
Deyo was silent for many days: I am not against vaccines, and I am willing to sacrifice the trophy for my choice!

Beijing time on February 15 news, the silence of Djokovic in recent days, on the issue of vaccines that have attracted much attention, Djokovic once again expounded his views - he is not an anti-vaccine person, but he insists on defending the principle of independent vaccination.

Deyo was silent for many days: I am not against vaccines, and I am willing to sacrifice the trophy for my choice!

Previously, Indian Wells and the Monte Carlo Masters had announced that unvaccinated people were not allowed to participate in the tournament. Djokovic said he hopes that the mandatory vaccination requirements for vaccines in some competitions will be changed.

Deyo was silent for many days: I am not against vaccines, and I am willing to sacrifice the trophy for my choice!

Asked if the French Open and Wimbledon would not allow unoculated players to play, Djokovic replied bluntly, saying "this is the price I am willing to pay".

Deyo was silent for many days: I am not against vaccines, and I am willing to sacrifice the trophy for my choice!

In the interview, Djokovic reiterated that he is not against vaccines, but he said that everyone should have the right to choose whether to vaccinate or not. He knows that everyone is trying to find a way to deal with the epidemic, and Deyo himself hopes that the global epidemic can end soon.

Deyo was silent for many days: I am not against vaccines, and I am willing to sacrifice the trophy for my choice!

Before the start of this year's Australian Open, Djokovic was expelled from Australia for not being vaccinated, on the grounds that the deportation was that if he participated, it would fuel anti-vaccine sentiment in Australia. The absence left Deyo missing out on the chance to strike his 21st crown at the Australian Open, while his old rival Nadal seized the opportunity to double-circle at the Australian Open and lift his 21st Grand Slam title.

Deyo was silent for many days: I am not against vaccines, and I am willing to sacrifice the trophy for my choice!

On the question of whether he will be vaccinated, Djokovic hinted that he would not be soft. "The principle of making decisions about the body is more important than any trophy and anything else. I have always done my best to find harmony with my body. ”

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