
Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

author:Take you around the UK

For the well-known American actor and television producer Mark Wahlberg, I believe everyone is no stranger,

He has starred in many Hollywood blockbusters, and he is 49 years old this year.

However, his figure has always been in excellent condition, and even many young men can only hope to reach!

Look at this piece of clear pectoral muscles...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

And this developed biceps...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

Take a body photo with your hand, it's almost the same as a 20-year-old boy...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

Until three weeks ago, his figure was still so strong!

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

However, just two days ago, a recent photo shared by Mark Wahlberg on social media was a big surprise -

The big belly, the bucket waist, and even the flesh on the neck are stacked several layers,

The muscle lines of the past are gone, and the image of the handsome uncle who is strict with himself has disappeared without a trace!

His current figure is like this

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

Is this self-abandonment and letting oneself out of shape? Or did it take some blow to overeat to become like this?

This is not the case, and the reason why he has become like this is entirely because he is going to participate in the new biographical film "Father Stu" ("Father Stu").

In the play, he plays the role of a boxer to a priest, for which he must gain as much weight as possible.

According to the planning requirements, he had to gain 30 pounds (about 13.6 kilograms) in six weeks.

So far, in just three weeks, he has managed to gain 20 pounds (about 9 kilograms)!

Look at this weightless belly, it is simply the "standard" middle-aged uncle's figure...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

However, if you use a little force, you can still see the original abs line...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

You know, fitness shaping to go through a long period of persistence, but in a short period of time to significantly increase fat and weight is not an easy task,

According to his personal chef, Lawrence Duran, Mark Wahlberg now eats eight meals with a total of about 7,000 calories a day.

Anyway, except for the time for sleeping, I have to eat every three hours!

For him, who only consumed about 2,000 calories a day before, now it is a big test to suddenly increase 5,000 calories a day.

Eating Hesse is definitely unscientific, after all, people have to practice back to good shape after filming this movie.

So Mark Wahlberg specially invited a doctor to give him a daily blood test, and also hired a dietitian to make a corresponding diet plan according to his physical needs.

Eat good carbohydrates, vegetables, proteins, and at least twelve eggs a day!

From 3 a.m. in the morning, his first breakfast was 4 eggs, and then he began to exercise.

Then after finishing your workout at 5-6 a.m., eat 8 eggs, 6 slices of bacon, a bowl of rice, two tablespoons of olive oil, and a protein shake!

Gain weight through a large protein intake and also help build more muscle...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

In another three hours, eat a hamburger or patty made with beef or turkey mashed, and a bowl of rice,

The next staple is roast chicken and a bowl of rice, accompanied by a bowl of cooked spinach and beets.

Then there's a steak or pork chop, a 4-ounce (about 113 grams) piece of salmon and a bowl of rice, olive oil and beets.

The last staple was an eight-ounce (about 227 grams) steak, eight ounces of sea bass and flounder, and plenty of vegetables.

Eat a mashed potato, a cup of cooked oatmeal milk, two tablespoons of applesauce, jam, almonds, butter, and a tablespoon of honey until bedtime!

After eating like this for three whole weeks, Mark Wahlberg finally got fat for such a big circle...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

Suddenly fat into this look, really let many fans feel "heartache",

But everyone knows that it is much more difficult to lose shape than to gain weight like this, and mark Wahlberg can maintain such a perfect body at the age of almost 50 years old, which is really admirable for his perseverance.

And the "mystery" of this is due to his extremely strict eating habits and schedule rules on weekdays.

Back in 2018, Mark Wahlberg had made his daily schedule public on Instagram.

The owner of this perfect body actually gets up every day from 2:30 a.m. to exercise!

Get up at 2:30 a.m., pray at 2:45 a.m., eat breakfast at 3:15 a.m., get up at 3:40 a.m. -5:15 a.m.

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

5:30 is energy replenishment after fitness, 6:00 to take a shower, 7:30 to go golf,

Take a break at 8 o'clock to eat a snack, go to the cryogenic recovery room at 9:30, and go to the cryogenic recovery room at 11 o'clock, and 11 o'clock is the time for family gatherings, meetings and work calls.

Have lunch at 1 p.m., continue working at 2 p.m., pick up your kids from school at 3 p.m., and start your second workout at 4 p.m.

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

After 5 p.m., I will go to the shower after the gym, and then eat dinner in half an hour to accompany the family.

Go to bed at 7:30 p.m., and it's no wonder people can get up at 2:30 a.m. every day to exercise...

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

In addition to being so strict in terms of timing, Mark Wahlberg is also very particular about diet.

In a previous interview with the media, he said that his favorite things to eat in the morning are protein, bread and avocados.

Eat fewer and more meals every day, and only on Saturdays or Sundays do you go to the restaurant to eat high-calorie items like pasta or pizza!

Mark Wahlberg is crazy out of shape, three weeks fat belly, just for the movie?

This man,

Too yourself...

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