
Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man

Recently, the various "demons" on the red carpet in Cannes have really scared the reporters on the front line. No, the blue swallow with the "biological and chemical weapon" can be said to be very thunderous.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Looking at the comment area, many netizens do not know Lan Yan, and some people are "embarrassed" for her.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

This situation is very understandable, after all, although Lan Yan's film became the box office champion of Hong Kong films in 2011 with 41 million Hong Kong dollars, it has not been released in the mainland.

The movie is called "3D Meat Futon Bliss Treasure Book", and even in Hong Kong, you can only watch it at the age of 18.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

But Little 8 feels that although this movie has a high box office, it is mostly based on publicity.

However, Lan Yan, as the female number one, is not dishonoring in the film.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

In terms of acting skills, it is far better than the original Sha Yangli and Zhou Fangxuezi specially hired by the crew from the island country.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Watching the trailer, I thought they would be very interesting, but they were disappointed.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Regardless of appearance and acting skills, the best look is always The Iron Yuxiang played by Lan Yan.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

At the end of the film, when she and Wei Yangsheng appeared on the scene and sang "Bliss" by Shi Yongli, they cried for Xiao 8.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

In fact, Lan Yan debuted very early, in addition to shooting advertisements, in 2005, she also filmed "Long Hate Song" with Zheng Xiuwen and Liang Jiahui.

In the film, she played Duan Wenfang, who won the Miss Shanghai championship.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Lan Yan also broke into the top eleven of the national finals of the "Dream of the Red Chamber" Daiyu Group.

Of course, we know that it was Jiang Mengjie who played Lin Daiyu later.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

And these achievements of Lan Yan have not made much splash until the release of this movie.

In order to perform this play well, Lan Yan wrote a biography of a character that did not have a script for Tie Yuxiang from childhood.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

At the beginning, I didn't understand Cantonese, so I memorized the Cantonese lines.

She recalls it was like memorizing Russian lines before.

Her previous all-Russian romance film Butterfly Kiss made her shortlisted for the Russian Film Festival Newcomer of the Year Award.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Unfortunately, "Butterfly Kiss" has not been released in China, and Lan Yan's aunt Wang Mei hopes that she can have a movie released in China.

Lan Yan's uncle is Hu Youlin, founder and chairman of the board of directors of the famous car brand Yueda Kia.

Most of Lan Yan's relatives have immigrated to the United States, and her brother has grown up in the United States.

When Lan Yan was sick when filming, her brother also sent a large box of delicious food.

Therefore, the family's thinking is more open. The role of Tie Yuxiang in "Meat Futon" was picked by Lan Yan's father for her——

My dad saw the meat futon script and thought, otherwise you could try the character because he thought it was novel.

Originally, Lan Yan still liked the role of Dongmei (Xiao 8 was also the beginning).

But Yuxiang as the female number one obviously has more room to play.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Lan Yan not only starred in "Meat Futon", but also one of the shareholders of the producer "China 3D Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd."

The company's most famous artist is Yuan Yongyi's husband, Zhang Zhilin.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

But another male artist named Zhang Jiansheng, Xiao 8, is also very optimistic.

Little 8 thinks that the "All the Way to the West" he starred in is better overall than "Meat Futon".

In addition to being a shareholder of an entertainment company, Lan Yan also created her own fashion brand, selling overseas women's clothing, skin care products, etc., and went to Paris to shoot covers.

Posted on Weibo more than 100,000 houses per square meter she bought in Shanghai.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

Therefore, Lan Yan has already been passed down to more than 100 million. But she said that she had seen too many giants rise and fall, and did not want to marry the "door to the door" person, but to find an "obedient" -

Because I raised him!" Many of my sisters around me are married to giants, my aunt is married to a car giant, and my uncle is a big boss of a famous car brand. I was taught to be self-sufficient. Marry someone, just find a good person and marry.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

So Lan Yan has seen a lot of the world, and there is no embarrassment in her heart when she goes on the red carpet in Cannes, right?

And if she is so easy to be embarrassed, how can she "honestly meet" with male actors in front of the camera?

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

But this appearance is still very thunderous, I hope that next time Lanyan can change a more suitable shape.

Who said she was embarrassed to go on the red carpet in "Meat Futon"? People with more than 100 million people don't mind the pension

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