
Report on the implementation of the 2021 national economic and social development plan of Deyang City and the draft plan for 2022

author:Deyang released

Report on the implementation of the 2021 national economic and social development plan of Deyang City and the draft plan for 2022

On January 6, 2022, at the first meeting of the Ninth People's Congress of Deyang City

Deyang Municipal Development and Reform Commission


Entrusted by the Municipal People's Government, the implementation of the 2021 National Economic and Social Development Plan and the draft plan for 2022 are hereby submitted to the General Assembly for deliberation, and the members of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the participants are invited to put forward their opinions.

I. Implementation of the national economic and social development plan for 2021

2021 is a landmark year in the history of the party and the country, and it is also the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan". In the face of the century-old changes and the world epidemic, the whole city adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implements the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, under the supervision and support of the municipal people's congress and the municipal CPPCC, adheres to the work idea of "stabilizing agriculture, strengthening industry, promoting consumption, expanding domestic demand, grasping projects, emphasizing innovation, smooth circulation, and improving quality", and strives to promote the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the central Chengdu-Chongqing region and the development strategy of the provincial party committee Chengde mei capital and capital. Coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, do a solid job in the "six stability" [1] work, fully implement the "six guarantees" [2] task, and the city's economy has shown a development trend of "stability in reinforcement, stability and quality improvement". The annual regional GDP was 265.656 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7% year-on-year, and the per capita regional GDP exceeded the mark of 70,000 yuan; the added value of industries above designated size increased by 10.4% year-on-year, the added value of the service industry increased by 9.5% year-on-year, and the added value of agriculture increased by 7.3% year-on-year; the investment in fixed assets in the whole society increased by 11.7% year-on-year, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 18.7% year-on-year, and the general public budget revenue increased by 12.6% year-on-year. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 8.6% and 10.4% respectively year-on-year; the consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.1% year-on-year; the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was controlled at 3.36%, and the national economic and social development plan goals deliberated and approved by the Sixth Session of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress were fully completed, and new progress and new results were achieved in various undertakings.

(1) Focus on transformation and upgrading, and steadily improve economic quality and efficiency

The development of the five leading industries has accelerated. Equipment manufacturing, medicine and food, advanced materials, general aviation, electronic information and digital economy above designated size industrial added value increased by 10.4%, 13.8%, 7%, 13.8%, 11.4% respectively year-on-year, the annual industrial operating income above designated size of 349.76 billion yuan, an increase of 21% year-on-year, of which Chengde high-end energy equipment industry cluster became one of the country's 25 advanced manufacturing clusters, was rated as one of the top 100 manufacturing cities in the country, the first batch of digital transformation promotion centers in the province, Ranked among the top 100 cities in the digital economy. A number of major high-end manufacturing projects such as Chaozhou Third Ring Road, Jiangsu Hengtong, and Steel Research Gaona have settled in Deyang. Promote the "100,000,000, in-depth" [3] project, build 610,000 square meters of new standardized factory buildings, an increase of 21.8% year-on-year, revitalize 2,004 mu of inefficient idle land, and reserve 12,491 mu of "net land". Jiannanchun Group and other 4 enterprises entered the list of 100 large enterprise groups in the province, ranking third in the province, the net increase of more than 50 industrial enterprises above designated size, the city's enterprises above designated size reached 1298 households, ranking second in the province. Accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy industry demonstration park and graphene industry demonstration park。

The modern service industry improves the quality and development. Deeply implement the nine special actions of the service industry, promote the signing and landing of a number of key projects such as Deyang (58) Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park, Tianli Health Vocational College, Huayi Brothers Star Theater, etc., promote the construction of a number of key projects such as Jingdong Southwest Operation Center, Anbixin Deyang Railway Logistics Park, Mianzhu Rose Valley, etc., and the added value of the service industry has exceeded the 100 billion mark and reached 109.19 billion yuan, and the contribution of the service industry to the city's economic development has been highlighted. Successfully approved as a national service industry standardization pilot city, Jingyang was selected as a strong service industry area in the province, Shifang was awarded the national e-commerce into the rural comprehensive demonstration county, Guanghan successfully created Tianfu Tourism County, mianzhu Nianhua Village was selected as the first batch of "Tianfu Tourist Village". Successfully created the Sanxingdui National Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Demonstration Zone, compiled the "Sanxingdui National Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Demonstration Zone Construction Implementation Plan", planned more than 100 projects in 10 aspects, the government investment exceeded 15 billion yuan, completed the construction of Sanxing Avenue and other projects, Sanxingdui Museum received tourists by 380% year-on-year, and the comprehensive income increased by 452% year-on-year.

Modern agriculture has developed steadily. Continuing to implement the rural revitalization strategy, Zhongjiang was selected as one of the first batch of national agricultural modernization demonstration zones, Jingyang and Guanghan were among the demonstration counties of agricultural production socialization services in the province, and 101 villages achieved the whole village agricultural production trusteeship service. Fully implement the same responsibility of the party and government for food security, the circulation of land is 1.382 million mu, the turnover rate is 43.2%, the proportion of high-standard farmland in the city's cultivated land area is 72%, the grain sown area is 4.691 million mu, the total grain output is 1.994 million tons, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of agricultural production is 73.5%. Earnestly implement the "vegetable basket" administrative head responsibility system, a total of 375 new reform and expansion farms, the creation of 20 standardized farms, 2.704 million pigs out of the pen, 79 million small poultry out of the pen, aquatic products of 68,000 tons. Actively carry out the cultivation of modern agricultural parks, Accelerate the construction of Deyang Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park and Northwest Sichuan Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Park, Deyang Agricultural Science and Technology Park was selected as a national science and technology park, and a total of 2 national agricultural (science and technology) parks and 4 provincial star parks have been built. Successfully held the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival.

(2) Focus on high-quality development and accelerate the cultivation of growth momentum

The quality and efficiency indicators are stable and good. In the context of the in-depth implementation of various tax reduction and fee reduction policies, the growth rate of general public budget revenue is higher than the provincial average, of which tax revenue increased by 16% year-on-year, and the tax accounted for 64.2%, ranking third in the province. The economic capacity of financial service entities has been continuously improved, the balance of local and foreign currency loans of financial institutions ranked fourth in the province year-on-year, the deposit-loan ratio exceeded 60% for the first time, 15 financial institutions settled in the modern financial industrial park, and the Deyang branch of Mianyang Commercial Bank was officially opened. The year-on-year growth rate of per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 2.9 and 2 percentage points higher than that of last year, respectively, and the ratio of per capita disposable income of rural and urban residents was 0.8 percentage points higher than that of last year. The number of new market entities exceeded 30,000, private investment accounted for 63.6% of the total social fixed asset investment, 12 "Sichuan Top 100 Private Enterprises", ranking second in the province, and the added value of the private economy accounted for 57.3% of GDP.

The ability to innovate continues to increase. The intensity of R&D investment in the whole society reached 3.2%, ranking second in the province, and it was successfully rated as a pilot city of "Science and Technology Innovation China", and the Sensor Valley in western China was approved as a provincial sensor industry incubation center and a sensor innovation center sub-center. Twenty-five articles of science and technology innovation were introduced, 12 new national specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises [4], 36 high-tech enterprises, and 3 projects such as Dongfang Electric's 5G boutique industrial private network were listed on the list of industrial Internet benchmarking projects. It took the lead in carrying out scientific and technological projects in the province, releasing 53 lists and 26 unveilings, and 14 scientific and technological achievements won the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. Establish the National Science and Technology Innovation Convergence Platform Deyang Center, Deyang Military-Civilian Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, Southwest UAV Airworthiness Approval Joint Research Center, etc., and add 2 provincial engineering technology research centers, 12 enterprise technology centers, 7 municipal key laboratories, 8 engineering (technology) research centers, and 3 excellent grade engineering laboratories in the annual year, ranking second in the province. China's double large casting and forging numerical simulation engineering laboratory re-entered the national laboratory sequence.

Consolidation and expansion of effective investment. Taking the "three-to-three look" [5] activities as the overall plan, conscientiously implement the "three libraries and one table" [6] system, strengthen the reserve, transformation, construction and production of projects, and complete 748 fixed asset investment project reserves throughout the year, with a total planned investment of 367.177 billion yuan; 1456 projects under construction, with a planned total investment of 331.41 billion yuan; and 1179 completed projects, with a total investment of 67.61 billion yuan. Establish and improve the "list system + responsibility system + sales number system", "penalty ball", "red and black list" and other supervision mechanisms, 504 provincial and municipal key projects have completed investment of 104.7 billion yuan, the annual investment completion rate is 140%, and the investment in fixed assets in the whole society has entered the province's red list for three consecutive quarters. Give full play to the role of major project special classes, compile the "Deyang City "14th Five-Year" Major Project Construction Implementation Plan", plan 316 major projects of 1 billion yuan or more, with a total investment of 1,173.3 billion yuan and a planned investment of 638.7 billion yuan. Strive for 1.212 billion yuan of funds in the provincial budget, an increase of 9.9% year-on-year, of which the affordable housing project is 570 million yuan, ranking second in the province; and strive for new local bonds of 11.574 billion yuan, ranking first in the province in incremental growth.

(3) Focus on regional coordination and promote the in-depth development of integrated development

Chengde and the same city have become effective. The "Chengdu-Chongqing Area Twin Cities Economic Circle Comprehensive Transportation Development Plan", "Chengdu-Chongqing Area Twin Cities Economic Circle Multi-level Rail Transit Planning", "Chengdu Metropolitan Area Development Plan" were approved by the state and province, "Chengde Lingang Economic And Industrial Belt Construction Plan" and "Deyang City to Promote the Development of Chengde Tongcheng City "14th Five-Year Plan" were issued and implemented, and Kaizhou New City successfully entered the Chengde Meizi Urbanization Comprehensive Pilot Zone. The Chengdu Three Ring Road Dedu section was completed and opened to traffic, the G5 Chengmian high-speed expansion began construction, the northern extension of Tianfu Avenue progressed smoothly, the Huaqiangou Reservoir was basically completed, and the Tongjiang Reservoir, Gaojingguan Reservoir and other projects accelerated the preliminary stage. About 100 trains run between Chengdu and Germany every day, and the city terminal has added Tianfu International Airport, and the two terminals have transported a total of 270,000 passengers. Guanghan, Xindu and The University of Petroleum jointly built the province's first cross-municipal oil and gas industry ecosystem, accelerated the construction of the PengshiChuanqian Modern Agricultural Park, and the two integrated development demonstration points of Qingguang Education City and Jinzhong Lantern Industry were included in the first batch of high-quality demonstrations at the junction. Chengde Meizi cross-city communication matters reached 100 items, paired schools increased to 85 pairs, 2151 designated medical institutions opened direct settlement for medical treatment in different places, housing provident fund four cities mutual recognition and mutual loans, state-owned construction land use rights across cities auction.

The quality of the city has been significantly improved. The achievements of the creation of the national civilized city and the national domestic garbage classification demonstration city have been comprehensively consolidated, and they have been selected as the pilot cities for the ecological environment construction in the province in 2021 and the pilot cities for urban physical examination in the province in 2021. Further optimize the urban spatial layout, Tianfu Jingcheng, Tianfu Shugu and other new urban areas gradually take off, the built-up area of the central urban area reached 90.7 square kilometers, the permanent population of 825,000 people, the city's permanent population urbanization rate of 57.5%. Compiled 613 urban organic renewal projects with a total investment of 340.527 billion yuan, launched the ecological transformation project on both sides of Jinghu Lake and the ecological restoration project of Donghu Mountain and Cultural and Entertainment City, accelerated the construction of a number of public service projects such as the fifth generation hospital in the north of Deyang People's Hospital, accumulated 287 kilometers of new (reconstructed) urban roads, started the renovation of 6796 sets of dangerous old houses in shantytowns throughout the year, 608 old residential areas, benefiting 37879 households, adding 49 elevators to old residential areas, building urban parks, street green spaces, There are 30 stamp parks, the implementation of Tianyuan and Shitingjiang sewage treatment plants to upgrade the standard, the construction of a new urban sewage pipe network of 126 kilometers.

The county economy is booming. Jingyang and Guanghan were respectively selected into the list of the top 100 counties in Sichuan Province, Guanghan and Shifang achieved ranking improvement in the "Top 100 Counties in Western China", mianzhu was selected as china's top 100 counties with the most development potential, and in 2021, China's top 100 counties with tourism development potential. The re-identification of characteristic towns has achieved phased results, and mianzhu rose characteristic towns and Shifang cigar characteristic towns have been successfully selected as characteristic towns in Sichuan Province, second only to Chengdu in number; Luojiang basalt fiber characteristic towns have entered the list of characteristic towns in Sichuan Province. Strengthen the project of making up for the shortcomings of the grass-roots infrastructure, complete the 89.3 km of the unimpeded project of the established villages, upgrade and transform 1215 rural passenger greeting stations, and complete the acceptance of 27 small reservoirs to remove risks and strengthen the project. The main body of the G545 Mianzhu to Maoxian section was completed, and the Dezhong and Deluo trunk roads were promoted in an orderly manner, and it is planned to be fully completed in 2022.

(4) Focus on reform and opening up, and continue to stimulate development vitality

Reform in key areas has been carried out in depth. Successfully ranked among the top 100 cities in China for competitiveness. 15 national-level and 14 provincial-level reform pilots have achieved remarkable results, the experience of "ten micro-reforms" in grass-roots governance has been promoted nationwide, and the Sichuan Institute of Construction and the Civil Aviation Flight Academy have each unveiled a national comprehensive innovation and reform task. The reform of "decentralization service" [7] has been deepened, and the city's business environment evaluation has ranked among the top 3,200 matters in the province to achieve "one thing at a time", handling 723 "Sichuan-Chongqing Tongtong Office" matters [8], taking the lead in realizing the remote evaluation of cross-transaction system for engineering construction project bidding and bidding in the province, and the "Credit China (Deyang, Sichuan)" has more than 1.4 billion pieces of information in storage, providing 18,600 inquiries for enterprises, and repairing the credit of 325 untrustworthy enterprises in the region. Relying on China Electronics and Tsinghua University to build a government information resource sharing and exchange platform, the annual exchange of data reached 4.48 billion times. The overall task of reforming state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises has exceeded 68%, ranking the forefront of the province. Innovatively carry out the rural "three changes" reform [9] and the "five societies" practice[10], the collective economic net income of 26 pilot villages is more than 3.3 million yuan, and 5419 property rights transactions have been completed through the Agricultural Exchange, with a transaction amount of 82.1 billion yuan and a maximum premium of 11.5 times.

High-level openness and cooperation have been deepening. Deyang International Railway Logistics Port was awarded the "Chengdu China-Europe Express Deyang Base", "Rong-Europe + ASEAN Countries Train Deyang Base", "Rong-Europe +" ASEAN International Train exceeded 100 trains, and the railway freight volume increased by 21.5% year-on-year. Deepening cross-regional cooperation in industrial functional areas, Deyang Economic Development Zone and Yubei Airport Industrial Park successfully declared the first batch of cooperation demonstration parks in Sichuan and Chongqing, and Jinshan Military-Civilian Integration Industrial Park accelerated its integration into the Mianyang Military-Civilian Integration Innovation-driven Core Demonstration Zone. The second Sichuan Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing International Expo and the first conference on artificial intelligence application and digital economy development were held at a high level, and the exhibition gathering drove the continuous amplification of industrial agglomeration benefits. More than 30 digital economy leading enterprises and industry-leading enterprises such as China Electronics, Everbright Teslian and 58 Group have settled in Tianfu Shugu. There were 150 newly signed projects in the whole year, including 54 projects of more than 500 million yuan, 11 projects of more than 3 billion yuan and 4 projects of more than 5 billion yuan; the total investment of the agreement was 101.036 billion yuan, the annual funds outside the city were 84.5 billion yuan, and the foreign investment in place was 160 million US dollars.

The dual-cycle pattern accelerates construction. Approved to create a regional consumption center city in the province, the "two belts, four circles and multiple centers"[11] the city business circle has risen rapidly, and the "four stores" [12] economy has flourished. More than 1,000 promotional activities (times) to benefit the people such as the "National Tour of Quality Sichuan Goods" have been carried out, driving consumption growth by 11.9 billion yuan, more than 2,000 enterprises have successfully entered platforms such as "Tmall" and "Jingdong", and e-commerce platforms such as "Catch up with jiwang" have accelerated their development. Solidly promote the development of cross-border e-commerce, build a cross-border e-commerce public service platform, complete the transaction volume of 445 million yuan, Deyang Wanda Science and Technology Incubation Park was selected as the first batch of cross-border e-commerce demonstration bases (parks) in the province. Actively organize Yihai grain and oil, Longbai titanium industry and other leading foreign trade enterprises to participate in the Canton Fair, circumference and other exhibition activities, to help key enterprises to protect orders, channels, the total import and export volume reached 14.37 billion yuan, an increase of 23.3% year-on-year. Flexibly use export credit insurance, export tax rebate financing and other means, for Anda Nongsen, East Axis Technology and other foreign trade enterprises to handle 264 loans.

(5) Focus on pollution control and continue to consolidate the ecological environment

The work of pollution prevention and control has been carried out in depth. Solidly do a good job in the implementation of the rectification and implementation of the provincial environmental protection inspector and the "looking back" feedback problem, and complete the rectification of 25 outstanding problems of ecological environmental protection in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Carry out in-depth four special rectifications of weather control and control, continue to improve air quality; normalize the promotion of the river (lake) length system, rectify more than 4,600 problems in various rivers and lakes; continue to strengthen the classification and control of agricultural land and construction land, strengthen soil pollution control and restoration and comprehensive improvement of phosphorus gypsum yard pollution, and maintain stable soil environmental quality. Deepen the investigation and rectification of hidden environmental risks, all mining rights within the 48 ecological protection red lines have been shut down, 27 small hydropower units have been cleaned up and rectified throughout the year, and 59 "scattered pollution" enterprises have been closed and banned. The rural environment has been further improved, 189 administrative villages have completed the "toilet revolution" in the whole village, the penetration rate of sanitary toilets in the city has reached 90%, and the proportion of administrative villages with domestic garbage and domestic sewage effective treatment has reached 95% and 73% respectively.

Carbon peak carbon neutrality strategy to accelerate the landing. Adhere to the "double carbon" goal to lead, vigorously develop green and low-carbon recycling industries, complete a total of 42 cleaner production industrial transformation projects, and create 13 national and provincial green factories and green parks. Fully implement the "100 million" action of key energy-using units, 34 key energy-using units complete the "double control" target assessment, 15 key energy-using units participate in energy-use right transactions, 27 enterprises are included in the provincial and municipal energy-saving supervision tasks, 29 new fixed asset projects complete energy-saving reviews, and 7 projects such as the Deyang Economic Development Zone Distributed Energy Station Project project and the Sichuan Tomorrow Aerospace Industry Project pass the provincial-level energy-saving review。 Strictly control high-energy consumption investment projects, strengthen the online monitoring of "two high" projects [13], complete the construction of online monitoring facilities for energy consumption of 43 enterprises, and the six high-energy consumption industries have been better controlled. Continue to carry out virtual currency "mining" project rectification. Continue to implement the work of replacing electric energy, and complete more than 39 million kWh of electricity substitution transactions。

(6) Focus on social undertakings and effectively improve people's livelihood and well-being

Social undertakings develop in an all-round way. We should pay close attention to epidemic prevention and control as always, build 35 nucleic acid testing laboratories with high standards, and the completion rate of vaccination throughout the vaccine process is 103.3%. 15 public kindergartens, primary and secondary schools have been newly (reformed), the "double reduction" [14] policy has been fully implemented, and 289 "discipline" off-campus training institutions have been reduced. Continue to promote the integration of production and education, the city's vocational colleges and universities have established 56 scientific research centers, 19 key laboratories and testing centers, and built the largest aviation material inspection and testing center and a national building structure testing center in southwest China. Successfully attracted the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to build the Deyang Branch, and the Provincial People's Hospital trusteeship of the Second People's Hospital of the city. Take the lead in achieving full coverage of community (village) public health committees in the province, build a high-quality and efficient hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and promote the "chess game" of medical insurance reform. More than 400 cultural performances were carried out to benefit the people, and the "10-minute fitness circle" in the urban area continued to improve, and the fourth national intelligent manufacturing application technology skills competition was successfully held.

Social security continues to increase. Consolidate and expand the effective connection between the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, implement 50 work-for-relief projects, and complete 126 rural network transformation and upgrading projects. Deeply promote the reform of the social assistance system, the coverage rate of comprehensive service facilities in urban communities has reached 100%, and 60.62 million yuan of subsidies for the disabled have been issued. In the province, the first municipal old-age service development promotion center was established, and the coverage rate of basic old-age care and medical insurance reached 91.5% and 98% respectively, and the old-age allowance of 27.28 million yuan was issued to the elderly over 80 years old. A new guarantee loan for entrepreneurship was issued 230 million yuan, and 50,801 new urban jobs were created. Introduce the "1 + 4" plan and the list of key tasks for food security, grasp the grain and oil production reserves, and exceed the reserve tasks of 74,500 tons of grain and 4,000 tons of oil issued by the province. Steadily promote price reform in key areas such as electricity, natural gas, agricultural water, and education charges, and strive to do a good job in ensuring the supply and price stability of important commodities for people's livelihood such as vegetables.

Taking the initiative to accept the legal supervision and work supervision of the people's congress, consciously accepting the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, the entire municipal affairs system handled 126 suggestions from people's congress deputies and 259 proposals from CPPCC members, and the completion rate reached 100% and the satisfaction rate reached 100%.

In the past year, the city's economic and social development has undergone tremendous pressure, the task of economic restructuring, industrial transformation and upgrading, and development kinetic energy conversion is arduous, various contradictions, risks and challenges and occasional factors are intertwined and superimposed, facing a severe and complex macro situation, the city's economic and social development still handed over a brilliant answer sheet. These achievements are the result of the strong leadership and scientific planning of the municipal party committee, the results of the supervision and full support of the municipal people's congress and the municipal CPPCC committee according to law, and the results of the people of the whole city working hard with one heart and one mind.

At the same time, we are also soberly aware that in the face of the more complex and strict epidemic situation and many uncertainties in the face of the epidemic and the external environment, the development momentum of our city needs to be strengthened urgently, the market players and innovation vitality need to be further stimulated, the reform tasks of key links in key areas are still heavy, there are still many shortcomings in the field of people's livelihood, it takes a long time to improve the quality of the ecological environment, and the prevention, resolution and response to various risks cannot be relaxed.

Second, the main goals and tasks of national economic and social development in 2022

2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 12th Provincial Party Congress, and it is also an important year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and it is very important to do a good job in economic and social development. The overall requirements are: firmly take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Session, do a good job in the series of decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the municipal party committee, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, accelerate the construction of the chengdu-Chongqing area twin-city economic circle and the development of the Chengdu metropolitan area, grasp the work idea of "steady growth of investment, strong industrial support, innovation and kinetic energy, consumption mining potential, and safety and bottom line", coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and coordinate development and safety. Continue to do a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, continue to improve people's livelihood, keep the economic operation within a reasonable range, maintain the stability of the overall social situation, and the people's happiness and health.

According to the overall requirements, in line with the principle of respecting economic laws and seeking truth from facts, and in line with the goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the main expected goals of the city's economic and social development in 2022 are:

Regional GDP increased by more than 7% year-on-year. Main considerations: First, highlight the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept. Fully considering the inherent requirements of high-quality development, there is both quantitative growth and qualitative improvement. The second is to highlight the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner. It is necessary to persist in placing steady growth in a prominent position and keeping the economy operating in a reasonable range; it is also necessary to reflect the responsibility, positive progress, and stabilize market expectations and social confidence. The third is to highlight the full implementation of the "double carbon" strategic deployment. It not only considers the major opportunities ushered in by the clean energy equipment manufacturing industry, but also leaves room for improving the ecological environment and promoting the development of comprehensive green transformation. The fourth is to highlight the determination to adhere to development in regional competition. It is not only in line with the foundation and potential of the current urban development, but also maintains a moderate advantage in regional competition. The fifth is to highlight the need to improve people's livelihood and well-being. Considering the promotion of key tasks such as epidemic prevention and control and stable employment, determining such a development speed is conducive to concentrating on making up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and risk prevention.

Other relevant indicators are: the added value of industries above designated size increased by more than 8% year-on-year, the added value of the service industry increased by more than 8% year-on-year, and the added value of agriculture increased by more than 3.5% year-on-year; the investment in fixed assets in the whole society increased by 9% year-on-year, and the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by more than 8% year-on-year; the local general public budget revenue was basically consistent with the economic growth trend, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 7.5% and 8.5% respectively year-on-year The year-on-year increase in the consumer price index (CPI) was controlled at about 3.5%, and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was controlled within 4%; environmental protection and energy conservation and carbon reduction were completed by the state and provinces; and grain production remained above 1.97 million tons.

In order to achieve the above expected goals, focus on the following five aspects of work.

(1) Adhere to innovation and leadership, and accelerate the improvement of development quality and efficiency

Focus on enhancing the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Make good use of the manufacturing support policies issued by the country and province, focus on the "five major centers" [15] to promote the development of the whole industrial chain and life cycle of clean energy equipment manufacturing, accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing province demonstration city, and run the 2022 World Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Conference at a high level. Implement the "chain length + chain master" work promotion mechanism, give full play to the integration and driving role of leading enterprises such as State Machinery Heavy Equipment, Dongqi, and Dongdian, promote the development of the five leading industrial clusters into chains, accelerate the construction of G50 gas turbine test demonstration power stations, Dongxu Optoelectronics and other projects, and realize the completion and operation of FAW Jiefang, Shengquan Iron and Steel and other projects. It is planned to add 80 new industrial enterprises above designated size, strive to achieve an operating income of 148 billion yuan in the equipment manufacturing industry, an increase of 10% year-on-year, and increase industrial investment and technological transformation investment by more than 8% year-on-year. Continue to implement the scientific and technological projects "unveiled and put in charge", promote the transformation of core technology research and scientific and technological achievements, establish a national clean energy equipment industry research institute, and strive to create 9 national and provincial engineering technology research centers, enterprise technology centers, and key laboratories, and promote the landing and transformation of more than 25 major scientific and technological achievements. Continue to implement the three-year action plan for the high-quality development of industrial functional zones, accelerate the recycling and low-carbon transformation of the park, strive to create a demonstration park for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in the province, and add a number of "5+1" key characteristic parks in the province [16].

Focus on promoting digital empowerment of the real economy. Strive to Tianfu Shugu Digital Economy Industrial Park successfully enter the national integrated computing power network Chengdu-Chongqing hub node data center cluster construction start-up area, and promote tianfu shugu and western intelligent sensing valley into a trend. Accelerate the construction of projects such as the "Cloud Tianfu" Big Data Industrial Park and the Hongfa Western Intelligent Industrial Park, and achieve an income of 19 billion yuan in the electronic information industry above designated size, and a year-on-year increase of more than 13% in the digital economy. Deeply implement the "1551" development strategy of the Industrial Internet, work with Huawei, China Electronics, Haier Kaos and other digital partners to build a Deyang Industrial Internet integrated platform, implement the construction of 5 lighthouse factories, cultivate 50 digital benchmarking enterprises, and cumulatively promote the implementation of digital transformation of 1,000 industrial enterprises.

Focus on strengthening planning to lead project investment. Adhere to the planning anchor project, plan a number of landmark projects around six key areas such as modern industry and scientific and technological innovation, continue to improve the "1 + N" management mechanism of the "14th Five-Year Plan" major projects, and promote more projects to enter the "plate" of the country and the province. Accelerate the implementation of the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Major Projects in Deyang City in the 14th Five-Year Plan", adhere to the system of "red and black list" of project investment, attracting and evaluating other systems, and fully promote the construction of key projects in 363 provinces and cities such as Shifang General Airport and supporting industrial parks, with a total investment of 494 billion yuan and a planned annual investment of 84.2 billion yuan. Give full play to the role of major project special classes, strive to strive for more than 1.5 billion yuan of project funds in the budget of the province, and the scale of bond issuance has reached a new high. Deepen the results of the "100-day attack" action of attracting investment in the manufacturing industry. More than 25,000 new market entities have been added.

(2) Adhere to the same city of Chengde and Accelerate the coordinated development of the region

Efforts should be made to promote the process of chengde and the same city. Refine and sort out the key tasks of the "Outline of the Construction Plan of the Twin Cities Economic Circle in Chengdu-Chongqing Region" and the "Development Plan of the Chengdu Metropolitan Area", and put forward 37 annual projects for the same urbanization, with a total investment of 186.8 billion yuan and an annual investment of 23.8 billion yuan. Deeply integrate into the construction of the Chengde Meizi Innovation Community, fully promote the construction of the Tianfu Avenue Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and the construction of the Chengde Meizi Integrated Urbanization Pilot Zone (Kaizhou New Town), accelerate the realization of the integrated operation of the two ports of Chengde and Germany, coordinate the construction of the three enclave parks of Jingyang and Chenghua, Shifang and Jinniu, Luojiang and Pidu, and accelerate the construction of the three pilot zones for the integration and development of the Three Chengde Junction Zones of Pengzhou-Shifang, Qingbaijiang-Guanghan and Jintang-Zhongjiang. Start construction of projects such as the S11 line of the municipal railway and the Deyang Ring South Expressway, accelerate the progress of projects such as the expansion of the G5 Chengmian Expressway and the expansion of the Chengnan Expressway, and ensure that the Desui Expressway and Mianmao Road are completed and opened to traffic, and the main line of the northern extension of Tianfu Avenue is opened to traffic. Actively attract high-quality educational resources such as Chengdu Normal University to settle in Deyang, promote the "one-card" of resident services, and optimize the business environment in the metropolitan area of "undifferentiated acceptance and same standard handling".

Strive to improve the adsorption capacity of the central urban area. Focusing on building an important functional area of Chengdu International Consumption Center, a demonstration zone for the two-way integration and development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, accelerate the construction of Tianfu Jingcheng, Tianfu Shugu and Jingbei New Area, and enhance the agglomeration effect of the central urban area. Comprehensively use cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 5G and other technologies to carry out the construction of smart communities and the rectification of "three chaos" [17] and "three vehicles" [18] to improve the level of refinement, intelligence and humanization of urban management. Deeply implement urban organic renewal projects, complete the transformation of 424 old residential areas, install more than 150 elevators, create 4 "15-minute life circles", enhance 73 "roads home" for citizens, promote a number of municipal infrastructure projects such as the east extension of Tsing Yi River Road and a number of ecological restoration projects such as ecological transformation on both sides of Jinghu Lake, and build 50 new street green parks, stamp parks, and wetland parks. Strive to create a national sponge city construction demonstration city.

Efforts should be made to strengthen the integration of urban and rural development. Promote the urbanization of counties to make up for the shortcomings of the 17 construction tasks. Jingyang and Guanghan strive to become the top 100 counties in the national top 100 county economic zones, Shifang is stable in the top 10 in the comprehensive ranking of key development zones and counties in the province, Mianzhu and Luojiang have steadily improved the comprehensive ranking of county economy, and Zhongjiang has accelerated the construction of a sub-center of the city. Solidly promote the development of agricultural modernization, accelerate the construction of key parks such as the Zhongjiang National Agricultural Modernization Demonstration Zone, add 1-2 new provincial-level modern agricultural parks, attract a number of leading enterprises in the grain and meat processing industries, and build 300 kilometers of new (reconstructed) rural roads, with a rural tap water penetration rate of more than 86%. Promote the in-depth integration and development of agricultural and commercial cultural and tourism bodies, complete the planning of the Longmen Mountain and Longquan Mountain sports, health and leisure resort industry belts, accelerate the construction of projects such as the Yinghua Mountain Tourism and Health Care Industrial Park and the Zhongjiang Stone Forest Valley, hold various festivals and activities such as flower viewing festivals and picking festivals, and achieve farmers' income increase through multiple channels. Do a good job in the "second half" of the adjustment of township administrative divisions and the adjustment and reform of the village-level structure, make overall plans for the construction of a number of central towns, and enhance the functions of townships and towns in the city and villages.

(3) Adhere to the dual-carbon leadership and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation

Focus on the development of green and low-carbon advantageous industries. Accelerate the formation of an economic system for the development of a green and low-carbon cycle, compile and complete the "Implementation Plan for the "1+N" Policy System for Carbon Peaking in Deyang City", and promote the establishment of an incentive and constraint mechanism for pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Fully promote the construction of world-class clean energy equipment manufacturing bases, cultivate and expand the landmark industrial chain of clean energy equipment such as wind power, hydropower, nuclear power, gas power, photovoltaic power generation, and clean coal-fired power generation, seize the commanding heights of future development of emerging fields such as hydrogen energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, and energy storage, and strive to increase the output value of the clean energy equipment manufacturing industry by more than 10% year-on-year。 Strive to create a provincial-level chemical park in Xinshi Industrial Park and De'a Industrial Park, undertake the development of the whole industrial chain of lithium battery new energy, accelerate the implementation of a number of green chemical and new building materials projects such as Chuanfa Longmon Lithium Iron Phosphate, and build the world's leading new energy materials industry base and a national green circular economy park model. Resolutely curb the blind development of the "two highs" project, promote the transformation of high-energy-consuming industries, accelerate the clean production and green transformation of key industries, and fully complete the goals and tasks issued by the province.

Focus on accelerating the construction of beautiful Deyang. Incorporate carbon peak carbon neutrality into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction, and make overall plans to grasp the outstanding ecological and environmental problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the rectification of feedback from ecological and environmental protection inspectors in the central province. Continue to fight the three major defense battles of blue sky, clear water and pure land, accelerate the construction of projects such as the Tuojiang Kaijiang Green Ecological Belt, the Giant Panda National Park Innovation Demonstration Zone, domestic waste incineration power generation, and reserve forests, scientifically delineate the "three districts and three lines" [19], carry out joint consultation, co-governance and co-protection work with Chengdu such as air quality, cross-border water environment and cross-border drinking water sources, improve the compensation mechanism for horizontal ecological protection in the Minjiang River Basin of the Tuojiang River, and plan to implement 32 key projects in ecological and environmental protection provinces and cities with a total investment of 33.9 billion yuan. The annual investment is 5 billion yuan. The penetration rate of rural sanitary toilets has reached 90%, and 97% and more than 75% of the administrative villages have been effectively treated with domestic garbage and domestic sewage.

(4) Adhere to key breakthroughs and accelerate the promotion of opening up and cooperation

Focus on the concerns of market players to carry out reforms. It is planned to launch a number of driving force reform matters that play a key role in the development of the city and have a major influence. Deepen the market-oriented reform of factors, strive to create a pilot reform of the market-oriented allocation of data elements in the province, and realize the market decision of factor prices, the independent and orderly flow, and the efficient and fair allocation. Deepen the reform of the business environment, vigorously promote the "One Netcom Office" [20], build a "3 + N" smart government service system [21], continue to promote the "100,000,000" project and the hero reform of the mu average theory, and strive to rank the business environment in the province as "three into two". Accelerate the exploration of the reform of the appropriate separation of economic zones and administrative regions, orderly promote the reform of the division of powers and responsibilities between cities, districts (cities, counties) and industrial functional areas, and build an efficient management system that is close to market demand. Comprehensively complete the three-year action task of state-owned enterprise reform and improve the modern enterprise system. Make every effort to promote the practical experience of the "three changes" reform and the "five societies" in Jingyang, and strive to take the lead in making breakthroughs in the reform of the rural land system and the cultivation of new agricultural business entities.

Focus on demand potential to strengthen foreign cooperation. Accelerate the construction of major platforms such as the China (Deyang) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone and the China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Deyang Collaborative Reform Pilot Zone, strive to obtain the approval of bonded logistics centers, and expand the results of the "Rong-Europe +" ASEAN international train. Actively promote the construction of logistics node cities in the western region, add 10 logistics and e-commerce enterprises above designated size, achieve network transaction volume of 100 billion yuan, and newly cultivate 100 service enterprises above designated size and commercial and trade enterprises above designated size. Fully promote the construction of the Sanxingdui National Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Demonstration Zone, and start the construction of new museums, national archaeological sites and parks. Strive to create Shifang into a provincial-level global tourism demonstration zone, and Mianzhu into a famous tourist county in Tianfu. Continue to promote the "10,000 enterprises going abroad" activity, and encourage leading enterprises to go out for development. Keeping an eye on the world's top 500, China's top 500, and top 500 private enterprises, we will focus on introducing a number of leading enterprises and base-type and headquarters-type projects, and plan to introduce 14 projects of more than 3 billion yuan, with 86 billion yuan of funds outside the city in place throughout the year and 170 million US dollars of actual utilization of foreign capital.

(5) Adhere to the bottom line thinking and accelerate the improvement of people's livelihood and well-being

Focus on making up for shortcomings in the field of people's livelihood and improving quality and efficiency. Adhere to the priority of employment, and achieve 40,000 new urban jobs and more than 1.1 million rural labor transfer jobs throughout the year. Actively create a national pilot city for the integration of industry and education, promote the application of the Institute of Engineering and the construction of the Academy for vocational education, support the construction of secondary vocational schools to declare provincial famous schools, famous majors, and famous practical training bases, accelerate the construction of projects such as the new campus of the Sichuan Judicial Police College, and fully implement the "double reduction" policy. Adhere to the normalization of accurate prevention and control of the epidemic, continue to improve the medical and health service system, accelerate the construction of projects such as the outpatient emergency complex building of the Second People's Hospital of the City, and promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. Formulate and implement the overall solution of "one old and one small", carry out in-depth special actions for inclusive old-age care and inclusive childcare, develop new formats of smart health care, and accelerate the transformation of public infrastructure for the elderly and small. Continue to do a good job of assistance and assistance to special groups, and start construction of projects such as the Municipal Mental Health Welfare Institute and the Municipal Nursing Home for the Elderly. Continue to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and do a solid job in the ten major people's livelihood matters.

Focus on safe development and bottom line prevention. Implement the same responsibility of the party and government for food security, strengthen the construction of grain storage logistics and emergency response systems, and consolidate the achievements of special governance in the field of grain purchase and marketing. Deeply promote the construction of coal, electricity, oil and gas production, supply, storage and marketing systems, accelerate the preliminary work of natural gas power generation and pumped storage projects, and strengthen the safety supervision of coal, electricity, oil and gas and other energy facilities。 Strengthen government debt risk management, improve the hidden debt resolution performance and the new debt limit linkage mechanism, and hold the bottom line of "three guarantees". Improve the long-term mechanism for the prevention and disposal of financial risks, increase the intensity of handling illegal fund-raising cases, and do a good job in virtual currency "mining" and transaction governance. Resolutely prevent the occurrence of major and extraordinarily large production safety accidents, consolidate and improve the results of special rectification of forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing, strengthen the construction of flood prevention and drought control water conservancy improvement projects, build a city-wide emergency command platform, strengthen the social strength of the emergency management system, and ensure the safety, harmony and stability of the city's overall social situation.

Dear delegates, it is time for hundreds of boats to compete for thousands of sails and ride the wind and waves. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, under the supervision and support of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal Cppcc Committee, do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, seize the opportunity, forge ahead, strive to promote the sustained, stable and healthy development of the city's economy and society, greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 12th Provincial Party Congress with excellent results, and make every effort to build a new highland for the main trunk of the province. Efforts should be made to speed up the construction of a model city for modernization in the western region.

Explanation of terms

[1] "Six stability": stable employment, stable finance, stable foreign trade, stable foreign investment, stable investment, and stable expectations.

[2] "Six guarantees": to ensure the employment of residents, to ensure the basic livelihood of the people, to protect the main body of the market, to ensure food and energy security, to ensure the stability of the industrial chain supply chain, and to ensure the operation of the grass-roots level.

[3] "100,000,000": Each industrial functional area has built more than 100,000 square meters of standard factory buildings, 10,000 square meters of science and technology innovation space, and rolling reserves of 1,000 mu into a piece of "net land".

[4] Specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises: small and medium-sized vanguard enterprises with the characteristics of specialization, refinement, specialization and novelty, focusing on market segmentation, strong innovation ability, high market share, mastery of key core technologies, and excellent quality and efficiency.

[5] "Three to three looks": compare planning, look at characteristics, compare ability, look at projects, compare style, and look at changes.

[6] "Three libraries and one table": reserve library, library under construction, completed library, input-output table.

[7] "Decentralization service": simplified administration and decentralization, combination of decentralization and optimization of services.

[8] "Sichuan-Chongqing General Office" matters: A series of convenient matters in the economic circle of the twin cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing region.

[9] "Three changes" reform: farmers use factors such as identity, land, labor, housing, and cash to invest in new business entities, so as to realize the transformation of resources into assets, funds into shares, and farmers into shareholders.

[10] "Five Societies" Practice: In order to continue to strengthen the village collective economy, drive the masses to increase income steadily, and help revitalize the whole countryside, five major shareholding cooperatives of collective assets, land, labor services, tourism and real estate have been established.

[11] "Two Belts, Four Circles and Multiple Centers": Mianyuanhe Urban Leisure Commercial Development Belt and Dongshan Ecological Commercial Development Belt, Wenmiao Commercial Circle, Chengbei Commercial Circle, OctagonAl Commercial Circle and Tianyuan Industrial Integration Characteristic Commercial Circle, 30 community commercial centers.

[12] "Four stores": the first store, the small shop, the night shop, and the old shop.

[13] "Two highs" projects: high energy consumption, high pollution projects.

[14] "Double reduction": reducing the excessive homework burden and off-campus training burden of students in the compulsory education stage.

[15] The "five centers": clean energy equipment innovation source center, complete set and extreme manufacturing center, intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet center, basic materials and key components supply center, system integration service center.

[16] "5+1" key characteristic parks: In the province, around the electronic information, equipment manufacturing, food and beverage, advanced materials, energy and chemical industry five trillion pillar industries and digital economy as the main body of the "5 +1" modern industrial system, to cultivate and build a number of high-level characteristic industrial parks.

[17] "Three chaos": illegal construction, garbage littering, and vehicle parking.

[18] "Three vehicles": sand and gravel trucks, muck trucks, tricycles.

[19] "Three districts and three lines": According to the three types of space of urban space, agricultural space and ecological space, the three control lines of urban development boundaries, permanent basic farmland protection red lines and ecological protection red lines are corresponding to the demarcation.

[20] "One Netcom Office": Relying on the integrated online government service platform, through standardizing online work standards, optimizing online work processes, building a unified Internet government service portal, integrating government service data resources, and improving supporting systems, etc., we will promote the online handling of government service matters, and promote the enterprise masses to log in online and be able to do the whole Netcom office online.

[21] "3+N" smart government service system: smart government service system for mobile clients, self-service terminals, network hall servers + N kinds of business applications.