
One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

The car is composed of tens of thousands of parts, and the longer the vehicle is driven, the worse the performance, and it needs to be maintained regularly. The mainland has implemented a strict annual inspection system, and cars with an age of more than 6 years must participate in the annual inspection on time, which is a responsible practice for car owners.

One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

Some car owners do not recognize the annual inspection policy, they think that the annual inspection policy is very hurtful, and the car after the annual inspection is always prone to more problems. There is a car owner in Hunan who drives a Volkswagen Phaeton worth 1.2 million yuan to participate in the annual inspection, and the staff does not know Volkswagen Phaeton and treats the car as a Passat.

Before Participating in the annual inspection, Mr. Liu reminded the staff that his car is Volkswagen Phaeton, which belongs to the four-wheel drive model, and must be carefully tested during the annual inspection. The staff did not pay attention to Mr. Liu's painting, because the appearance of Phaeton and Passat was too high, the staff regarded Phaeton as a Passat, and used the two-wheel-drive annual inspection method for annual inspection.

One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

In this link of exhaust gas detection, the staff stepped on the throttle to 6000 rpm, and Mr. Liu heard the engine emit a roar, and his heart was very nervous. After the exhaust gas was detected, the staff began to test the maximum speed again, the staff dragged the two wheels of the car and then stepped on the engine, and after a few tens of seconds, the car's gearbox made a loud noise.

One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

The staff quickly stopped the car to check, at this time the vehicle leaked a large amount of black oil. Mr. Liu was shocked that the car spewed out so much black oil, indicating that there must be a problem with the parts. Mr. Liu sent the car to the testing agency for testing and found that the car's gearbox was completely scrapped, and it would take at least 160,000 to replace it with a new gearbox.

Mr. Liu believes that the problem of the transmission is caused by the operation error of the staff during the annual inspection, and he hopes that the annual inspection station can assume the corresponding responsibility. The staff believes that the methods they use during the annual inspection process are legal and compliant, and the problem with the gearbox indicates that the car is not in good condition.

One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

Mr. Liu and the annual inspection station have their own opinions, no one is willing to compromise, Mr. Liu can only find the media to expose this matter, hoping that the media can be effectively resolved after intervention. The media mediated the incident, Mr. Liu assumed most of the responsibility, and the annual checkpoint only compensated a few thousand yuan.

Many netizens are not satisfied with the results of the processing, the owner of the annual inspection process has informed the staff that his car is a four-wheel drive car, the staff did not listen to the owner's advice, the use of the wrong annual inspection method, which led to the transmission damage, so the staff should be mainly responsible.

One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

Many car owners have found resonance in this incident, there is no problem before their car annual inspection, after the annual inspection, the engine failure lights, transmission fault lights are all on. Since the annual inspection is to solve the problem for the owner of the car, the staff should be more careful when inspecting the vehicle and reduce the violent inspection behavior.

Should the annual inspection of the car be cancelled? Most car owners recommend canceling the annual inspection of the car, because they are worried about the damage to the vehicle during the annual inspection. I believe that the annual inspection of the car should never be canceled, after the cancellation of the annual inspection of the car, there is no unified standard for whether the vehicle should be scrapped, and there will be a large number of scrapping and forced on the road.

One foot on the throttle for 6000 rpm? 1.2 million Huiteng was treated as a Passat and scrapped at the annual inspection site

Now the mainland's annual inspection policy has been adjusted, canceling some untimely annual inspection items, lighting testing, speedometer, error detection, exhaust gas detection and other links have been canceled. I hope that all car owners can cooperate more and participate in the annual inspection in time.

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