
Beijing Winter Olympics Quip | "I have less than 1% talent..."

author:Bright Net

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 18 (Reporters Li Linhai, Lu Xingji, Zheng Zhi)

- "I have less than 1% talent..."

Background: On the 18th, Gu Ailing won the second gold of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and at the post-match press conference, Gu Ailing, who was called a "talented girl" by the outside world, said: "I only have less than 1% talent, and talent accounts for only a small part of my career, even negligible." Maybe it helped me just a little faster than others when I first started practicing skiing. ”

Comments: You who fight and sass, are the appearance of the Olympic champion.

Beijing Winter Olympics Quip | "I have less than 1% talent..."

On February 18, Gu Ailing awarded the U-shaped track skill medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yubin

- "I really have slept with my gold medal in my arms... I still put them on the bed every day, my gold medal... My 'ice piers'..."

Background: On the 18th, it was the 18th birthday of Su Yiming, who won an impressive record of 1 gold and 1 silver at the Beijing Winter Olympics, he said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency.

Comments: There is no better rite of passage than this.

Beijing Winter Olympics Quip | "I have less than 1% talent..."

On February 15, Su Yiming awarded the medal at the men's big jumping platform medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

"Because this sport is more free, its style will make me more cheerful, sometimes I will be a little annoyed, but I will vent through training..."

Background: On the 18th, at the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's U-shaped track skill final, China's Li Fanghui ranked fifth, with regret she described her love for the project.

Comments: Free movement, free heart.

Beijing Winter Olympics Quip | "I have less than 1% talent..."

On February 18, Li Fanghui competed in the women's U-shaped track skills final at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

Source: Xinhua News Agency