
Father and "son" trekked through the United States Mark Wahlberg's new film revealed the trailer


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Father and "son" trekked through the United States Mark Wahlberg's new film revealed the trailer

Time Network News starring Mark Wahlberg starring the road movie "Good Joe Bell" first exposed trailer (Time Network exclusive Chinese word), the film is adapted from the real story, will be released in the United States on July 23.

Directed by Raynaldo Marcus Green and written by Brokeback Mountain writers Larry McMuthrie and Diana Osana, Wahlberg will play Joe Bell, a father from Oregon who will travel across the United States with his son Jardin (Reed Miller). Judging from the trailer, this road trip is not what everyone imagined, but a sad and repentant journey.

Father and "son" trekked through the United States Mark Wahlberg's new film revealed the trailer


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