
After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

author:Li Honggang

Life is unknown, tomorrow and accidents do not know which will come first, but many people's departure is so sudden, people can't help but feel sorry for them, and even after many people leave, everyone will be indignant. I believe that many people know the person of "legs and legs", whose real name is Liu Jie, she is a signed artist of "Chen Xiang 6:30", and unfortunately left the world in 2017, which has caused a lot of influence.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

After more than two years, there has been news about legs and legs recently. On December 29, some media learned from relevant people in the Yunnan court that the man who killed the leg and leg for trivial disputes had been sentenced to death by the court, the murderer was brought to justice, and the leg could finally rest in peace.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

On December 6, the Kunming Intermediate People's Court issued a notice of execution, pointing out that the perpetrator Ye Jiankang had clear facts of the crime, the evidence was conclusive, and the criminal means were even more cruel, believing that his crime was serious, so the final result was to sentence Ye Jiankang to death. It is reported that after the court announced the verdict, the party Ye Jiankang was very unconvinced, and he even re-filed the above on the grounds of drunkenness, requesting that the court could give a light sentence.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

However, he failed to do so, and the court dismissed the appeal and upheld the original judgment. It's been two years since the case, and now the man who killed the leg has been brought to justice, amply illustrating that justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

After hearing this news, netizens all agreed with the court's judgment, once again remembered the legs and legs, and also felt a little relief for her. For such a result, everyone thinks that it is very gratifying, and directly calls out "good judgment, deserved, judgment", etc., which shows that everyone's protection of justice also shows that the impact of the departure of legs and legs is indeed quite large.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

On April 29, 2017, Leg and Boyfriend Ma Qunxiong went to the hospital to visit their grandmother, but on the way, they accidentally met the drunk Ye Jiankang, ma Qunxiong and Ye Jiankang had a verbal dispute over trivial matters, so they went forward to persuade the legs to fight, and unfortunately ye Jiankang stabbed to death with a folding knife. Ma Qunxiong, the boyfriend of the legs, was threatened with a knife by Ye Jiankang, and the criminal was later caught by the auxiliary police and hospital security personnel during the escape.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

After the leg injury, he was sent to the hospital emergency room for treatment, when the hospital did emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the leg, but it was too late, and the leg was too seriously injured to have signs of life.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

That year the legs and legs were only 28 years old, before the accident, she and her boyfriend had just returned from taking wedding photos in Thailand, and the two had already been preparing for a romantic and grand wedding, but they did not expect that bad luck had come, and the departure of the legs made everyone blame the drunk, and wanted him to get the punishment he deserved.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

The convict, Ye Jiankang, was an intentional homicide, the circumstances were very serious, and the attitude of admitting mistakes was poor, and it was precisely because of this that the court rejected his appeal request. Whenever everyone recalls the legs and legs, they will feel deeply sorry for her, although the time has passed so long before the criminal Ye Jiankang was punished, but now there is finally a result, and this result is the public's desire, the end of the case, but also to the legs of the family and everyone an explanation.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

Legs and legs could have had a brilliant life, she was very excellent, once graduated from the Yunnan Provincial Academy of Drama, both a radio host, a journalist actor, or a signed artist of "Chen Xiang Six And a Half", and the name Leg is her stage name. When Leg leg joined the "Chen Xiang 6:30" company at that time, the company's development was not as good as it is now, and there were not many performers, and leg legs were the heroines in the story segment. After the continuous concerted efforts of the whole team, the company finally achieved something, and the legs and legs also circled a lot of fans, becoming a well-known artist.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

It can be said that the good life of legs and legs has just begun, if she has not been killed, then now she should be very successful, rich and status, and there are great resources waiting for her, if she is not killed, then now she has a happy little family, maybe she has her own baby. However, everything was pressed at the time of the 28-year-old, and all the goodness disappeared.

After two years, the actress who was stabbed to death by the drunk man's knife can finally rest in peace, and the criminal has been brought to justice

Legs and legs bring a lot of joy to the public, but have an unfortunate life, and have to feel sorry for this girl who loves to laugh. The reason why Ye Jiankang was sanctioned now is inseparable from the protection of justice by his family, who refuse material compensation, as long as the perpetrator gets the punishment he deserves, which is the most correct way to protect his rights. The legs could finally rest in peace, hoping she would be painless in another world.