market sales performance and horror popularity.

Jump to the top of the entertainment industry.

Hong Kong Entertainment: The right way to open the "Dawn of the Nineties Reddest"

1991's "Love is Love" was a blockbuster "bomb".

With this album, Dawn won the Hong Kong Top Ten Chinese Golden Song IFPI Annual Sales Champion Award, which can be described as a miracle for newcomers who have debuted in the music industry for two years and only released a second record.

At this time, it is time to talk about the work, not how many glow sticks there are at the award ceremony and how high the cheers are.

Frankly speaking, at this time, Dawn's singing skills are still childish, from biting words, vibrato and conversion, all show a lack of skill. However, the market performance has never been based on singing skills, and Dawn's advantages are the timbre and thick voice base, as well as the image of the "Prince of Deep Feelings" tailored for him by PolyGram, which has stirred up countless thoughts under the synthesis.

Since then, "Will You Come Tonight", "My Feelings" and "Close to You" and "Piled Up Emotions" have been released consecutively, and the singing ability has slowly improved, the breath and conversion control have been strengthened, especially the biting word has begun to become more comfortable.

Until 1993's "Summer Love", "Late Autumn Dawn" and "Dream Castle".

Dawn began to have the confidence of a heavenly king.

From this time on, it can be clearly felt that his ability to control the song has been enhanced, from biting words, vocalization to vibrato processing, have faded the traces of novices, and also began to apply resonance to enhance the texture and strength of the sound, and also began to have the ability and courage to try personal style exploration, especially "Dream Castle", the style began to be diverse.

The album's "Can't Push" and "Lonely Castle" and "Dancing Family" are all excellent, and the bass of "Lonely Castle" is particularly charming. From this album, his fast song is actually better than the slow song, but it is a pity that there is no Aaron Kwok's dance skills, otherwise it will be a great help.

This year, he won tvb's Most Popular Male Singer Award, which is also a no-brainer.

Since then, he has transformed into a mature singer.

Hong Kong Entertainment: The right way to open the "Dawn of the Nineties Reddest"

Relative to the song road, his film road also presents a slow heat situation.

Beginning with the one-shot dragon suit film "I Do" in 1985, he made cameo appearances and supporting roles in nine films, and in 1991's "YES Family", he began to adapt to the performance of commercial films, thus becoming a qualified commercial film actor.

After that, he experienced the experience of nine films, just like the singing skills polished, slowly faded into jerkiness, forming his own expression, the most radiant role of which was not the starring work, but a cameo in 1992 "Dragons And The Seas", a killer who used his life to save his father, the explosive force of the scene in the rain was particularly sufficient, and the skill layer of "Flying Fox" was no longer a problem.

Hong Kong Entertainment: The right way to open the "Dawn of the Nineties Reddest"

1994's Urban Romance was a landmark for Dawn.

He grasps the character's youthful rebellious characteristics very accurately, just the right kind of anger, the impulsiveness and recklessness of young people, and the deep affection, including the father-son relationship with Wu Mengda, which emerges one by one in Dawn's very open-minded performance, although the second half of the pager shouting plot is slightly deliberate and sensational, but the overall quality is quite high.

Then skip "Cactus" and "Fallen Angel" to Chen Kexin's "Sweet Honey" in 1996.

Dawn's fit with the character is almost full of points, and Li Xiaojun's innocence, shyness and simple purity, and complex mood are all in the story, but in the end, the movie swept through the golden statue, and Maggie Cheung was even more golden horse and golden statue after the double shadow, dawn did not receive anything.

But this result is also completely reasonable, because the opponent is too strong. Not only Maggie Cheung and Zeng Zhiwei in the play, but also the opponents encountered are also strong, zheng Zeshi in "Three Injured Policemen", even Zhang Guorong and Liu Qingyun have to drink and hate.

Then he successively made literary and artistic love movies such as "Half Life", "Love at First Sight" and "City of Glass", all of which received good responses.

But personally, I appreciate the "True Heart Hero" he and Liu Qingyun made.

There is a kind of dashing uninhibitedness of pleasure and vengeance.

Spanning the 1990s, there are not many works, but the yield rate is extremely high.

Hong Kong Entertainment: The right way to open the "Dawn of the Nineties Reddest"

In fact, the analysis of the work is far more interesting than the fan dispute.

Instead of repeating the machine propaganda, it is better to appreciate those song and shadow works more, and sing to the best place.

Isn't that what really makes sense?

Because only works have lasting power.

This is the right way to open "The Reddest of the Dawn nineties".

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