
The location of the new henan museum has been preliminarily determined The budget amount of 65 million yuan is for the global conceptual design bidding

Elephant News Reporter Ruan Haifeng Zhao Yongtao Text/Photo

On February 17, Elephant News reporters saw from the Henan Provincial Government Procurement Network that the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism released the government procurement intention for February to March 2022. Among them, the global conceptual design bidding work of the new institute of Henan Museum was carried out, with a budget of 65 million yuan, and the procurement time is expected to be March 2022.

In the 2022 Henan Provincial Culture and Tourism Work Conference held earlier, Jiang Jiding, secretary of the party group and director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province, said that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of the museum group and plan to build a new courtyard of the Henan Museum at a high level.

The location of the new henan museum has been preliminarily determined The budget amount of 65 million yuan is for the global conceptual design bidding

The new site of the Henan Museum has been preliminarily determined

So, where is the new site of the Henan Museum? How big is the construction? What role will the old museum play after its completion?

On February 16, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province released the name of the procurement project on the Henan Provincial Government Procurement Website as follows: Global Conceptual Design Project of the New Institute of Henan Museum. The site of the project is planned to be in the 170-mu area enclosed by the east of Xianghu Lake in the Baisha Group of Zhengdong New District, the west of Tonghui Road, the east of Qiancheng Avenue, the north of Rongchang Road, and the south of Shengping Road, with a planned construction area of 200,000 square meters, of which the main construction area is 148,000 square meters and the underground auxiliary construction area is 52,000 square meters, mainly including public areas, business areas and administrative areas.

Subsequently, the elephant news reporter came to the plot to see that it was still an open land, an area of about 100 acres, the north side was the henan provincial public security department business technical housing, the east and south sides have been fenced by iron fences, but the fence did not post any construction project announcements and construction units, some villagers planted a number of strawberry greenhouses here. "It's been empty for a long time, and I've heard about building a big stadium here, but it's not clear what it is." Nearby villagers told reporters that the plot had been idle for a long time.

"We hope to build the new hospital into a platform for exchanges and dialogues among world civilizations and a world-class museum." In addition to displaying the brilliant achievements of Chinese civilization, we can also introduce the achievements of other civilizations in the world to Henan for exhibition, joint exchange and research, and strengthen understanding. Ma Xiaolin, president of the Henan Museum, said in an interview with elephant news reporters that with new venues, complete display spaces and service spaces, I believe that the new museum will have greater influence in museums across the country and even in the world.

It is reported that the new museum will also use digital technology to create an immersive and interactive exhibition experience, build an open international cultural research and exchange platform, and build a national cultural and creative industry highland.

Ma Xiaolin told reporters that at present, the construction area of Henan Museum is 55,000 square meters, and the exhibition area is less than 10,000 square meters. In particular, since the opening of the museum free of charge in 2008, there has been a serious shortage of exhibition space and service space for the audience, and the carrying capacity of the museum is far from meeting the needs of the public.

"I believe that the new courtyard will soon start construction and will be presented to the audience in a few years."

The location of the new henan museum has been preliminarily determined The budget amount of 65 million yuan is for the global conceptual design bidding

The old courtyard of Henan Museum is planned to be rebuilt into "Henan Revolutionary History Museum"

It is reported that the Henan Museum was founded in 1927 and is one of the earliest museums in the mainland. In 1998, the Henan Provincial Museum was relocated from Renmin Road in Zhengzhou City to Agricultural Road in Zhengzhou City and renamed as "Henan Museum", covering an area of 126 acres and a construction area of 55,000 square meters.

Henan Museum has a collection of more than 170,000 cultural relics (sets), especially prehistoric cultural relics, Shang and Zhou bronzes, historical ceramics, jade and stone carvings. Fine cultural relics with a large number, full variety, high taste and great value are the treasure house of culture and art that witnesses the development trajectory of Chinese civilization and shows the context of China's historical development.

Ma Xiaolin told reporters that at present, the new academy exhibition system is being studied and designed, how many cultural relics are exhibited, and according to the exhibition design plan of the new academy, as far as possible, let everyone see more cultural relics and meet everyone's cultural needs.

Elephant News reporter learned from the relevant departments of the provincial government that after the completion of the new courtyard of the Henan Museum, it is planned to transform the current Henan Museum into the "Henan Revolutionary History Museum". The existing exhibition hall is used to display the major historical events and important historical changes that have taken place in Henan since 1840, and to highlight and interpret the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists such as the spirit of Jiao Yulu, the spirit of Hongqiqu, and the spirit of Dabie Mountain, making it an important base for carrying out patriotic education and revolutionary traditional education in our province. The renovation project should continue to use the existing exhibition cabinets and other supporting equipment as much as possible, and the exhibition area is a total of 7380 square meters.

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