
Apple foundry Lixun precision to take over Chery shares Hengchi 5 into the list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

1. Lixun Precision, a well-known Apple foundry in China, announced today that it intends to jointly establish a joint venture with Chery Group, specializing in the research and development and manufacturing of new energy vehicles. Lixun Precision's controlling shareholder, Lixun Limited, signed an equity transfer agreement with Chery shareholder Qingdao Wudaokou, whereby Lixun Limited will purchase 19.88% of Chery Holdings, 7.87% of Chery Shares and 6.24% of Chery New Energy's shares held by Qingdao Wudaokou for RMB 10.054 billion. Before the equity was transferred, Qingdao Wudaokou held 46.77% of the equity of Chery Holdings, which was the largest shareholder of Chery Holdings.

Apple foundry Lixun precision to take over Chery shares Hengchi 5 into the list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Independent car review: When Chery Group wanted to mixed reform before, many investors did not dare to take Chery's equity at that time, and finally the state-owned Qingdao Wudaokou took over the market to help Chery transform. At present, with the Dongfeng of new energy vehicles, Luxshare Precision obviously wants to emulate Foxconn to accelerate the entry of cars.

2. In January this year, Jianghuai Automobile delivered a total of 1,043 vehicles in Mexico, achieving a good start, with sales increasing by more than 200% over January 2021, and sales exceeded 1,000 units for two consecutive months. In January, the main deliveries in Mexico were E10X and IC5. It is reported that in Mexico, Jianghuai Automobile Car Rental Company has achieved batch delivery and delivery by large customers of insurance companies. In addition to Mexico, JAC Motors will continue to deepen its efforts throughout the Latin American market and expand its business to more countries.

Independent car review: Jianghuai Automobile's domestic sales performance in January was decent, but its performance in overseas markets was very eye-catching. As an important automobile production base in the US market, Mexico produces many brands of new cars, but JAC Motors has successfully entered this market, which is enough to show JAC's success in overseas market development.

Apple foundry Lixun precision to take over Chery shares Hengchi 5 into the list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

3. Since February 10, FAW-Volkswagen has released "ID. New Year Script Killing Matchup" at the Beijing ID. City Experience Store, which has attracted many young people to participate, and the event will last until February 13. In recent years, with the script killing surpassing the singing K, bungee has become the new favorite of young people's entertainment, and the public has also integrated the script killing into the offline experience store to improve the customer entry rate. At present, the Chinese market has become one of the fastest growing regions in the world, and the cumulative sales volume of the Volkswagen ID. series in China in 2021 will be 70,600 units.

Autonomous car review: Although major car companies are opening experience stores in the business district, this is the first time that the marketing initiative of directly killing the script like Volkswagen has been seen.

4. Xiaopeng Motors, a new car-making force, issued a statement saying that it will cooperate with Local Partners Emil Frey Nederland and Bilia in Europe to establish sales and service partnerships in the Netherlands and Sweden to start selling Chinese-made cars locally, while the Xiaopeng Automobile brand retail experience store will also open in Sweden and the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2022. At present, there are already domestic car companies such as Aichi, WM, Weilai and BYD entering the European market.

Apple foundry Lixun precision to take over Chery shares Hengchi 5 into the list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Independent car review: Perhaps seeing the success of Weilai Automobile and Aiways in Europe, as one of the leading enterprises of new domestic car manufacturing forces, Xiaopeng Automobile will naturally not let go of the European market. Rolling out sales channels, Xiaopeng Motors' performance in Europe is worth looking forward to.

5. Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the 353rd batch of "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Product Announcements" vehicle new product publicity list, of which Evergrande New Energy Automobile (Tianjin) Company declared the pure electric multi-purpose passenger car Hengchi 5 is impressively listed. As Evergrande Automobile's first mass-produced model, Hengchi 5 officially rolled off the production line at the Tianjin plant on December 30 last year, 12 days ahead of the original plan. Hengchi 5 positioning mid-to-high-end luxury SUVs, in order to roll out sales as soon as possible, Hengchi's first batch of experience centers will be opened in key cities such as Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Independent car review: Evergrande Automobile's first model Hengchi 5 entered the declaration form of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but there must still be a long way to go before the real delivery.

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