
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

author:Gossip Ding Xiaobei

#Entertainment##Korean Entertainment##Four Generations Girl Group##平井桃 #

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

She, the first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups, all kinds of dances are easy to control; she, a Japanese girl, is popular in the Korean entertainment industry; she, at her peak, exposes love; she, that is, Hirai Momo.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

Hirai Momo was born on November 9, 1996 in Kyoto, Japan, to an older sister who showed a love of dance at the age of three and often went to the practice room with her older sister who needed to practice dance.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

When Hirai Washo was fourteen years old, she followed the song and dance troupe to the stage, and the following year, she participated in the k popstar Japan audition with a dream of song and dance.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

At that time, Hirai Momo dreamed of becoming the next girl's generation, who knew that after just one dance, she was eliminated miserably, and Hirai Momo returned home a little overwhelmed.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

The main reason for her elimination is her singing, in the oratorio session without any accompaniment, the sound and broken tone made her laughed at by many people on the scene.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

But fortunately, she once shared a video on the Internet, was favored by the South Korean JYP company, invited her to the company assessment, the days in a foreign country are very torturous, but she does not dare to have a slack.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In 2015, at the age of eighteen, Hirai Participated in the talent show "Sixteen" launched by the economic company JYP, but she was eliminated in the second round.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

What followed was endless practice, and she returned to the practice room alone, repeating the dance movements over and over again, trying to do her best.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

Heaven never failed to live up to the hard work of people, with the continuous advancement of the program, there are many netizens hope that the program group can recall the eliminated Hirai peach, so at the end of the program, Hirai peach was added into the twice combination.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In 2015, Hirai released their first mini album "The Story BEGINS" with the group, and in this year, they held their debut Showcase.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

From the beginning of her debut, Hirai Momo took the position of the main dancer in the group twice, especially later, the dance style of the group gradually diversified, and Hirai Momo's talent in dance became more and more obvious.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

When he first debuted, because of the combination style positioning, Hirai Momo showed a sweet and full of youthful girl style in front of the camera, lively and cute, very good-looking.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

With the development of the group, her amazing strength hidden under the sweet appearance is also revealed little by little, and her dance not only has the femininity of women, but also has the strength of men, which is full of coolness.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In addition to dancing, Hirai Momo can also choreograph, and at the TWICE concert, the YONCE danced with other team members is Hirai Momo's own choreography.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In 2016, the group TWICE released its third mini-album "TWICEcoaster: LANE 1", which sold more than 165,000 copies a week after its release, which was the best record for the sales volume of the girl group album this year.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In 2018, Hirai Momo can be regarded as a proud return to her hometown, and released her second Japanese single "Candy Pop" with the group, and the song won five awards at the Japan Golden Disc Awards.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

When Hirai Tao participated in the variety show, she was very open, and the requirements of the program group were not ambiguous, so she was often invited by various program groups, and the effect of recording the program every time was very good.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In 2020, Kim Hee-cheol announced his relationship with Hirai Peach, which caused an uproar in the Korean entertainment industry, and the two met in a variety show, and later developed a good feeling for each other.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

As Kim Hee-cheol's first official girlfriend since her debut, for Hirai Momo, the age difference of thirteen years old is almost like falling in love with aidou in childhood.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

After the love affair was announced, the outside world was full of doubts and accusations against the two, because in the Korean entertainment industry, as a carrier of the fan economy, Aidou should not fall in love, in the eyes of Koreans, this is a problem of professionalism.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

In this relationship, Hirai Momo's controversy is even greater, and she is in the ascendancy of her career during this period, which is undoubtedly putting the other members of the group in the water.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

Many of her fans have also tried to persuade her, hoping that she will shift her focus back to her career.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

But this time, the girl who has always been centered on dreams showed unprecedented stubbornness, or even that the girl was very willful.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

But in the end, in 2021, the two officially broke up, whether it was because they were not blessed by fans on both sides, or because their careers gathered less and left more, in short, after this, they forgot each other.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo
Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

Once in the vote of 100 Korean female singers in the dance strength evaluation, Hirai Peach won the first place for two consecutive years, it can be said that the title of the first main dance of the four generations of Hirai Peach's four generations of women's group is well deserved.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

Good face, exquisite figure, proud curves, these belong to Hirai Peach, I hope that her future, can better focus on the cause, cheers.

Korean Entertainment Memory | The first main dancer of the four generations of girl groups Hirai Momo

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