
In marriage, men really need these 3 kinds of "understanding", women don't understand!

It is not difficult to meet love between people, often only need an opportunity, only a moment, you can do this, and the difficulty is actually understanding. Many people just have a good start, but they don't have a good end, because they don't want to understand that others always bind each other in the name of love, whether it's love or affection or friendship.

In love, most of the women play a pampered role, and the man is the one who pampers others, and the one who is pampered for a long time has no fear, even arbitrary, unwilling to understand the man, and often eventually leads to the breakdown of the marriage, but it is too late to wait until that time. A smart woman must know that in marriage, men need these three understandings very much, even if he spoils you again, there is a bottom line.

In marriage, men really need these 3 kinds of "understanding", women don't understand!

1, his work is really tired

In today's society, many women always complain about the unfairness between men and women, feel that they have to wash and cook after marriage, take children to do housework, and feel that men are out smoking and drinking all day long, but this is not the case.

The responsibility on a man's shoulders is heavy, the responsibility is much heavier than you think, and his work is really tiring. Drinking was not what he really wanted, but he had no choice but to force himself to drink the spirit again and again for the sake of the family. What he wanted was understanding, the care of a wife, not waiting until he got home drunk and scolded by a woman.

In marriage, men really need these 3 kinds of "understanding", women don't understand!

2, his love for you is far deeper than you think

Men are actually more action-oriented than women, even after marriage, he still does it. He is reluctant to say so many sweet words, because actions are always more touching and more down-to-earth than sweet words.

In a man's mind, marriage is a down-to-earth life for two people, not to eat, drink and enjoy the prosperity of the world every day. His love for you takes time to prove, not that it can be expressed in three or two sweet words.

He doesn't like to say those hypocritical words, he wants to prove it with actions, so a smart woman will never ask this man to say anything to himself all day long, but can see the small details of a man's life and understand each other.

In marriage, men really need these 3 kinds of "understanding", women don't understand!

3, marriage is chai rice oil and salt, not wind and snow moon

Compared with women, men have a rational existence in their bones. Women are more emotional, and after marriage, women still want to live the kind of life in love, eating, shopping, watching movies, and the two people hold hands to press the road. But marriage doesn't allow you to meet these needs, because marriage is the future life of two people, a process that requires a lifetime.

In this process, chai rice oil and salt is the most important thing, and what men want is to give you a stable life and give yourself a stable family, not those wind and snow. It is also natural to have a little wind and snow moon once in a while, but every day there is a wind and snow moon, and no man can stand it.

In marriage, men really need these 3 kinds of "understanding", women don't understand!

Loving a person should learn to think from the perspective of the other party, do not think only about their own feelings, people who do not know how to consider others will never get real feelings, whether it is family friendship or love.

Men are not good at expressing, and women are delicate in their minds, so why not learn to tolerate each other and think from each other's point of view?

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