
Guangdong car companies resume work and production at full capacity, and production capacity is expected to increase by 30%

Guangdong car companies resume work and production at full capacity, and production capacity is expected to increase by 30%

On February 15, Ma Wanfu, a car off-line inspector at FAW-Volkswagen Foshan Branch, returned to his post early to test whether the cars off the line had quality problems, and when he found that a car did not have brake fluid, he immediately marked it and drove the vehicle to the designated area.

Gong Fujian, an electrical analysis technician, is also running on production lines to ensure that each vehicle is qualified for electrical engineering. "It feels good to return to work, there are early adjustments, the current production rhythm is still relatively stable, and the second half of the year will be busier." He said.

Guangdong car companies resume work and production at full capacity, and production capacity is expected to increase by 30%

After the Spring Festival holiday, the Southern + reporter visited a number of automobile factories in Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhaoqing and found that the current production workshop workers have all returned to work, restored the previous production rhythm, and car companies are expanding production capacity with full horsepower and rapidly resuming work and production.

When the reporter visited the production workshop of FAW-Volkswagen Foshan Branch, what he saw was a scene of stable production with full horsepower. According to Li Xiuzhang, director of the production management department of FAW-Volkswagen Foshan Branch, the production capacity of the first phase and phase II of the plant has been restored. "The MEB new energy automobile factory was just completed and put into production last year, and it is still in a process of releasing production capacity, so the current MEB factory is a single-shift production, and with the addition of new models and the further opening of market demand, it will return to a state of full load." Li Xiuzhang introduced, "This year's MEB factory target production capacity is 100,000 vehicles, according to the market improvement, open more production capacity, compared with last year' increase of more than 30%, the situation has improved significantly." ”

Guangdong car companies resume work and production at full capacity, and production capacity is expected to increase by 30%

Li Xiuzhang said that Foshan Branch is a MEB smart factory and model factory of FAW-Volkswagen electric vehicle strategy, which is divided into the first and second phases of step-by-step construction, with a planned production capacity of up to 600,000 vehicles per year and a vehicle per minute. In order to ensure the production capacity of the ID. family, Foshan Branch will upgrade the new energy production line in May this year and ensure production at full horsepower.

Just a few days ago, Xiaopeng Automobile Zhaoqing Intelligent Manufacturing Base danced a traditional Guangdong lion dance at the entrance, announcing the start of construction this year. At present, Xiaopeng Automobile Zhaoqing Intelligent Manufacturing Base has fully resumed work and production, and the overall production capacity is rapidly improving. In order to meet the growing demand for terminal delivery, Xiaopeng Automobile Zhaoqing Intelligent Manufacturing Base has also recently carried out a series of production line upgrades.

"This year's FAW-Volkswagen Foshan branch sales target is 320,000 units, an increase of 35% year-on-year, and we are confident of achieving and surpassing this target." Li Xiuzhang said. In order to reduce the impact of "lack of cores", since the beginning of this year, FAW-Volkswagen has fought for chips from various channels, minimized the supply cycle of the chip supply chain, raised maximum resources, and remained optimistic about this year's sales situation.

According to the data, Guangdong automobile companies have achieved a good start in January, and GAC Group has sold 237,200 vehicles, an increase of 9.2% year-on-year, challenging the target of 15% growth in production and sales this year. BYD also became the champion of new energy passenger car sales in mainland China with 92,926 units, and Dongfeng Nissan received 111333 terminal sales. On February 12, Guangqi Honda achieved cumulative production and sales of 9 million units, and is also the second joint venture car company in our province with cumulative sales of more than 9 million units.

【Reporter】 Gong Qianshu Huang Xiaoyun

【Author】 Gong Qianshu; Huang Xiaoyun

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client