
Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

Just in December 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology removed 106 mobile phone APPS that had not been rectified after a timeout, and the vast majority of them were rectified due to illegal mobile phone personal information and so on. In fact, not only these 106 apps have such a situation, but also the previous rectification and removal of the APP is not a minority.

Of course, the reason why such an APP will be forcibly removed is also related to the information security of each user. Don't think that personal information is not important, the high incidence of personal information leakage is likely to be the source of frequent telecommunications fraud, and many people have suffered losses.

Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

Therefore, some informal APP we are best not to download and use, at the same time, not only APP, many adult websites with "pornographic" content, do not browse, not only illegal, but also may be "hurt" by its "routine".

How many people browse adult websites?

To be honest, I believe that there are not a few people who often secretly browse such adult websites, and everyone should not think about it, which is confirmed by data, not only in the mainland, but also in the world. A set of survey data once done by authoritative institutions in the United States shows that such websites account for about 12% of the world's websites.

At the same time, the number of pages involving "pornography" is as high as more than 24.644 million, and the number of visitors to such websites can reach an average of 28,258 per second, which means that globally, nearly 30,000 people may be browsing such websites every second.

Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

There are even sneak peeks, and the survey results show that about 20% of men and 13% of women browse this kind of content through the Internet during working hours. This data undoubtedly shows us the "attractiveness" of such websites, and also reveals the current situation of the popularity of such websites.

However, in fact, this data is very "scary", those who regularly visit such websites, do not be "complacent" because they have not been discovered, in fact, the "danger" brought by such websites is more serious than you think.

This type of website is "dangerous"

In the mainland, and even the world, there are many such websites or web pages for everyone to browse, sometimes when you accidentally click into some illegal links, you may also pop up a "warning" from the mobile phone, indicating that this website is illegal or unsafe, which is not alarmist, it is really "unsafe".

Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

Moreover, it is not simply a matter of leaking personal information, some websites themselves use "pornography" as bait to "routine" netizens, in order to achieve the purpose of implanting viruses. Kaspersky Lab, as an internationally renowned information security vendor, has conducted such a survey before.

The results show that more than 30% of Britons may have caused a virus on their devices by browsing this type of content. Such a situation also occurs from time to time in the mainland, once the virus, personal information leakage is not only, there may also be money in the account being "stolen", mobile phone cameras are controlled and so on.

Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

It is precisely because the danger is so great that the mainland has vigorously cracked down on such content. Just on January 10, 2022, the National Office of "Eliminating Pornography and Cracking Down on Illegal Activities" released a set of work data for 2021, which showed that in the whole year of 2021, the purification network disposed of up to 19 million pieces of harmful information involving "pornography" and so on;

At the same time, from June to October, more than 110,000 illegal websites were shut down and banned nationwide under the "net cleaning" activity. It can also be seen that there seem to be a lot of such websites. This move can be said to have greatly protected the rights and interests of netizens from being infringed.

Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

If you have browsed such websites, then it is best to check yourself, if the following 3 signs appear on the mobile phone, then it is very likely to be "recruited".

3 "Signs" of Viruses in Mobile Phones

The three major signs are abnormal stuttering of mobile phones, excessive consumption of phone bills, and increased harassment information. Generally speaking, the unusual stuttering of mobile phones is likely to be caused by the Trojan virus taking up space in operation; and the consumption of phone bills is likely to be tied to the project of malicious deduction by the Trojan virus;

Browse adult websites more "routines"? There are 3 kinds of signs, and the mobile phone is likely to be "tricked"

The increase in harassing information, phone calls, etc., may also be due to the leakage of personal information caused by browsing websites. Of course, there are these 3 major signs, can not be 100% confirmed is the virus, you can go to the professional store to test the mobile phone, once found the virus traces, you must immediately repair.

Of course, the most important thing is to advise everyone that such websites should not be seen, not only illegal but also have a great "risk" to netizens. At the same time, not only websites that contain "pornography", but also websites that violate the law, everyone should not browse them, so as not to suffer losses.

I don't know if the APP you usually use collects personal information in violation of the law? Do you think your phone has the above 3 signs? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section.

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