
Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

Today is space with you [Issue 1400]

Last night, the Beijing Winter Olympics came to a perfect end

When you reminisce about the moments of the event

Don't forget

There used to be a special group of hardcore technology volunteers for the Winter Olympics

Contributed to the 24th Winter Olympics

They are called Fengyun satellites

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

Compared to the Summer Olympics

The Winter Olympics have more events to compete in the outdoors

Low temperatures, high wind speeds and poor visibility

All of these factors can lead to the postponement of the event

Accurate weather forecast at this time

This is especially important

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

The photo above is a group photo of the Fengyun satellite family

Among them, the Fengyun-4 satellite

It mainly conducts real-time dynamic monitoring of the development and evolution of atmospheric clouds

Fengyun-3 can do surface temperature, snow and other monitoring

All are information that the weather forecast is very concerned about

It is worth mentioning the Fengyun III A star

It's nicknamed "Olympic Star."

"Born" was made in May 2008

It was also the first satellite to serve the Olympics

During the 2008 Beijing Olympics

It has contributed to the protection of outdoor competitions such as equestrianism and sailing

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

14 years have passed

Fengyun III A-star has retired

This time, it is involved in the support mission of the Winter Olympics

It is the 8 wind stars in the family that are still in orbit

Patrol soldier "polar orbit satellite" Wind Cloud 3D that rotates non-stop every day

and the stationary "geostationary satellite" Fengyun 4A and Fengyun 4B

These three stars

It also served as the first-line main star of this Winter Olympics

Moving and static

Storm by storm

Catch wind and snow

Real-time monitoring of changes in the Weather System for the Winter Olympics

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

The fengyun-4 is equipped with a vertical detector

It is currently carried by an international geostationary satellite

The only vertical detector

It is currently in geostationary orbit at an altitude of 36,000 km

Only our Chinese Fengyun-4 satellite has this instrument installed

It can do a "three-dimensional CT" for the atmosphere.

By probing large temperature and humidity profile information that is difficult to capture

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

In addition, the fast imager on board the Fengyun 4B star

The maximum visible light resolution is 250 meters

Radiation imagers, interferometric infrared detectors, etc

Makes B-star accurate at a distance of 36,000 km

A temperature change of 0.05 degrees Celsius in the Earth's atmosphere is perceived

These are the "killer skills" of the B star of Fengyun Iv

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

Of course, each star has its own little "star" thoughts

Efforts are being made to record and collect meteorological data

Contribute to the Winter Olympics

Here, the little too want to say a word

"Weather Guards"

You've worked hard

Fengyun satellite has moved a lot of small "star" thinking, and there is a hard-core science and technology volunteer behind the Beijing Winter Olympics

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