
Seven Gems Beijing Winter Olympics Zhenguowei (Outer Six Songs)

Poetry: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

Seven Gems Beijing Winter Olympics Zhenguowei (Outer Six Songs)

Seven gems Beijing Winter Olympics Zhenguowei (Tongyun)

Heroic flash movies like flying, faith sonorous divine power urge.

When Da Zhen Guowei has me, he will definitely be able to hold the medal and return.

Beijing Winter Olympics

Knowing the shame of a hundred years to catch up, anti-super warriors to revitalize the country.

Heroically jumping on the ice peak, dazzling qionghua flew in all directions.

Seven Gems Beijing Winter Olympics Zhenguowei (Outer Six Songs)

Ode to the Winter Olympic Athletes

The red flag white snow reflects dan's heart, and the warrior Gao Fei mings yuyin.

Hot sweat ice flowers grind swords, and cold winds cut off into gold.

Linjiangxian Beijing winter

The Jade Tiger Dragon Spring King was full of energy, and the Five Rings Warriors were competing first.

Three Snow Dances.

The ice pier is cute in the world, and the snow melts and moistens the year.

The winning civilization also helps to rejoice, and it gallops like a fairy.

Dragons leap through difficulties.

The sports world is a grand event today, and human beings have a new look.

Seven Gems Beijing Winter Olympics Zhenguowei (Outer Six Songs)

Linjiangxian Ancient City

The ugly melts into the early summer, and the lush green ancient city.

The blue water of the South Lake greeted each other with a smile.

Many things in childhood, unforgettable ancient city feelings.

The high-rise hall of the compound is open and bright, and the audience in the hall is full of joy.

The poems rhyme with ancient rhymes.

My teacher is more elegant and interesting, and I remember the sound of teachings.

Untitled (2 songs)


The knife carved the rings of the year are getting deeper and deeper, and the wind and rain are more energetic.

The cloud steaming Xia's stars add color, and the thick and mellow taste is real.


Hundreds of life in the depths of the world, sour, sweet and bitter, do not panic,

Haito red sun is paved with brocade, gorgeous and beautiful, good and true.

February 16, 2022

Seven Gems Beijing Winter Olympics Zhenguowei (Outer Six Songs)

Editor: Li Huimin Li Xunxiu Editorial Board of Qingyanwei Literature

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