
Shenzhen power shines in the Beijing Winter Olympics

author:Crystal Newspaper

The time of reunion always passes very quickly. Today is only three days away from the conclusion of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. This global sports event of ice and snow is about to usher in the final farewell moment. Looking back at the stirring scenes of the Winter Olympics in the past half a month, the Chinese people are all excited. Shenzhen, located in the subtropics, has also engraved a deep imprint on this Winter Olympics, which has been praised by the world.

Shenzhen power shines in the Beijing Winter Olympics

The "Ice and Snow Five Rings" and "Snowflake" main torch platforms and ground 8K ultra-high-definition display systems unveiled at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games have all been developed and produced by Shenzhen enterprises. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Shenzhen ice and snow athletes, fighting for the country

After 12 years, the Chinese women's ice hockey team has once again stood on the field of the Winter Olympics. The main lineup of this national female ice hockey team is from Shenzhen Kunlun Hongxing Ice Hockey Club.

At this Winter Olympics, the Chinese women's ice team, ranked 20th in the world, is grouped with the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden and Japan. Although the world rankings of the four opponents are higher than the Chinese team, the female ice girls have shown the spirit of hard work - the first battle against the world's seventh-ranked Czech Republic, the players are slightly nervous, and finally lost; the second battle against the world's eleventh-ranked Denmark, equalized the score in the case of backwardness, and scored the winning goal before the final game; facing the world's sixth-ranked Japan, the team spelled out blood, tenaciously fought until the last minute, free kick to kill the opponent; the last battle against the world's ninth-ranked Sweden, the team fought until the last moment, Unfortunately, it did not perform a miracle. In the end, the Chinese women's ice did not qualify for the quarterfinals.

Although this Winter Olympic trip is a little regrettable, but reversing Denmark and killing Japan, the ice hockey girls have shown their strength that cannot be despised by any opponent. As Captain Yu Baiwei said, the girls have proved with their actions that this is a new and worthy of expectation of Chinese female ice, and they can do better!

Sixteen of the 23-man Chinese women's ice hockey team who participated in the Winter Olympics are from Shenzhen, all playing for Shenzhen Kunlun Hongxing Ice Hockey Club. Previously, they represented the club and the Chinese women's national ice hockey team in the international arena for many times, and showed their style with competitions.

Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, The Chinese women's ice team has missed the Winter Olympic Games for two consecutive years, and the national team of this competition is based on the Shenzhen Kunlun Hongxing Vanke Sunshine Team. In 2017, the national women's ice hockey team and the Shenzhen Kunlun Hongxing Ice Hockey Club officially settled in Shenzhen Longgang, a southern city that does not snow, implements the national "North Ice South Exhibition" policy, contributes to the national team from all levels, and ice hockey has also become a "new business card" of Shenzhen sports, integrated into the sports life of citizens.

In addition to the 16 wonderful blooming "ice flowers", there is another athlete in Shenzhen who also appeared on the stage of this Winter Olympics, he is the bobsleigh athlete Peng Junyue. As a double gold medalist at the National Winter Games, Peng Junyue achieved a gold medal "breakthrough" for Guangdong in the history of the National Winter Games. At this Winter Olympics, Peng Junyue and his partner Huang Yebo set a new record - the first pair of Chinese double bobsleigh pairs to appear at the Winter Olympic Games. After the games, they were also appreciated and encouraged by IOC President Bach, who presented them with olympic badges and met to see them again at the next Winter Olympics.

The ice and snow athletes in Shenzhen played for the country at the Beijing Winter Olympics, achieved a breakthrough of zero, and left their own footprints. In the future, I believe that they can have greater leaps and bounds of growth, let us look forward to it together!

Huawei 5G full coverage

This ice and snow event, which brings together the world's top athletes, condenses the painstaking efforts of countless people. Behind the scenes, a number of Shenzhen enterprises flashed. In the fields of venue construction, green hydrogen energy, safety and epidemic prevention, a large number of "Shenzhen Intelligent Manufacturing" have helped the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, contributed to the "strength of Shenzhen enterprises", and displayed the "shenzhen enterprise style".

Throughout the Winter Olympic Games, athletes and journalists from all over the world need to travel to and from various venues, and the "Winter Olympic Train" with a speed of up to 350 kilometers has become their most trusted means of transportation. This high-tech train is equipped with a large number of advanced technologies, including a 5G ultra-high-definition studio from Huawei in Shenzhen.

In order to facilitate journalists from all over the world to report on the train, the Winter Olympics train has achieved full 5G coverage of Huawei, the signal is super strong, and there is even a specially designed on-board ultra-high-definition studio, which is equipped with various professional studio recording equipment, and reporters and hosts from all over the world can record programs in the studio or broadcast live to the outside world.

The stands of the Winter Olympic venues also contain "deep enterprise power". The National Alpine Ski Center "Snow Flying Swallow" is the highest level in China and the first alpine ski resort in line with the standards of the Winter Olympics. The audience stand system of "Xuefeiyan" is built by Shenzhen Leading Sports. The prefabricated grandstand system built by the global manufacturer of sports facilities and equipment for the Winter Olympics achieved many effects of not generating a large amount of construction waste, saving costs, dismantling and recycling after the game, and restoring the natural beauty of the mountain. In addition, the company's pioneering "smart seat management system" has created a more comfortable, efficient and intelligent venue environment for the Winter Olympics.

In Beijing Awards Plaza, Yanqing Racing Area National Bobsleigh Center and other areas, more than 100 epidemic-proof intelligent environmental protection mobile toilets developed by Shenzhen enterprises have also contributed to the carbon neutrality of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

As the overall air prevention and disinfection and purification program provider of the Ice Arena of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the air disinfection and purification system provided by Shenzhen Kangfeng Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd. carries out all-round air disinfection of the Winter Olympic venues "Ice Temple" and "Capital Gymnasium" and other places, in addition to killing bacteria and viruses, the system can also deal with formaldehyde and other harmful gases, allowing athletes to breathe freely and healthily, and ensuring the smooth progress of the Winter Olympics to the greatest extent.

For the first time, all venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics have achieved 100% green electricity supply in the world's large-scale comprehensive sports events, and the green electricity mainly comes from the Zhangbei region of Hebei Province. The Zhangbei Xinsheng Wind Farm, a subsidiary of Shenzhen-based China General Nuclear Power Group, directly delivers a steady stream of clean energy to the Winter Olympics.

CIMC Enric, a subsidiary of CIMC, provided more than 40 sets of full-range and multi-variety hydrogen energy equipment for the Winter Olympics, which contributed to the carbon neutrality of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Winter Olympics epidemic prevention, there is no shortage of deep enterprises

In terms of safety and epidemic prevention, in order to help the Beijing Winter Olympics be held smoothly, Huawei and Beijing Unicom jointly created a 5G innovation plan, 5G Capital. It is understood that with the 5G gigabit network, the personnel temperature measurement and health treasure identification function can be realized in the alpine ski center. In the context of epidemic prevention and control, the Wozhi Care products of the bobsleigh venue have realized various tasks such as temperature measurement, face recognition, itinerary code registration and other work through the real-time interaction with the multi-platform of health treasure, ID card and medical insurance card, and the equipment is installed at the entrance of the canteen and the epidemic prevention entrance of the venue, which improves the speed of the venue and provides guarantee for the high-speed operation of the venue.

In terms of medical security, Mindray Medical from Shenzhen provided smart medical technology equipment for the Chongli Branch of Peking University Third Hospital, the designated medical security hospital in Zhangjiakou Competition Area, to help the medical security work of the event. The company also provided a batch of epidemic prevention equipment for the Winter Olympics, including monitors, defibrillators, ventilators, portable ultrasound, and in vitro diagnostics.

At the same time, in the nucleic acid testing laboratory in Zhangjiakou, the automated equipment such as nucleic acid extraction of BGI Intelligent Manufacturing operates 24 hours a day, and tens of thousands of samples can be processed in a single day. BGI's cloud shadow remote ultrasound robot connects the medical security channel between the three hospitals of Beijing Medical University and the closed-loop area through 5G and high-speed broadband, and even during the closed-loop management period, the hospital can provide the same quality of medical services.

In addition, the wireless electronic thermometer developed by Shenzhen Refreshing Intelligent Electronics Co., Ltd. also escorted the "Ice Cube" event epidemic prevention.

The epidemic-proof intelligent and environmentally friendly mobile public toilets in the award square of the Beijing Competition Area and the National Snowmobile Bobsleigh Center in yanqing Competition Area are developed by the Shenzhen General Institute under the Shenzhen Investment Holding Company, and are also the only designated toilet products in the Awards Plaza of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Induction hand washing, induction soap, induction hand drying, induction trash can... This full-service, contactless design of smart public toilets effectively reduces the risk of cross-infection.

Shenzhen Kangfeng Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., as the provider of the overall air epidemic prevention and disinfection and purification program for the ice arena of the Winter Olympic Games, carries out all-round air disinfection of the ice arena, the Capital Gymnasium and other venues to ensure the smooth progress of the Winter Olympic Games and the health and safety of athletes, officials and spectators from all over the world.

"Flying" torch + ice and snow five rings, made in Shenzhen

The "Five Rings of Ice and Snow", unveiled at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, attracted the world's attention with its peerless beauty and stunning perfect performance of ice and jade. The "Ice and Snow Five Rings", with an area of 134 square meters and a weight of about 3 tons, is carefully produced by Shenzhen enterprise Lehman Optoelectronics and its subsidiary KangshuoZhan, and the core is LED display technology. Liu Shaobo, senior research and development manager of the company, revealed that the developers referred to the arrow structure design of the space rocket to ensure that the "ice and snow five rings" are both light and strong, and can also withstand the 6-level wind. Profound technical background and rich construction experience finally bring the world a crystal clear, holy and noble "ice and snow five rings".

At the opening ceremony, the "snowflake" main torch platform that amazed the world, as well as the ground 8K ultra-high-definition display system of more than 10,000 square meters, were jointly developed and produced by Shenzhen Zhouming Technology and BOE. Such a large area, such a high-resolution ground display system is the first in the world.

The Beijing Winter Olympic Torch, which symbolizes the "ceremonial instrument of the country", is "flying", and its appearance design is from the Tmall Genie Shenzhen design team. The dynamic and dynamic shape, like a dancing ribbon, has impressed audiences around the world.

"Shenzhen snow" brushed the screen, foreign media praised

On the opening night of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Shenzhen became the only southern coastal city to appear in the hot part of the opening ceremony, through drones, robots, building lights, art performances, etc., Shenzhen presented the innovative concept of "Winter Olympics + fashion + technology" to the world, showing the world the power of Shenzhen.

After the warm-up performance, the topic of "it snowed in Shenzhen during the Winter Olympics" once appeared on Weibo's hot search and brushed the circle of friends. This refers to the "highlight" of the warm-up performance - the drone show. In the picture, the 2022 drones slowly rise, forming a snowflake that floats in the night sky. Through the matrix combination transformation, the UAV also formed two mascots of "Ice Pier" and "Snow Rongrong", which presented the citizens' blessings for the Winter Olympics in the form of a real-time barrage.

Shenzhen debuted in the warm-up session of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, attracting praise from overseas media.

The Associated Press published an article titled "Celebrating the Spring Festival and Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Shenzhen Holds Fashion Sense Science and Technology Fan City Show" that the three-minute "city show" in Shenzhen adopted a variety of new technologies, new means and new forms. Drones constantly change formations in the sky, gradually changing from snowflakes to mascots of this Winter Olympic Games, conveying the enthusiasm of the city to welcome the Winter Olympics. This city show blends fashion, technology and traditional Lingnan culture, and the emotions of happiness, youth, struggle and celebration flow and collide in a city full of charm, vitality and innovation.

The article believes that Shenzhen is the "pathfinder" of China's reform, opening up and innovation. For more than 40 years, Shenzhen's total economic output has gone from 270 million yuan in 1980 to more than 3 trillion yuan in 2021, ranking among the top 5 Asian cities, creating a miracle in the history of industrialization, urbanization and modernization in the world. For more than 40 years, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has gone from an obscure frontier town to a modern international metropolis with global influence, becoming a model for China's economic development.

The article was simultaneously forwarded by dozens of media such as the Los Angeles Times, Boston Headlines, Houston Chronicle, The British News, The Russian Herald, Dublin News, Paris Guardian, Barcelona News, Edinburgh News, and so on.

Crystal News reporter Zou Zhenmin