
Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Three years of punishment for a valuable womb: the chained "eight-child mother" of Feng County, behind which is the nightmare of thousands of women

Original Anna Elite says 2022-02-16 08:45

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Recently, the incident of "eight-child woman wearing iron chains" in Feng County, Xuzhou Has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life.

On February 10, the information issued by the fourth announcement of the Xuzhou Feng County incident has determined that the incident involved trafficking and trafficking, which has once again set off a heated discussion in public opinion.

Compared with the previous three vague announcements of factual determination, this official circular confirms:

1. After DNA comparison, Yang Mouxia, who was trapped by the chain in the incident, is Xiaohuamei himself, who was once considered to have walked away many years ago;

2. Dong Moumin, the father of the eighth child, was involved in the crime of illegal detention;

3. The abduction and trafficking of Xiaohuamei from Yunnan to Sang and Shi Mouzhong in Jiangsu were involved in the crime of abducting and trafficking women.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Image source: Xuzhou release

The investigation of this incident is slowly promoted by surging public opinion, under the supervision and scrutiny of the public, the official characterization of the incident and the specific sentencing progress of those involved in the crime are disclosed, and netizens are waiting for a result of safeguarding social justice, that is, those who violate the law, violate the law or violate public order and good customs in this incident will be punished as they deserve!

This incident seems to be accidental and small, but it has attracted the attention and supervision of more than 1.6 billion netizens on Weibo, including #rural mental disorders#, #long-term imprisonment#, #forced childbirth#, #single-stick old man#, these keywords that are incompatible with civilized society are faintly painful.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Image source: Blind Mountain

The chains on the mother of eight children, Yang Mouxia, lock the tone of civilization in the 21st century, and when she faces the blogger's camera, she emits the emptiness and helplessness of "this world is not going to be lost", which also covers the strength and cry of women's upward growth.

Looking back on the incident again, we should be wary: if the chains on the mother of eight children are not freed, then one day, the chains may be put on you and me...

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Elite said,

#丰县生育八孩女子 Behind the chained "mother of eight children", is the law also "tied"?

The video number

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Tethered dignity:

Invisible faint female light

Let's briefly review the beginning and end of the event. At the beginning, on Douyin, a positive energy blogger exposed a father with eight children, a poor family but loving children, that is, her husband Dong Moumin.

The scene of him hunched over and holding the baby in the video makes people feel pity. In particular, the 34-year-old did not marry, was looked down upon by the surroundings, and only wanted 8 children, such remarks also attracted the attention of social caring people.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Image source: Douyin

Soon, live bloggers shifted the camera to this loving father, and the excessive attention once made him an Internet celebrity, and even became the darling of multiple advertising endorsements.

On January 28, the blogger @ Miss Duan came and posted a Weibo video that caused a hot discussion among netizens, that is, the loving father's family, there was also a woman with a slurred speech, she was the mother of 8 children, Yang Mouxia.

The video shows that in the simple hut, the woman wears cotton pants, a thin top, and a chain around her neck, and the iron lock hangs under the woman's chin. The woman's environment was dirty and messy, with lonely buns and water on the side of the dirty bed.

The woman is unable to communicate with normal people, her eyes are hollow, her hands are curled up, and she is full of timidity and fear for the camera.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

A caring person who responded to the call of netizens and went to help the family said: The child's mother has mental illness, good and bad, and when she is sick, she will run around and scold.

Public opinion began to flip, and Dong Moumin's loving fatherly design collapsed in an instant. Scrutiny ensued, and people smelled the anomaly behind the chain: according to Dong Moumin's client, Yang Mouxia was "taken in" by himself in June 1998, and then married at the local civil affairs bureau and gave birth to eight sons in a row.

There have been many discussions and questions on the Internet, such as her education, she was still in good spirits when she was abducted, but she was imprisoned and tortured to make her insane and unrecognizable. So why, for more than 20 years, no one has tried to rescue this imprisoned mentally disturbed woman, and no one has questioned this suspected deformed family? Or even turn a blind eye to the plight of the mother of eight children?

The majority of netizens hope to see the truth behind various arguments, and also call on relevant personnel to investigate. After three back-and-forth official investigations and the announcement of the results, public opinion finally reached a climax.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

While we are worried about the encounter of women in the chain, we also see the progress of social civilization behind the pressure of public opinion.

From the very beginning of the social benevolent people concerned about the eight-child difficult family, gave full help, to smell the abnormal incident, for the chain women to rush to call for the official investigation, although as of now, there are still many doubts have not been solved, but the notice is no longer addicted to the positive energy of "kind shelter", but frank criminal facts, tearing apart the cruel truth of human trafficking.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

For more than 20 years, this group of women huddled in the dark was finally seen. I hope that the leaders of Feng County will understand that the truth cannot be smeared and that the people cannot be fooled.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Imprisoned traditional ideas:

Patriarchal misery that cannot be eradicated

From the investigation results of the "Eight-Child Woman born in Feng County" released by Xuzhou on February 10, the public learned that the chained woman was a young woman who was abducted to the countryside many years ago, and gave birth to eight children in more than two decades of captivity.

Behind this vicious case, Xiaohuamei is not the only victim. According to a survey of the documentary literature "Ancient Evils" published in May 1989, there were 48,100 trafficked women in the six counties of Xuzhou alone from 1986 to 1989.

One chain was seen, but thousands of chains were still under a pickle.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

For a long time in the past, the inferiority of men over women, poverty and ignorance, the need for bare sticks, and the succession of generations, these old ideas handed down from history have become the real crux of the high incidence of Chinese trafficking cases.

The heroines of these tragedies are often trapped in backward villages. Influenced by traditional thinking, men mean labor, which directly leads to the gender imbalance of the rural population, the remaining uncompetitive single sticks are increasing, in order to complete the goal of succession, remote rural areas have gradually become the main market for female trafficking.

In 2008, the media exposed that a Heilongjiang woman, Sun Guizhi, was abducted and sold to rural Shandong. When the reporter arrived at the farmhouse, the woman was tied to a large rock by a nylon rope, naked. It is said that this has been maintained for 15 years, defecating in the sheep shed, and her spirit has long since collapsed, and she cannot withstand any stimulation from the outside world. But even so, she was forced to give birth to a son.

Ten years later, in rural Henan, a girl was abducted and sold less than 500 meters from home, imprisoned for 6 years, abused by a father and son, and was only 14 years old when she was found but forced to give birth to three children.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Image source: Bing

These acts of trafficking, which sacrifice women's bodies and freedoms, are themselves crimes, materializing women and harming their dignity and human rights as individuals.

In addition to the fact that trafficking itself is the enslavement of women and the harm to human rights, there is another point that we cannot ignore, that is, forgetting, ignoring and even secondary harm to vulnerable groups.

According to the report, the CCTV reporter confirmed in the hospital that Yang Mouxia was suffering from mental illness. Women with mental illness have lost their personal autonomy, then the marriage may have forced behavior, which in itself violates the spirit of marriage freedom and equality. Then there is the inhuman encounter after the abduction, she does not get medical assistance, but more and more in the basement of forced captivity to survive, there is no freedom and sunshine, only captivity and aggression, powerless to resist.

When mentally ill women fall into the trap of the need for single-handed marriage, a marriage combination based on "inferiority and resource exchange" implies more misfortune and inhumanity.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Image from the Internet

In July 2020, a news story titled "Sichuan left-behind mentally handicapped mother and daughter were sexually assaulted by an 84-year-old man, and a 13-year-old daughter became pregnant" appeared on the hot search, triggering a heated public discussion. In Linshui County, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, Zhou Feng (pseudonym), a 13-year-old left-behind girl with intellectual disabilities, became pregnant. The mother and daughter have been left at home due to congenital intellectual problems and taken care of by the neighbors. People who knew each other in the town found that Zhou Feng's stomach was getting bigger and bigger, and the situation was abnormal. After the examination, I was told that Zhou Feng, who was only 13 years old, was more than 5 months pregnant!

Relatives and acquaintances who cared for their mother and daughter were furious and immediately called the police. The local police did DNA screening by drawing blood from men in the town and found that the perpetrator was Wang Xiqing, an 84-year-old single stick.

What is even more frightening is that not only the 84-year-old wang Xiqing who hurt Zhou Feng's mother and daughter, but also another octogenarian in the same village, who is an AIDS carrier, has repeatedly brought candy snacks and Zhou Feng's mother's set.

Tracing back to these illegal events is nothing more than the need for sex and the desire for future generations, which gives rise to these criminal acts of disregarding legal reason and bribing women. Later, the criminal suspects Dai Mingjun and Wang Xiqing were detained by the Linshui County Public Security Bureau on the same day and arrested on suspicion of forced indecency. The Linshui County Court heard the case in open court, while Dai Ming, 82, is already serving his sentence in prison.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

But behind this tragic sexual assault case, there is a sad family. Zhou's father suffered from meningitis from an early age, resulting in mental retardation, and later, married Wang Mou, who was 14 years younger and also mentally retarded, and as a result, Zhou Feng and his sister suffered from mental disorders as soon as they were born. Now the family of four lives in a brick house, the family is surrounded by walls, and they live by eating low.

Fortunately, the public no longer ignores the vulnerable groups, but takes humanistic care as the basis and supervises them in place, so that they will no longer lose their voices and speak.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Luo Xiang: Bribing women, the sentence is too light!

Xiao Huamei's tragic experience has revived the film "Blind Mountain" more than ten years ago, and the question of whether the crime of "bribing abducted women and children" stipulated in article 241 of the Criminal Law has once again been hotly debated.

In the traditional concept of society, people put more blame for anger on traffickers, believing that they are the human tragedy of the separation of countless families and wives and the destruction of families, and the bribers, whether legal or moral, often do not show the same anger as the former. However, when we pick up the "purchase link" and see the end point that the purchase behavior actually points to, we will find that the buyer, like the trafficker, is the most important driver of the completion of the entire criminal case.

Professor Luo Xiang of the China University of Political Science and Law believes that the punishment for the crime of bribing abducted women and children should be raised, so as to realize the same crime as the law in formality.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

In fact, the crime of trafficking in women and children and the crime of bribing women and children are very special, and the punishment of the two sides is very different, to the point of incompatibility with the jurisprudence of the common offender.

In criminal law, the penalties for common offenders are basically equal. If the same crime is committed jointly, such as the crime of illegal trade in firearms, the buyer and seller will naturally be punished for the same crime. The penalties for different crimes are almost the same, such as the crime of buying counterfeit money and the crime of selling counterfeit money, and the punishment is exactly the same.

To some extent, the act of abducting and bribing women almost naturally contains rape, illegal detention, intentional injury, etc., in an extremely despicable and painful way to deprive people of self-esteem and abuse humanity.

However, the current law imposes even more lenient sanctions on buying people than buying animals, and the penalties for trafficking in women are not even as good as giant pandas and golden snub-nosed monkeys, or even parrots and 20 toads. In this way, it is inevitable that "people are not as good as monkeys, people are not as good as birds, and people are not as good as things", which makes people doubt the fairness of the law.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Abduction and trafficking marriages are widespread, inseparable from the natural acquiescence of villagers and "watching out for each other", almost forming a consensus, jointly preventing the fleeing of bought women, and even collectively resisting outsiders to rescue abducted women.

In 2007, the Ministry of Public Security established the Office for Combating the Crime of Abduction and Trafficking in Women and Children, and in 2009, a national anti-trafficking operation was deployed. By 2018, more than 50,000 criminal suspects had been arrested nationwide and more than 100,000 abducted women and children had been rescued.

In terms of crime rates, they have fallen sharply in recent years. The number of cases of trafficking in women and children was 20,735 in 2013, 16,483 in 2014, 4,571 in 2019, and 3,035 in 2020.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Just as we have ushered in the reversal of events and the waiting for the truth, we look forward to saying goodbye to barbarism, ignorance and imbalance in the form of progress and civilization. But these efforts and achievements are far from enough, and as long as people's old thinking does not change, these harms can never be prohibited.

Three years of punishment for the womb: The "eight-child mother" in Feng County, who is chained, is the nightmare of thousands of women

Nowadays, the truth behind Xiaohuamei is being opened step by step, and with the intervention and guidance of public power, it is believed that the trapped eight-child mother will soon be able to breathe the air of freedom again. But at the same time, we are also full of worries: once the heat of netizen public opinion fades, can those vulnerable groups still get timely rescue and protection? Is there still a chance of freedom and equality? We don't know...

Today, when the gap between men and women in the population is getting wider and wider, the momentum of the squeeze on the bottom men in the marriage market will not decrease, but only gradually rise, but these social problems cannot be paid for by the sacrifice of women.

We have reason to believe that only when the lives and dignity of the vulnerable groups in society are fully guaranteed can a truly civilized society be able to speak of.

Author: Anna, a passionate and curious explorer in the four-dimensional space.

Elites are said to be a gathering place for the world's elite, returnees and international students. We deliver global messages, explore cultural landscapes, innovate social models, and discover independent ideas. There is a temperature and attitude here, and you are welcome to pay attention to the elite (ID: elitestalk) if you smell alike.


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Website of the Ministry of Public Security: The Ministry of Public Security introduced the special action to combat the crime of abducting and trafficking in children and women

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