
Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Song Chengliang

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

Sun Jihai has taken root in football youth training.

There are always images that can drag Chinese fans back into the tunnel of memory.

20 years ago, during the World Preliminary Round of Ten, the two best full-backs of the national football team were in the same frame in Shanghai - on the afternoon of the 27th, in the Houpaner Sports Park in Minhang District, Shanghai, a football party belonging to ordinary citizens began, and Sun Jihai and Wu Chengying parachuted into the scene to help the activity.

In the subsequent parent-child football experience class, the two former national stars also stepped on the green field and had a close-up "competition" with the parents and children of Shencheng.

Unlike Wu Chengying, a native of Shanghai, Sun Jihai has recently appeared in Shanghai, mainly to carry out youth training work, which is also the key word of his career in recent years, "The first half of his life is related to football, and the second half of his life can not get rid of football." ”

Sun Jihai told the surging news reporter that he hopes to do some of the most basic work, "How tall a big tree can grow is not determined by how many leaves there are, but by how strong its root system and trunk are." ”

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

Sun Jihai, who shoveled Gerrard in the Premier League, is the representative of Chinese players who stay in The Yang.

Doing youth training has a greater sense of accomplishment and harvest

Since the professionalization of the Chinese league, Sun Jihai can be called the most successful foreign player.

He has played for Manchester City in the Premier League for many years and has an international vision, so when Sun Jihaigang retired, he was also selected by the management as a key training target for professional coaching – which is also in line with the trend of Chinese sports in recent years. Some time earlier, he had entered the coaching staff of the national Olympic team to assist the famous coach Hiddink.

After this experience, Sun Jihai became vice chairman of the Xinjiang Football Association at the end of March 2019, and since then his work has focused on youth training.

Last year, Sun Jihai and the Xinjiang Football Association completed the selection of Xinjiang U13 together, when he was very excited to write on social media, "This age group will be the main force of the 2030 and 2034 World Cups, and I hope that these energetic dolls will grow up to be the one standing at the home of China." Come on Chinese football! The power of the Tianshan Mountains rises! ”

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

Sun Jihai is dedicating his strength to Xinjiang football.

For the change of role, Sun Jihai also admitted that now Chinese football can not only pursue the top results of the pyramid, "only more people go to the bottom to do some popularization work, after laying a good foundation, it is conducive to the performance on the pyramid is guaranteed, so that the entire structure will be more stable." ”

"Now that I see that the children have been improved through training, their mood is very happy. Doing youth training may be less stressful and more enjoyable than professional football. ”

In Sun Jihai's view, engaging in professional football is definitely a double gain of fame and fortune, and he has also engaged in related work for a period of time after retiring, and then it is not without invitations from other clubs.

"I've always used the analogy that professional football is like a water cup, you add a lid at most, draw a pattern you like, but the general shape is difficult for you to make your own design; and youth training, starting from teenagers, like you pinch a mud, can create different forms, and finally all the results you want, this meaning is far more than doing professional football to give me a reward." 」

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

Sun Jihai signed autographs for the young fans. Infographic

The soul of Chinese football youth training is three questions

In the past few years, Sun Jihai has a very intuitive feeling for Chinese youth training.

"Football is an industry, any industry can not get rid of the entire social environment, now the country attaches great importance to football, set up a special leading group, but (want to develop) still need to cooperate with all walks of life."

Sun Jihai mentioned a point he had said in the past, which was also dubbed Sun Jihai's "Three Soul Questions" by the outside world.

"Do our children have enough time to play football, where to play?" Who will teach? If parents watch him play for two years without progress, if the training institution can not meet the needs of parents, then will parents continue to invest? When he encounters the pressure of the entrance examination, he needs a big environment (cooperation). ”

Of course, Sun Jihai is very optimistic about the prospects of sports training, especially football training, "the environment will get better and better." The state has a series of policies on the physique of young people, and I think it is certain that sports training will get better and better, especially football, which should be the leader in sports training. ”

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

The scene of the event.

Houpaner Sports Park, the venue of this event, joined hands with Sun Jihai's core coaching team to establish Shanghai Minhang District Houpaner Football Club rooted in Pujin Street in Minhang.

Last year, the Chinese men's national football team led by Li Tie was trained here to prepare for the World Preliminary Round of 40, and the park also won FIFA's green standard of highest satisfaction.

Sun Jihai's ideal model is to create an intelligent, Chinese and Western combination of the system, "our coaches are also professional players, hardware and software I think are all available, children's parents have also brought good support and protection, many things need to be adhered to, let others understand." After that, we will add more technological attributes - big data, video analysis, and smart devices will intervene in the test system. ”

Sun Jihai said, "Our goal is to make youth training no longer a brain shot. ”

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

Sun Jihai previously served as Hiddink's assistant coach in the national Olympic team.

How to cultivate the next Wu Lei?

Before Li Tie led the national football team in Shanghai to train and prepare for the top 40 matches, Sun Jihai of the same era often made a pot of tea with Li Tie and chatted, "Before the trip, I also sent my blessings, and I am glad that the national football team can successfully qualify for the top 12 - I also hope that this is the lowest valley of Chinese football, because this means that it will be better and better in the future." ”

In Sun Jihai's view, Li Tie chose to take over the national football team at this moment, which requires a certain amount of courage and boldness, "I think it is worth the applause and praise of footballers, and we should wish Li Tie to continue to achieve good results, although the future is long and difficult, but I believe that Li Tie, success is sooner or later." ”

Wu Lei's high-light performance also made Sun Jihai very emotional.

He had the impression that before the club held a youth competition, many parents said to their children, "You see, this is Sun Jihai and Wu Chengying." "But the kids don't feel much, after all, at the time of the 2002 World Cup, the kids weren't born yet.

Sun Jihai then asked the children who your favorite player in the national team is now, and almost all the children's answers are consistent - Wu Lei.

Dialogue | Sun Jihai: Engaging in youth training gives me a sense of accomplishment, and the next Wu Lei will definitely appear

Sun Jihai and Xinjiang football teenagers together. Image source: Future Jun Xinjiang Snow Future Public Account

"I don't know much about Wu Lei's situation in Spain last year, because Spanish B has not broadcast it, but from the children's answers, you can see the meaning of his persistence." This time the performance of Wu Lei in the national team match is obvious to all, and he has risked breaking his leg several times to spell out the penalty, which is the shining point we should see on him. ”

Sun Jihai believes that staying in the ocean will not be smooth, "sometimes it takes some luck, everyone's team is playing differently, the degree of competition encountered is different, everyone's personality and the degree of adaptation to foreign countries, these will have a certain impact on the process of staying in the ocean." ”

The outside world is expecting more and more Wu Lei to appear in China's youth training, but Sun Jihai still calls for the need for patience.

"After the youth training forms a certain scale, there will definitely be the next Wu Lei." We all know that it usually takes ten years of hard work to become a professional player, which is already fast. ”

"We should dive in and prepare for the long term. As long as you go in the right direction, the results will not be bad. Anyway, I'm confident. ”

Editor-in-Charge: Ascendas

Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang

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