
Gu Ailing won the Freestyle Ski Women's U-Shaped Track Skills Championship

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Gu Ailing won the Freestyle Ski Women's U-Shaped Track Skills Championship

On February 18, Gu Ailing was in the game. Global Times reporter Cui Meng photographed

Gu Ailing won the Freestyle Ski Women's U-Shaped Track Skills Championship

On February 18, Li Fanghui was in the game. Photo by Yi Xiao, a reporter of this newspaper

Gu Ailing won the Freestyle Ski Women's U-Shaped Track Skills Championship

On February 18, Zhang Kexin was in the game. Photo by Jiang Yushi, a reporter of this newspaper

From 93.25 points to 95.25 points, China's Gu Ailing locked in the gold medal in the women's U-shaped track skill of freestyle skiing with her excellent first two rounds of skating!

On February 18, the Beijing Winter Olympics Freestyle Ski women's U-shaped track skill final was held at Genting Ski Park. Gu Ailing, Li Fanghui and Zhang Kexin represented the Chinese team in the competition, and finally Gu Ailing won a gold medal, and Li Fanghui and Zhang Kexin also created their personal Winter Olympic bests, ranking fifth and seventh respectively.

After the third round of gliding, Gu Ailing and the coach on the departure stage hugged tightly and chose a set of relaxed and fun moves to celebrate for themselves and interact with the audience. She stretched out in the air, ignited the enthusiasm of the scene with confidence and happiness, and also ended her first trip to the Winter Olympics.

Participating in the Winter Olympics for the first time, 18-year-old Gu Ailing won 2 gold and 1 silver, showing his strength in the freestyle skiing field. After many days of high-intensity training and competition, this smiling girl has been tired. Until the end of the game, she finally couldn't help but cry: "Winning two Winter Olympic gold medals, this feeling is a bit like the kind of happiness when you hold your breath for a long time and then take a big breath." The moment when my dream came true was my most unforgettable moment. ”

In the freestyle ski women's U-shaped track skill, Gu Ailing has won various major competitions such as the World Championships, the World Cup and the World Extreme Games since winning the 2020 Lausanne Winter Youth Olympics. During training, she was often the first to arrive and the last to leave the driving range. To avoid disrupting the rhythm, she trained on the snow for hours without eating a bite or drinking a sip of water, just to make sure that every movement was done properly. Self-disciplined life and efficient training have laid a solid foundation for Gu Ailing's continuous progress.

The cross-section of the U-shaped field skill is like a U-shaped curve, which can actually be seen as a microcosm of the athlete's sports career: there are ups and downs, when in the trough, how strong the desire to go up, how firm the confidence to win, how steady the pace of struggle, how gorgeous the scenery seen when rushing to the top is.

On the eve of the 2021 World Championships, Gu Ailing was seriously injured in her right hand, but she chose to wear protective gloves and did not hold a pole to insist on completing the competition, becoming the first athlete to win two gold medals at the same freestyle skiing world championships. In Gu Ailing's mind, "there is no absolute standard for the action of freestyle skiing, the degree of flipping is just a number, behind which is actually constantly challenging and breaking through the self", which is the attraction of this sport.

From the big jump to the slope obstacle skills to the U-shaped field skills, Gu Ailing took one step at a time on the Winter Olympics and constantly challenged the limits. "Whenever I complete a new challenge, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart." The first trip to the Winter Olympics also meant more to her than a medal: "The Winter Olympics taught me how to get up again after falling, bringing me confidence and friendship." I want to share with people everything I learned in skiing, it's the biggest gold medal in my heart. (Reporter Sun Longfei)

People's Daily ( February 19, 2022, Edition 05)

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