
Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

On February 14, Beijing time, the Beijing Winter Olympics are in full swing, and athletes from all over the world are striving to win a medal in the best posture. At the same time, athletes are also enjoying the many fun brought by the Winter Olympics, American bobsleigh athlete Summer Britcher just came to the Olympic Village, was deeply attracted by Chinese tai chi, she and her companions imitated the tai chi master on TV to learn "Chinese kung fu", very into the drama. Summer also posted a video praising the bed in beijing's Winter Olympic Village, calling it the best in the world. She shared what the remote control for the bed looks like, introducing how mattresses can be raised and lowered to multiple positions for maximum comfort.

Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence
Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

On the other hand, many athletes are also deeply attracted by Chinese food, and American snowboarder Tessa Maud praised Chinese food, claiming that after coming to the Olympic Village, she finally ate authentic Chinese food, which is the best Chinese food she has ever eaten. Tessa Maud's video on social media has received countless likes from netizens, sharing that on her last day in China, Tessa Maud choked up several times, stressing that she was reluctant to be here, and as she spoke, she shed tears of parting.

Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

In addition, Janice Spitery, Malta's only athlete competing in the snowboard women's U-shaped track skills qualifier, said in an interview with CCTV: Chinese food is her favorite, and she eats 6 bean bags a day. Julia Marino, an American who won the silver medal in the Women's Slope Steeplechase At the Winter Olympics, said in an interview with the media that she likes Chinese dumplings too much, and she may have eaten more than 200 dumplings before and after. However, Chinese cuisine could not conquer the stomach of the South Korean delegation.

Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

Some time ago, a number of South Korean participants said that China's diet is too greasy, no nutrition, went to the canteen once, never want to go again, and some people said that seeing such a recipe, immediately want to go home, "food country" is a big disappointment, but it turns out that Korean athletes are too picky, or deliberately looking for things, because the Beijing Winter Olympics have a total of as many as 678 recipes, it can be said that the Full Han, Asian flavor, European flavor are available, of course, to meet the needs of Korean athletes, The Beijing Winter Olympic Committee said it would try to make the South Korean delegation as satisfying as possible.

Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

However, the Korean team's affairs are far from ending like this. Speed Skating Men's 500 Meters Award Ceremony, south Korean player Che Minkui wiped the podium a scene caused widespread discussion, for this reason, Che Minkui was also attacked by various netizens, some people said that Che Minkui is not worthy of such a move, the Korean team's various behaviors on the field have not been forgotten? Many netizens even moved out the video of the Canadian athletes wiping the podium at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, which also made Che Minkui dumbfounded, after all, in this Winter Olympics, no one touched Che Minkui, but what the South Korean team did at that time, he knew best.

Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

Perhaps feeling pressure from the outside world, Che Minkui then clarified that his action of wiping the podium did not mean anything else, and he just wanted to respectfully walk up to the podium. However, this scene was punched in the face by the video moved out by People's Daily Sports, which showed that in a previous interview, Che Minkui said that he made such a move to express his dissatisfaction with some athletes taking doping. Probably after seeing this video, Che Minkui then changed his speech, stressing that such a move was not aimed at China, but at Russia and Austria.

Punch in the face! Che Minkui explained the reason for wiping the podium, and the People's Daily immediately changed its mouth after moving out the evidence

It is ironic that the actions of others mocking the Korean team were used by the Korean team to mock other athletes. The speed skating men's 500m laurel was won by China's Gao Tingyu, and it was clear that the South Korean team was unwilling to lose and could not afford to lose. No matter who Che Minkui's action was aimed at, he should not behave like this on such an occasion.

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