
Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

Author: Mu Tong

Human emotions are completely different on February 14!!!!!

Pairs of lovers sprinkle love dog food on this day, but single dogs only feel deep "malice";

People who have lost love are crying about the pain of love on this day, and people who are unrequited love are experiencing the pain of lovesickness on this day;

Some people confess on this day, and some people propose on this day!

The mother-fetal single she/he continues to solo without suspense on this day...

All in all, 365 days, the most unfriendly day for single dogs is Valentine's Day!

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

Every year after the Spring Festival is followed by Valentine's Day, relatives and friends in order to let me get off the single valentine's day, hard work year after year, never succeeded, this year is the same.

So, on this sweet day, let's talk about it, as a test single dog, the fate of blind dates being rejected, to help everyone's happiness!!!


First, let's talk about our own conditions!

Happy Valentine's Day

Single dog, female, 91 years, master's degree, height 161, weight 44kg, general appearance, personality like a combination of Aries and Pisces, love to read, paint, write articles, play badminton, travel, do food, have no housing, parents are alive, healthy, carefree, self-awareness is clear, not good and far-reaching, mate selection requirements are not high, the three views are consistent, the door is right. Due to the failure of blind dates many times, it has not been so dead as the gender card! Hahahahahahahahaha

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"


Rejection is the main reason for the failure of blind dates

Blind date male number one, originally chatted well, when we talked about the profession, found that I was working in the laboratory department, he rejected me on the spot, thinking that he did not say or do anything wrong, such a rejection a bit embarrassed me, he asked the reason, he said he wanted to find a practicing doctor, not a technician like me! I laughed and asked him, "What, you still need a practicing doctor's license to get married now?" ”

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

Blind date man number two, about to meet at a hot pot restaurant, he is a more talkative person, full of curiosity about things, he asked where are the used blood specimens? I jokingly said that I sold it to a hot pot restaurant to make blood tofu. Later, I found out that the blood tofu he ordered was all left! He also asked the laboratory if it was only a blood test? I talked about testing urine,, sputum, secretions, parasites, and so on. Oh, we also do PCR, and now we do the nucleic acid testing of the new crown virus. When he came home after dinner, he blacked me out, probably afraid of becoming a close contact!

Blind date male number three, because I have the habit of washing hands frequently, dislike me for having a cleaning habit, as a test person, I clearly know how many bacteria there are on my hands...

Blind date male number four hates me for needing to work the night shift and can't take care of the family, he wants to find a Kochi nanny-type girlfriend, I am not suitable for him;

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

Blind date male number five "dislike" I have a higher education than him, in the name of loving me let me change to a more idle post, widen the gap with his salary, but my doctor is benevolent, can not let him eat soft rice hard, not good for his stomach!

Blind date male number six...

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

Hey, I don't want to say it, it's all tears!

Do we test the peach blossom of no love for girls? Gentlemen, take a look at the girls in the laboratory:

You see, most of the clinical departments of the top three hospitals are master's degrees (serious volumes), which one is not holding a few SCI in his hand, doing experiments, writing articles, proper highly educated women, even if the county ordinary second-class is also a bachelor's degree start;

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"
Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"
Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"
Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

You see, the back of the hard-working reagent and pouring waste liquid, the girls in the laboratory department are absolutely bitter and hard-working, but they can't open the cap of the beverage bottle;

You see, the appearance of patient communication with patients at the window is a high emotional intelligence of the laboratory girls;

You see, the careful review of the report looks like a scene at home checking the child's homework;

You see, every day for the stool phlegm dirty and smelly specimens to do tests, the laboratory girls are never pretentious, not pretentious, have a princess heart, but no princess disease;

You see, the way the emergency department patients rushed to rush in time, the girls in the laboratory were like angel wings;

You see, the calm and calm look of solving the emergency situation is definitely a girl who is reliable in doing things;

You see, the neat collection of reagent cartons, the girls in the laboratory department are all good wives who will live a life;

You see, every day with AIDS, syphilis, new crown and other viruses, the laboratory girl is like a beautiful girl warrior!

You see......

Blind date to see the medical certificate, the number of laboratory girls in the "lover robbery"

Don't look, find a girl in the laboratory department as a girlfriend, blood does not lose money!

Girls in the laboratory, this object can be !!!


Editor: Wenwu Cheng Reviewer: Chen Xueli

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