
XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong

XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong.

In the second week of the KPL Spring Games, there are still many unexpected results, such as AG Super Play will lose to WE, TTG is XYG clean sheet, especially XYG clean sheet TTG let them stabilize the situation, the second round of the probability will not fall off Group A, such strength can already be regarded as a KPL strong team. Originally, at the beginning of the season, many players felt that Group S fell to the team of Group A, respectively XYG and TES, and no one thought that TTG would drop Group A, after all, last season they took two runners-up, and the lineup did not change much, it is really impossible to understand why they got three consecutive defeats.

XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong

TTG has three battles and three defeats, the next two games even if they get a full victory, they also need to see the faces of other teams, so they will most likely fall into Group A, it seems that after the original training director of TTG left, the team had a big problem, Coach Kai Kai as the training director and has no real power, TTG is likely to let Kai Kai re-become the head coach. XYG's coaching staff has also undergone a series of changes, but they are exactly the opposite of TTG, after the head coach Glucose announced his resignation, the new coach Fengjun has led the team to win consecutive wins, it is obvious that Zhang Daxian's idea is more correct, Xihe is indeed more suitable for starting than the newcomer.

XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong

When the glucose coach stepped down, everyone was speculating about why he chose to leave XYG at this time, and then Zhang Daxian had an explanation, which probably meant that the two sides did not agree on their ideas, and finally the glucose coach chose to get together with XYG, and nothing unpleasant happened between the two sides. And everyone speculates that glucose and Zhang Daxian's idea is different, in fact, it is in the auxiliary Xihe, when Xihe also recruited people to compete for the post, the glucose coach was more optimistic about the new auxiliary, so Xihe naturally became a substitute, but Zhang Daxian was more optimistic about Xihe, which is that after Xihe started, the glucose coach felt that there was no way to continue to coach XYG, and would choose to step down at this key point.

XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong

Although this matter has not been confirmed, but XYG's starting lineup only has the auxiliary position in the change, if there is a concept of disagreement before, the glucose coach has long announced his resignation, dragged to this time there is no opportunity to transfer to other teams, so Zhang Daxian wants xihe to start the game, which is indeed the most likely reason for the departure of the glucose coach. However, it turns out that Zhang Daxian's decision is very correct, Xi he played XYG full of full state, will get two consecutive wins, will not fall to group A, to maintain this state they have a better chance to win the spring championship, do not need to play the seat match again, to avoid unexpected situations.

XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong

Zhang Daxian created the XYG team, his goal is naturally to get the KPL championship, for this goal he has been working hard, but the management involved in the coaching team, in fact, is a "big taboo", the original AG Super Play will manage to intervene in the coaching team, and then they will get 26 consecutive defeats. The current KPL is not the same as before, the coaching staff's BP and playing style ideas can easily affect the entire battle, this is the glucose coach announced his resignation, everyone will feel that XYG is going to collapse the reason, but XYG players are full of resilience, they want to prove that they can do it, do not want anyone to look down on themselves, especially the auxiliary Xihe, he wants to prove that Zhang Daxian's decision is not wrong.

XYG easily sealed TTG, assisted Xihe and told Zhang Daxian with practical actions: Your decision is not wrong

In short, XYG guarantees that they are in group S in the first round, and even if the results are worse in the second round, they still have a card game guarantee, and the strength of the team in group A is average, even if the AG super play will not be a threat to them, so XYG as long as it is guaranteed that this round does not fall into group A, the spring game should be stable into the playoffs, and it is even possible to get a place in the playoff winner group. XYG because it is a team created by Zhang Daxian, they are actually much better than other teams along the way, only the team that was not strong in the early stage made Zhang Daxian feel a little uncomfortable, but all this has completely passed, XYG will now get the respect it deserves with whoever makes a training match.

Do you think XYG has a chance to win? You may wish to leave a message in the comment area to discuss together, I personally feel that XYG wants to win the championship very much need to overcome the "heart demon", only by defeating eStar can get the transformation, otherwise it is difficult to win the spring championship.

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