
Affectionate single-minded, gentle and sweet constellation: in search of a soul mate, love is the journey of dreams

In the eyes of many people, affection and gentleness are undoubtedly synonymous with Pisces, she was born for love, with a strong water element, love often has a "deep rain" performance, giving people a feeling of love to the pure.

In my opinion, love is the most wonderful part of Pisces's life, once she enters love, she often behaves wholeheartedly, just like a child entering the fairy tale world, feeling that the whole world is full of pink bubbles, and it is easy to lose herself.

Obviously, Pisces always treats her lover as the whole world in love, she is full of fantasies in love, and the tender water-like characteristics of the body are played to the fullest, giving people a very wonderful sense of love experience.

Affectionate single-minded, gentle and sweet constellation: in search of a soul mate, love is the journey of dreams

As we all know, the guardian planet of Pisces is Neptune, which represents many spiritual meanings, such as dream and transcendence, platonic love, etc., implying that fish have a unique secret garden.

Under the influence of Neptune, the spiritual world of Pisces is like an unfathomable ocean, full of all kinds of beautiful things, but there are also places where the sun can't shine.

When the wind is calm, you may see the colorful stones under the sparkling water, but when the wind is strong, you can't see whether there are any giant beasts coveting under the water.

Affectionate single-minded, gentle and sweet constellation: in search of a soul mate, love is the journey of dreams

Simply put, Pisces' inner world is generally incomprehensible, and she is very good at hiding her inner emotions, especially when an emotion encounters adversity.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Pisces in the hot love period is like the calm lake, you can easily see her heart, see her deep singleness to you, see her dependence on your dreams.

However, Pisces in this state is often prone to love brains, she regards you as her own world, is very sensitive to your every move, and once she feels that she has been snubbed, she always acts sentimental and especially likes to think wildly.

Affectionate single-minded, gentle and sweet constellation: in search of a soul mate, love is the journey of dreams

Obviously, Pisces has a delicate heart, and is particularly prone to insecurity in love, but her response measures are not very clever, mainly manifested as inexplicable tantrums, various details, and often saying the opposite, making people have a feeling of yin and yang weirdness.

Some people say that the emotionally frustrated Pisces seems to be often cloudy, and it takes more patience to be with her, and is good at catching her emotional changes, and when the fish are troubled in their hearts, give her a little more tenderness and create a romantic atmosphere, often can turn the situation around.

In fact, Pisces is a very emotional person, under the influence of Neptune, she always pays great attention to the resonance between the souls, especially likes the feeling of tacit understanding with each other in love, and longs for you to be able to capture her thoughts from her eyes.

Affectionate single-minded, gentle and sweet constellation: in search of a soul mate, love is the journey of dreams

However, it is not an easy task for anyone to find a soul fit, so pisces in love mood fluctuations will often appear more obvious, talk about sweet love with her, in addition to enough love, you also have to have a certain wisdom in life.

From this point of view, Pisces in love especially needs a warm romantic, optimistic and humorous, mature and stable other half, giving her a relaxed, sweet and warm feeling, which not only satisfies her fantasy of love, but also allows her to have a sense of peace of mind.

When alone, Pisces often seems to be more "mournful", and many negative emotions come to the face, especially the feeling of loneliness, which is difficult to get rid of.

Affectionate single-minded, gentle and sweet constellation: in search of a soul mate, love is the journey of dreams

At this time, the scenes of the past always unconsciously float in pisces's heart, which not only enhances her feeling of needing to be loved, but also makes her more and more nostalgic for the past, and engraves everything in the past in her heart.

Some people say that the young Pisces focuses all her attention on her lover, and love is like a journey into her dreams, she keeps dreaming until she finds that she is not human, and the dream is reduced to thousands of pieces in the midst of gain and loss.

Time flies, Pisces's desire for sweet love has not changed, but she has become stronger and more realistic, and once she finds herself to be a dispensable person in your heart, she will often quietly turn around and leave you with an impressive back.

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