
Close-up: "Qi" kai wins, "Difficult King" wins a blow

(Beijing Winter Olympics) close-up: "Qi" opened to win, "difficult king" to win a blow

Zhangjiakou, China News Network, February 17 Title: Close-up: "Qi" won the victory, and the "difficulty king" won a blow

Reporter Wang Yu Chen Lin

On the evening of the 16th, in the beijing Winter Olympics freestyle skiing men's aerial skills final, Qi Guangpu stood in the departure area for the last time.

The coach at the jumping platform felt the wind direction and speed of the scene and found the best time for him to start. Qi Guangpu, who was waiting, faced one side, and his body kept turning, simulating the action that was about to unfold.

Meanwhile, the big screen on the scene not far away has shown his goals and "ambitions" - a difficulty factor of 5.0, three weeks of backwards flips and five weeks of rotation, the highest difficulty action in the men's aerial skills competition, without one.

Close-up: "Qi" kai wins, "Difficult King" wins a blow

On February 16, China's Qi Guangpu competed in the competition. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

Whether admitted or not, this action is the most personal label on the 31-year-old Qi Guangpu besides the world champion. In the past four Winter Olympic cycles, this action has brought him the glory of the "king of difficulty" and witnessed his fall into a trough.

As the first athlete on the Chinese team to practice the most difficult move, Qi Guangpu won his first World Championship in 2013 with this move. A year later, he appeared at the Sochi Winter Olympics with "world first difficulty", but finally ranked fourth due to mistakes.

Flipping backwards for three weeks plus turning the body for five weeks requires extremely strong body control, spatial judgment, and accelerated rotational ability. Without any experience to emulate, Qi Guangpu could only watch the video and cut the details with the coach over and over again, and it took four years to fully grasp the essentials of the action.

Another Winter Olympic cycle of lying down, Qi Guangpu originally wanted to show his heroism at the Phoenix Ski Park in Pyeongchang, but fate once again joked with him. Ranked seventh, ruthlessly blocked out of the final, "prepared for a long time, white prepared" His bitter smile became the epitome of the Trip to Pyeongchang of the Chinese Air Skills Team.

With regrets, Qi Guangpu once retired from the army and devoted himself to his studies. However, he knows that the regrets on the field must end on the field. Therefore, in order to prepare for the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "King of Difficulty" chose to return. Age is changing, the competitive state is also changing, but what remains unchanged is the determination to impact "5.0", "This action has not been successful in the Winter Olympics, no matter what, you must jump out without hesitation." ”

In the second jump of the first round of the final that night, Qi Guangpu, who had already advanced, did not choose to give up the jump, but set off again to accumulate strength for the next round. He said he wanted to find the right pace to prepare for the next 5.0.

16 years of winter Olympic journey, 16 years of hard work, although the final final in addition to his own four players also chose to fight hard, although in the past year he has only practiced six or seven difficulty 5.0 moves, and the success rate does not exceed 50%, but Qi Guangpu said "must be used, must be fought!" ”

"Boom, boom, boom..." The simulated heartbeat of the live audio and the short beep of the departure signal constantly set off the nervousness of the audience. The coach raised his hand to signal that he could go, and Qi Guangpu, who had settled for a moment, began his last jump.

Close-up: "Qi" kai wins, "Difficult King" wins a blow

On February 16, China's Qi Guangpu competed in the competition. Photo by Zhai Yujia, a reporter from China News Service

This is a jump that accumulates the strength of a four-week Olympic cycle, and it is also a jump condensed from countless failures. Skidding, vacating, flipping, landing, almost no flaws, Genting Ski Park was instantly "drowned" by cheers. 129.00 points! Qi Guangpu, who appeared in the penultimate number four, was temporarily ranked first.

The moment Qi Guangpu landed, Jia Zongyang, a teammate who had said that he did not want to leave the arena in tears, first raised his arms and shouted, then crouched on the ground, and then got up with tears on his face, "He practiced this action for 10 years, I witnessed his growth little by little, (Qi Guangpu succeeded) That moment I am difficult to describe (my own feelings), it is really not easy." ”

103.00, 111.50, 114.93 – None of the three players who came on the scene were able to come back. This freestyle ski men's aerial skill gold medal ultimately belongs to China, to Qi Guangpu!

Close-up: "Qi" kai wins, "Difficult King" wins a blow

Chinese player Qi Guangpu (center) at a souvenir ceremony on Feb. 16. Photo by Zhai Yujia, a reporter from China News Service

He said that he had fantasized about winning the championship many times, and he also shed tears because of it. On the night of the championship, when Qi Guangpu walked to the center of the venue wearing the national flag, the tears could not stop flowing. Looking back at the four Winter Olympics, he sighed with emotion, "It is precisely because of the failures of the previous Winter Olympics that I can let myself precipitate well, find the reasons and continue to work hard, improve my shortcomings and finally succeed." ”

At the Vancouver Winter Olympics 12 years ago, young players Qi Guangpu and Jia Zongyang, who had high hopes, and defending champion Han Xiaopeng failed to attack the men's aerial skills championship. At that time, it was difficult for anyone to predict that the chinese team's second gold medal in the project would wait so long. In the end, this long regret and chase ended with Qi Guangpu and his "winning blow".

"The action to win the championship is not the most perfect jump, I can also get a higher score, I originally wanted to set a new record for the highest score," although Qi Guangpu said that he did not show the most perfect jump in his heart in the final, but at the Beijing Winter Olympics, he reached the most perfect puzzle of his career - "Grand Slam".

From the first golden glory on the snow of the Chinese Winter Olympics to the failure to win the highest podium in 16 years, several generations of aerial skilled people have experienced hardships and ups and downs. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, Qi Guangpu and Xu Mengtao created new history with one jump after another - the Chinese Air Skills Team won the gold medal in the Winter Olympics for the first time in the men's and women's sub-events. "Ace on the snow", finally blooming. (End)

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