
Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river

author:Jue County Doudou

In the early morning of February 8, the Guanyin Police Station in Xuzhou District, Yibin City, received a mass alarm that a woman had jumped into the river because of a trivial dispute, and The police officer on duty, Li You, immediately organized personnel to rescue.

Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river
Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river
Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river
Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river
Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river
Morning! A woman in Yibin committed suicide by jumping into a river

After more than 10 minutes of rescue, Li You and others finally pulled the emotional woman back to the shore from the river. On the way back, due to the wet and slippery river dam, the woman's friend fell into the river, and Li You and others launched a rescue again...

▍Editor's source: Guanyin Police Station, Xuzhou District, Yibin City | copyright belongs to the original author

▍Comprehensive Editor: 珙县兜兜兜