
Save up 88 skin shards, don't exchange metal storms and psychic hackers, a large number of players have exchanged it

King glory online six years of time, planning frequent online new skins, do not know to adjust the balance in the canyon, and the qualifying matching mechanism has not been ignored, indeed let many players feel chilled, but there are still players love this game, a high-quality skin can indeed enhance the player's feel and the effect of the game, but the need for real money, skin fragment shop by many players like, because here can be "white glance" skin, after all, the fragment can be obtained for free, the skin store has been updated, Save up 88 shards, don't change metal storms, give up Psychic Hacker, millions of players redeemed it.

Save up 88 skin shards, don't exchange metal storms and psychic hackers, a large number of players have exchanged it

Mozi's metal storm, has been on the shelves of the shard shop, 88 shards can be exchanged, although the hero in the canyon is not hot, but his strength has not been low, and Mozi's metal storm this skin has also been optimized by Tianmei before, but the special effects in the bureau are not like an epic skin, and Mozi also has several cost-effective skins, so save enough 88 shards, it is not recommended to exchange this metal storm, the feel is really general.

Save up 88 skin shards, don't exchange metal storms and psychic hackers, a large number of players have exchanged it

Angela's psychic hacker, the hero was strengthened by Tianmei, the win rate and appearance rate have risen sharply, has been on the middle road T0 list, and Angela's psychic hacker is an epic skin, this skin store update, the planning is also to arrange this skin, although the feel of this skin is OK, but it is still not recommended that everyone redeem it, because this shard store, there is a skin that is more cost-effective than psychic hacker.

Save up 88 skin shards, don't exchange metal storms and psychic hackers, a large number of players have exchanged it

Millions of players redeemed it

This fragment store update, planning online Zhen Ji's "Ice and Snow Circle Dance", although Zhen Ji is difficult to board the high-end bureau, but Zhen Ji can often see her figure in the king's 15-star bureau, although now Zhen Ji's skin is a brave label, but Tianmei has been officially announced, this skin has been optimized, the skin quality has been upgraded to epic, and Tianmei has made a new design for this skin, and there will be roses after the release of the innings skills, and there will be a lot of recognition.

Save up 88 skin shards, don't exchange metal storms and psychic hackers, a large number of players have exchanged it

Because the optimization of the round dance music will be launched in the near future, whether Tianmei can continue to put this skin in the fragment store is still unknown, so after the fragment store update, millions of players chose to use 88 fragments to exchange zhen Ji's "ice and snow round dance", because once they missed this opportunity, they wanted to have it later, and they were very capable of buying it with point coupons.

Save up 88 skin shards, don't exchange metal storms and psychic hackers, a large number of players have exchanged it

That's all there is to it in this issue, have you redeemed the skin of Ice And Snow Dance? Welcome to leave a message below, let your comments be seen by more friends, we discuss together, remember to pay attention to Oh!

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