
"Creation Camp" qingpi sun group photo, to Zhang Xinyao, Wu Yuheng confided in their hearts

author:Beiqing Net
"Creation Camp" qingpi sun group photo, to Zhang Xinyao, Wu Yuheng confided in their hearts

On May 5, Qingpi of "Creation Camp 2021" posted a group photo on the social platform and confided his heart to Zhang Xinyao and Wu Yuheng, the full text is as follows:

Zhang Xinyao:

I love you man because we've never been on a team, so we didn't have a chance to actually talk until the final. Language barriers don't stop us from becoming brothers, or even make our friendships unabated. I appreciate your patience, you will try to understand my bad Chinese, and thank you for trying your best to speak English for me. During rehearsals, I didn't feel very good, but I always look forward to going back to the waiting room to play with you because you can help me forget my worries. You're one of my favorite dancers at the Creation Camp, and you always blow my eye in every performance you do, especially on the Finals stage. Don't forget, when we meet again, we have to have the whole TikTok, the whole secret battle that belongs to us, and you have to teach me your dance Ha. Love you sexy bro, haha.

Wu Yuheng:

You still don't have a brain, just kidding ~ I want to thank you for your super kindness and care, thank you for making me tease you, haha. You know, I tease you just because I love you. Thank you also for your help with Mika. On the show, I can't be with Mika very often, and I see him having trouble making friends that worries me a little. But as the two of you started interacting more, he seemed to become happier and more comfortable living in Creation Camp, and I wanted to thank you. I'm really excited that we were able to sing "Be Mine" together, because during practice and lunch breaks, I began to really understand that your charming, kind personality attracts a lot of people. I also have to mention that you sing very well, and without you singing the high note, I don't think "Be Mine" would have sounded so good. Anyway, I'll see you again soon, bro.

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