
Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday

author:Dredging of tung salary

Just because he said the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official sports team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday!

Aaron Blunck, an American freestyle ski U-pool athlete, said he had seen all sorts of irresponsible reports about the Beijing Winter Olympics in the United States: "Those are all fake. Everything was remarkable. Everyone, from the staff to the nucleic acid testers, to the accommodation conditions, this is the high level of the Winter Olympics we have participated in. ”

All this can only show that they are really panicked, and that their lies to deceive their people are about to wear out.

As a well-known person, this athlete can be banned just because he has spoken a word of truth, let alone foreigners who want to tell the truth. You see, even the number of the understanding king has not been updated for a long time, and I really miss him a little.

I think American athletes should already know why, before they come to Beijing for the Winter Olympics, U.S. government officials ask them not to bring their phones. Now I understand why every athlete in the gift pack has a gifted mobile phone.

#I want to be on the micro headlines ## I want to be on the headlines ##冬奥会 #

Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday
Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday
Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday
Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday
Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday
Just because he told the truth about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the account of the American athlete was blocked, which is the freedom of speech in the United States, even if the official Sports Team of the United States has just wished him a happy birthday

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