
There is warmth everywhere in the world, and I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up and return to the stage

author:Northwest Qin cavity fans

Some time ago, brushing short videos, I accidentally saw a short video taken by Xu Tongtong, who carried something in his hand to visit a predecessor of the Qin cavity circle - Teacher Li Suying. I was shocked to see this short video, a middle-aged woman in ragged clothes and disheveled face who seemed to have some mental problems was actually a famous Qin artist in front of her. As a veteran theater fan, I was very interested so I searched the Internet, and the news about her was overwhelming. Some netizens scolded her: after becoming famous, she abandoned her husband and son, begged for seven years, and deserved it; some netizens expressed great sympathy and hoped that she would get out of the predicament and return to the stage under the care of well-meaning people. Today we will talk about this former Qin famous artist - Li Suying.

There is warmth everywhere in the world, and I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up and return to the stage

Teacher Li Suying was born in Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province, lived in the opera nest since childhood, was influenced by the Qin culture, and entered the drama class at a young age. Due to qi's unique voice and talent for singing, he gradually became more and more famous. He also studied Qin cavity under the famous teacher Lei Kaiyuan. Its unique singing voice, singing red sheng opera and Xusheng opera are highly sought after by fans and friends.

There is warmth everywhere in the world, and I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up and return to the stage

Li Suying had been married before becoming famous, and had a daughter, but after becoming famous, more and more people sought after him, made a big mistake, felt that he was not at the same level as her husband, and fell in love with a man from a foreign country, so she chose to divorce, and her daughter followed her ex-husband. Not long after the divorce, her ex-husband died of illness, and her young daughter became an orphan and could only stay at her aunt's house.

For the sake of so-called love, give up the existing family, give up the children. Run away from the man you love. What I didn't expect was that I was deceived by that man, and I deceived all the continuance but abandoned her, which was too much of a blow to Li Su, and her mental problems, such an encounter made people feel a lot of emotions.

According to the media, Li Suying now lives in her ex-mother-in-law's house, and after the divorce, she has broken off relations with her ex-husband's family, and even ignores her children. Going around, Li Suying still returned to her ex-husband's house.

There is warmth everywhere in the world, and I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up and return to the stage

Although some netizens believe that Li Suying's divorce from her ex-husband is not right, and she should not ignore the children, she also paid a painful price for her mistakes in that year, and now a person is lonely and miserable, with an illness on her legs, and relies on government relief to survive. In my own words, I didn't expect to ask people what they wanted to eat in this life, which was still quite sad. Begging, sickness, and loneliness are all debts that Li Suying is paying for the sins he has created before.

When the local media exposed the current situation of Teacher Li Suying's life, many Qin cavity actors, opera fans, Qin cavity lovers and some caring people in the society reached out to help her, visited her, and provided her with some items needed for life. Play her previous Qin Cavity singing segments, hoping to wake her up.

There is warmth everywhere in the world, and I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up and return to the stage

From the material and spiritual aspects to care for her, I hope that she will get out of the predicament as soon as possible, cheer up, bravely face life, and get back on the stage.

With the help of well-wishers and the government, Li Suying's house has now been renovated, cleaned very clean and warm, and the whole person is more energetic. Many caring people often visited her and brought her food supplies.

When I made mistakes, I was also punished, and I tasted the bittersweet and bittersweet of life. Now I am cared for and helped by well-wishers, but I hope that I can really cheer up and face life bravely. No amount of well-meaning people can help you for a lifetime, the most important thing is to cheer yourself up, get out of life's predicament, and face life positively.

There is warmth everywhere in the world, and I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up and return to the stage

There is warmth everywhere in the world, and society needs such positive energy. I hope that Teacher Li Suying will cheer up his spirits and return to the stage. Use your heavenly sound to penetrate the land of the Three Qins and bring people wonderful Qin cavity singing segments. Use your unique singing voice to repay the caring people and fans who care for you.

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