
When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

For liver care, the vast majority of people attach great importance to it. Because once the liver is damaged, it means that the body's metabolism, detoxification, blood clotting, and immunity are likely to be adversely affected, which will be very unfavorable for prolonging life.

So what should be done to determine whether the liver function is maintained well? In fact, just pay attention to the color change of urine in time.

When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

Because when the liver function is significantly reduced, the body's metabolism is adversely affected, and when excess bilirubin is excreted with the urine, it is easy to cause urine yellowing problems.

However, in ordinary life, many people pay insufficient attention to the color change of urine, so they often attribute the yellowing of urine to too little water, and this wrong practice must be corrected in time.

In fact, when there is frequent urine yellowing troubles, you first need to check whether you have insufficient drinking water in time.

If the amount of water has been guaranteed to be sufficient, it must be paid attention to, and timely medical examination is made to determine whether the liver function is maintained well.

When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

So in the case of a decline in liver function, what should be done to effectively protect the liver?

1. Keep away from alcohol

When it comes to bad habits that can easily damage liver health, the first thing most people think of is excessive alcohol consumption.

In fact, this is indeed the case, because a large number of toxic substances will be produced during the drinking process, and over time, it is easy to cause serious damage to liver function, which is very unfavorable for cirrhosis and the prevention of liver cancer.

Therefore, we must pay full attention to the importance of actively abstaining from alcohol.

Especially for patients and friends who have already developed liver disease, if they continue to let the drinking habits go unchecked, it is easy to cause serious damage to their physical health.

When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

2. Avoid getting angry

Anger hurts the liver is a common saying often heard in life. In fact, the reason why frequent anger is easy to damage liver health is mainly because in a long-term angry state, it is easy to cause liver qi depression and liver blood deficiency. Over time, it is likely to trigger a significant increase in the incidence of liver disease.

When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

3. Rest on time

As we all know, the detoxification and metabolic pressure borne by the liver has always been quite huge. Therefore, it is important to develop good sleep habits after nightfall, especially to try to fall asleep before 22:00 at night.

Otherwise, it is likely that the liver will be overtired due to staying up late for a long time to sleep, so that it cannot enter the rest state in time, which is very serious to the health of the liver. Therefore, for the sake of liver conservation, everyone must actively develop the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

4. Control diet

The impact of diet on liver function is also enormous. It's just that many people don't know enough about this kind of knowledge.

Especially in the modern society where living standards are constantly improving, many people will ignore the healthy diet for a long time and over-favor high-oil foods;

The negative impact of this bad dietary behavior on liver function is also relatively large, and it is likely to cause a very disturbing fatty liver problem for a long time.

When liver function declines, "urine" signals! Do these 4 points well, or protect the liver

The above is an introduction to liver-related knowledge. First of all, if you want to know whether the liver function is maintained well, you must pay attention to the color of the urine.

That is, if the urine yellowing problem often occurs in the case of adequate drinking water, it is necessary to be vigilant and undergo liver examination in time.

Secondly, for liver maintenance, we must pay full attention to it, that is, in ordinary life, we must actively develop good liver habits, such as staying away from alcohol, avoiding anger, resting on time, controlling diet, etc.

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