
Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game

On February 14, Beijing time, the 2021-22 NBA regular season was in full swing. Earlier today, the Clippers officially announced that team guard Norman Powell had been diagnosed with a fracture of the inner sesamoid bone in his left foot and had not yet decided whether to operate or not, nor did he return to the schedule, and would be out indefinitely.

Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game
Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game

Powell's injury occurred during a Feb. 11 game against the Lone Rangers. Toward the end of the third quarter, Powell landed unsteadily after an offensive layup. He then limped straight back to the sidelines on one leg.

Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game
Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game
Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game

For the Clippers, this is undoubtedly a major blow. In a recent trade, Powell was traded from the Trail Blazers to the Clippers. In his first game with the Clippers, Powell scored 28 points and four assists. He currently plays 3 times for the Clippers, averaging 26.7 minutes per game, can get 21 points, 3 rebounds and 4 assists, shooting 47.6% from the field and 42.9% from three-point range, which is very effective.

Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game

Powell was very happy when talking about joining the Clippers earlier, saying: "I think I can fit in the Clippers perfectly, I look forward to playing with George and Leonard, and I'm looking forward to what we can do when our team is healthy." Powell even said that when he played in the park game in 2020, Tyronelu was very interested in him, and Leonard sent him a text message.

Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game

However, after only three appearances, Powell suffered an injury that made the Situation worse for the Clippers. According to previous reports, the team's two superstars, George and Leonard, were unable to play due to injury. The Clippers are currently 28-30 and temporarily rank 8th in the West.

Clippers official announces an indefinite truce for new signings with a fractured left foot! The injury scene was exposed, and it was a pity to miss an average of 21 points per game

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