
SoFi Stadium doesn't just have the Super Bowl! Kroenke also laid out the World Cup and the Olympics ahead of schedule

On February 14, Beijing time, the 2022 NFL Super Bowl will be held at the SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, when the home team Los Angeles Rams will play against the Tigers from Cincinnati. It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that the newly built SoFi Stadium has hosted a super-large sports event, and in the future, the SoFi Stadium is also planned to be one of the venues for the 2026 World Cup, while hosting the opening and closing ceremonies and part of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

SoFi Stadium doesn't just have the Super Bowl! Kroenke also laid out the World Cup and the Olympics ahead of schedule

Kroenke spent $5 billion to build, and financial firm SoFi spent more than $600 million on naming rights

According to U.S. media reports, it cost more than $5 billion to build a SoFi stadium in Kroenke, and the government only gave partial tax subsidies during this period. In contrast, the newly relocated Raiders to Las Vegas only cost $1.8 billion at home, and adopted the form of working with the government to sell first and rent later to alleviate debt pressures, and Kroenke Sports Group is now fully in control of the operation of the SoFi Stadium, which can be described as a wealthy.

With SoFi Stadium set to be home to both the NFL Rams and lightning teams and hosts a number of influential mega sporting events, financial firm SoFi has reached a 20-year stadium sponsorship contract of more than $30 million a year. Coincidentally, with the completion of the stadium, the surrounding real estate and tourism industry will usher in a vigorous development, especially the Super Bowl held in 2022, coinciding with the Rams' home battle, the ticket price and expected revenue of this Super Bowl have increased significantly, enabling Kroenke Sports Group to quickly return funds, obtain revenue, and solve some of the debt problems.

SoFi Stadium doesn't just have the Super Bowl! Kroenke also laid out the World Cup and the Olympics ahead of schedule

The Super Bowl is just a starter, as the World Cup and the Olympics attract global attention

The 2026 World Cup will be jointly hosted by Canada- the United States - Mexico, and the 2028 Olympic Games will once again come to the City of Angels Los Angeles, when the surrounding infrastructure of the SoFi Stadium will be further improved, as the world's leading digital large-scale sports venue, it is bound to stimulate the sports economy consumption in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. In particular, the Los Angeles Olympics are expected to complete the opening and closing ceremonies at the SoFi Stadium, which is also the third Summer Olympic Games held in Los Angeles since 1932 and 1984, of which the 1984 Olympic Games are considered to be the most successful except for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and through extremely exquisite business operations, the Olympic Games have become a profitable business. However in recent years. The Hosting of the Olympic Games is often accompanied by a national financial crisis, which is also the last thing the bidding countries and the Olympic Organizing Committee want to see, so sports industry experts and enthusiasts are full of expectations for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

Although soFi stadiums have not yet been shortlisted for the 2026 World Cup, it is likely that they will eventually be selected with their successful Super Bowl experience. As the owner of the Premier League giants Arsenal, Kroenke is naturally also a way to make money from football clubs and venue operations, and in the United States, where football culture is not prevalent, the experience of Premier League clubs will be incorporated into the Hosting of the World Cup, and it is expected that Klenke Sports Group will play a more important role at that time.

SoFi Stadium doesn't just have the Super Bowl! Kroenke also laid out the World Cup and the Olympics ahead of schedule

The average Super Bowl ticket costs about $7,000, and a parking space is even harder to find

According to the latest data given by the US research institute on February 12, the average ticket price on the Super Bowl ticket sales website has reached nearly $7,000, and this number will continue to rise as time approaches, which is jaw-dropping. In addition to the hot ticket sales, parking reservations during the Super Bowl are even more outrageous, if you want to enter the nearest parking lot, you need to pay $5700 parking fee, equivalent to a back row ticket price, and the latest data on the ticket reservation website shows that the average sales price of nearby parking spaces is also as high as $500, such a high threshold will undoubtedly make many people prohibitive, but for Rams diehards and local residents of Los Angeles, At that price, a home Super Bowl game for a home team, and a midfield show with a super-strong lineup, are also totally worth it for them.

(Fu Yanxiang)

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