
Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

author:Marvel Cinematic Intelligence

Previously, we talked about many behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the plot, actors, etc. behind some Marvel movies, and also made many fans say that the excitement of many behind-the-scenes anecdotes is not worse than the wonderfulness of the movie plot.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

So, today we'll talk about the wonderful behind-the-scenes anecdotes set up to see what you know and what you don't know:

[1] The person chosen at the beginning of the Role of Hulk was Uncle Mark?

I believe that many Marvel fans should know that in many Marvel series, many core characters basically have their own single-soldier trilogy series, but among them, the "core front-line" role of Hulk is only one movie in the single soldier movie series.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

Of course, the reason for this is that Universal has the distribution rights of the Hulk in its hands, so after the two sides cooperated on the work of "Invincible Hulk", Marvel has never only done a Hulk movie.

The Hulk actor in this "Invincible Hulk" movie is played by Edward Norton, but in fact, when the hulk role was chosen at the beginning, the role chosen by Marvel at that time was today's "Uncle Mark" Mark Ruffalo!

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

However, in the end, Marvel and Universal chose Edward

However, after the completion of the film, Edward did not continue to play the role of Hulk because of his unhappiness with Marvel, and Marvel eventually let Uncle Mark take over the role of Hulk.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

[2] The distribution rights of movies such as "Iron Man" were not Marvel's at the beginning?

I don't know how many fans have noticed when they first watched the first movie of "Iron Man", in fact, in addition to the Marvel logo, there is actually a Paramount logo on the film's promotional materials!

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

This is because when Marvel decided to make movies in the early days, there was a lack of a distribution company, so when choosing a film distribution company that year, Paramount became the winning company, and at the time of the contract, Marvel itself did not expect to be acquired by Disney one day.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

Therefore, one breath signed a distribution rights contract with Paramount for several films.

This includes the "Iron Man" trilogy, "Thor", "American Team" and "Reunion" and other film works!

That is, after Disney acquired Marvel, it began to acquire the distribution rights of movies such as "Reunion" and "Iron Man" from 2010 to 2013!

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

[3] Thanos actors joined Marvel because of Uncle Mark?

As we said before, the appearance fee signed by Thanos actors in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel is only $2 million, but what many people don't know is that when Marvel first selected Thanos character actors, the current Thanos actor Josh Brolin was actually recommended by Uncle Mark!

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

Because in reality, Uncle Mark and Josh Brolin are actually very good friends, so before Marvel called Josh Brolin to communicate, Uncle Mark had already helped Marvel take the lead in communicating, so when Marvel later found Josh Brolin, Josh Brolin agreed.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

But here's the interesting thing:

When Josh Brolin actually came to the film set to play this role, he found that Thanos was basically a special effects role, and he usually needed all kinds of full armament in his performance, and it turned out that the role of Hulk played by Uncle Mark was actually a similar situation in the movie.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

Therefore, Uncle Mark was very happy to "trick" his friend into going through the same thing as himself, and at one point, after Josh Brolin first came to the film set to shoot, he secretly said to his assistant: I finally have a companion!

However, for Josh Brolin, the more interesting behind-the-scenes anecdote occurred in one of his hair children, who blurted out directly when he knew that Josh Brolin was about to play Thanos:

"You're a bitch~ cannon ~ why can you play Thanos?"

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage


[4] The descendants of Marvel Avengers actors are not fans of their own fathers?

According to common sense, if one of the parents in the family plays the role of Marvel, it is estimated that it may become a capital for them to show off to their classmates, but the descendants of Marvel's "father enemies" have all punched their faces, of which -

The daughter of the vision actor once said in the live broadcast of her father's "vision" that her favorite is "Iron Man";

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

Although the son of the Iron Man actor has marvel's most legendary actor dad, he is a fan of the role of "Hawkeye" in the Avengers, and he is also a hardcore fan, so that sometimes when Downey Jr. disciplines his son at home, he finally has no choice but to turn to Hawkeye actor Jeremy Rayner;

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage


The daughter of Thor, one of Marvel's big three, is also indifferent to the Thor played by her father, but prefers wonder woman in DC next door, on the grounds that her father is not strong enough;

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

And the son of Star Lord actor Chris Pratt in the Marvel movies likes the favorite Marvel characters are Spider-Man and the US team, and even for his father, Chris Pratt's son once thought he was a firefighter.

Thanos actor was actually recommended by Uncle Mark? Count the little anecdotes behind Marvel's backstage

For more wonderful Marvel movie intelligence, Marvel AMERICAN DRAMA recommendations, marvel spit, please pay attention to the Marvel Cinematic Intelligence Bureau

The pictures in this article originated from the Internet, invaded and deleted ~

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