
When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

author:The grace of the gods
When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

(Original article, welcome to read, plagiarism and washing manuscript must be investigated)

Wen | the grace of the gods

Emotion expert John Gray said: "Once a woman is deeply in love with a man, she will pay whatever price. ”

That's true.

In the movie "Color Ring", after Wang Jiazhi fell in love with Mr. Yi, she could turn against Him at the last moment and save Mr. Yi from water and fire. And she herself was willing to die.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Marie, the heroine of the French movie "Treasures", is another "Wang Jiazhi".

She is also obsessed with love and is eventually eaten by love.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

It wasn't until the net of fate slowly fell that she suddenly realized—

There is nothing more precious in the world than life. Compared to being alive, everything is a floating cloud.

01 Marriage into a transaction is the beginning of the tragedy

Mary was luckier than Wang Jiazhi, she was born into an aristocratic family.

His father, Heredia, was a prominent scholar of high society. Of the three sisters in the family, Mary is the second oldest and is recognized as a beautiful woman.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

At that time, Mary's family was in financial crisis and was about to go bankrupt.

The father wants to use his daughters as chips, catch a golden turtle son-in-law, and help him solve his debts.

So he carefully planned a banquet.

The banquet was attended by celebrities.

Among them, there are two young talents. One was Pierre and the other was Henry. They all fell in love with Mary.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Pierre is handsome and artistic.

He fell in love with Mary at first sight. They all feel that the other person is the love of their lives.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Later, Pierre was going on a trip to Algeria.

Before leaving, he wrote to his friend Henry and agreed that they would compete fairly. So, during his travels, Henry could not snatch Mary.

Henry ostensibly agreed, but the next day he went to Mary's house and proposed to Mary on the pretext of helping the teacher pay off his debts.

Henry has a wooden personality and is not good at words, and Mary does not look up to him at all.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

However, in that feudal era, girls had no say at all.

In order to save the fate of the family, Mary can only obey the orders of her parents and obediently marry Henry.

At that time, Mary did not know that from the moment she agreed to the marriage, she had become a pawn of fate.

After marriage, Mary refused to share sex with Henry. In her eyes, Henry was a walking cash machine.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Henry, on the other hand, offered Mary as a goddess, paying no attention to her contempt for herself.

At that time, Henry did not know that humility could not be exchanged for true love, but would push himself into the abyss.

02 Some people dream of reliving some people who are suffering

Two years later, Pierre returned home.

After learning that Mary was married, he was very disappointed.

He went to confront Henry. Henry, on the other hand, said that pierre himself had given up the opportunity.

He also said, "I love Mary to the point where she transcends all boundaries. ”

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Henry knew that Mary loved Pierre.

In order to please his wife, he told Marie the news of Pierre's return as soon as he returned home.

Marie carried Henry on her back to Pierre's house. What she did not expect was that Pierre's family had another woman living in it.

It was Pierre's lover, Zogela.

In the days without Marie, it was she who accompanied Pierre all the time. Seeing Mary, Zohra went away knowingly.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

The reunion of old lovers is indispensable. The pain of two years of lovesickness turned into a sweet and sweet lin in an instant.

Soon, Pierre opened a photography studio.

He was going to take body art photos, and Mary volunteered to be his model.

Gradually, the studio became a meeting place for the two.

Henry had been kept in the dark. In order to continue to please his wife, he also invited Pierre to visit the house.

Henry deliberately showed affection in front of Pierre, but unexpectedly, was directly punched in the face by Mary.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think
When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

When the three of them looked through Mary's wedding album together, Pierre's hand was clinging to Mary's hand.

Henry, who was beside him, was completely unaware.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

In that year, Henry married Mary by disgraceful means.

However, he got neither her body nor her heart. It made him miserable.

In fact, Henry did not understand the heart of a woman at all.

He only knew that he was blindly good to Mary, but he did not know that this kind of goodness was worthless in Mary's eyes.

No woman will fall in love with a man with a cowardly personality and no dignity.

03 Extreme indulgence is only due to inner emptiness

Pierre is sexually inclined.

In the two years he went to Algeria, he had sex with hundreds of women and filmed a collection of their human bodies.

He has a thick album. On each page of the album, different women's names, ages, addresses and other information are recorded.

Even he couldn't tell why he had written it down.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Once, Mary came to see Pierre again. The two talked and quarreled again.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Pierre was always angry about Mary's marriage. Even though Mary was in his arms at the moment, he was still insecure.

It can be seen that Pierre is a nihilist at heart.

Only sex can make him forget his troubles for a while. So he simply indulged his lust and became a sex addict.

However, outsiders only see him in the flow, but they cannot see the emptiness in his heart.

In Pierre, there is a rare childlike innocence.

He can't see through the complexity of the world and the changes in human nature, so he simply closes his inner world and uses the way of playing human to resist the inner sense of nothingness.

To put it bluntly, abusiveness and sex are just his way of proving his existence.

Every young literary and artistic person expects to be able to leave behind a legacy of works.

Pierre is no exception.

He published a book. In the book, he and Mary's adulterous affair is concealed.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

After the new book was published, because of the content curiosity, it quickly became a hit and caused a sensation.

Mary was angry and came to See Pierre to settle the account. Pierre wasn't in the studio, and she accidentally found the thick collection of human body photographs on her desk.

At that moment, she really understood Pierre's inner world.

04 Because of love and hate, hate becomes a demon

Mary discovers Pierre's secret.


Her own secret was also discovered.

One day, Henry stumbled upon Mary's diary. In the diary, the details of her and Pierre's affair are recorded in detail.

After reading those passionate words, Henry was like an angry lion, clinging to Mary.

Mary cried, "I don't love you!" ”

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

The injured Marie came to See Pierre again.

Seeing Mary in tears, Pierre was heartbroken.

He promised to take her on a trip to Algeria and enjoy the beauty of the world for two.

In order to be able to stay with Marie, Pierre drove zohera away against his will. A few days later, however, he went to Algeria alone.

This was the second time he had left without saying goodbye.

When she heard the news, tears of despair welled up in Mary's eyes.

At that moment, her heart died.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Soon, Mary fell seriously ill. After recovering from her illness, she seemed to have changed as a person.

Before she fell ill, she was an infatuated young woman.

After recovering from her illness, she became a vengeful female demon.

Mary vows to take revenge on Pierre, and she wants Pierre to taste jealousy.

She dressed up elaborately to seduce Pierre's friend Jean.

She almost copied Pierre's pie. Not only did he have a relationship with Jean, but he also took many human portraits of the other party.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Soon, Jean was fascinated by Mary.

Marie deliberately wrote to Pierre about it.

Sure enough, Pierre was on fire with jealousy. He wrote back saying he would return to China soon.

He also said that he now knew that Mary was the woman he loved the most.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Seeing that the purpose had been achieved, Mary wrote to Jean that it was all over and that it was all over, so let's break up.

Jean couldn't stand the blow and chose to take his life lightly.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

After Pierre returned to China, he saw his friend killed by his lover, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Marie wanted to explain, but Pierre didn't want to hear it.

One door, separating two worlds. Since then, a lover has become a stranger.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Soon after, Mary discovers that she is pregnant and that the child is Pierre's.

She wrote to Pierre, "Life is meaningless without you." ”

05 Humble can never be exchanged for true love

A few months later, Mary's family of three went out for a walk.

In the distance stood Pierre.

Seeing her sweetheart, Mary immediately became excited, completely ignoring Henry on the side.

As everyone knows, all this is carefully arranged by Henry, and the purpose is to make Mary happy.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Henry walked away on the pretext of buying water.

Marie said affectionately to Pierre, "Now, the child has bound you and me together forever. ”

Pierre looked at her and said seriously for the first time, "I love you."

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

The birth of a small life made Pierre suddenly discover that the meaning of life was not indulgence, but giving.

Seeing Henry being called by Mary, Pierreton felt pity.

Henry told Pierre that he would rather be wearing a green hat by Pierre than be worn by someone else.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Pierre was ashamed. He wanted Henry to experience the feeling of being loved from the side.

So he took Henry to a room next door to the studio.

After a while, Mary arrived as promised.

On the other side of the wall, Marie and Pierre, like dry wood met the fire, full of passion.

On this side of the wall, Henry was lying on the wall, his ears pressed against the wallpaper, and his eyes were hollow.

Only the wedding ring, shining silver.

In the end, Henry finally understands that he will never become Pierre, and Marie will never fall in love with himself.

His eyes crossed with shock, sadness, despair.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

At this time, Henry finally woke up.

Henry was the initiator of his own tragedy. Eventually, he also had to swallow the bitter fruit he had planted.

06 The desire for control can make people self-destructive

Mary's mother's family eventually went bankrupt.

Mary's sacrifice now looks like a joke.

Mary's sister Louise was also fascinated by Pierre and did not marry him.

Marie knew that Pierre was born with a bad nature, and Louise would not be lucky to marry him.

The mother said that Mary was jealous of Louise.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Mother's words stung Mary's heart.

She went back to the studio and looked at the withered flowers, the folds on the bed, the dust on the desk...

Everything seems to be quietly telling her sweet past with Pierre...

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Marie stepped out of the memories and left a letter to Pierre, asking him to meet him at the studio at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

When Pierre arrived on time, he found that it was not Mary who was waiting for him, but Louise.

For women, Pierre has always refused. In this way, Louise also became his prey...

Pierre never wanted to get married.

But the raw rice was ripe, and he had to marry Louise.

Only then did he understand: This is Mary's innings! In this way, she wanted to keep herself by her side forever.

Mary's approach was the same as Henry's.

Originally, in order to keep Mary, Henry was willing to be worn by Pierre with a green hat.

Today, Marie would rather share pierre with her sister than keep him.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

In feudal society, women have always been men's playthings.

Now, the man has become the plaything of the sisters, which is ironic.

As a result of prolonged sexual immorality, Pierre suffered from venereal diseases and became blind.

He asked Mary to keep all his body art photos. That's his "treasure."

Now, Mary's heart was finally solid.

She no longer worried about Pierre running away.

Soon, Mary used the man's pen name to publish the erotic novel "Paris Opera".

All the details in the novel stem from her and Pierre's love affair.

As soon as the novel was launched, it was snapped up.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

In the beginning, Pierre wrote books to expose his privacy in order to become famous. Mary hated this.

Now, she herself has become Pierre. Moreover, it also relies on the sale of privacy to gain fame and fortune.

Whether it is absurd or ironic, who can say.

In this story, everyone is hateful and pitiful.

Pierre's indiscriminate affection is a resistance to the sense of inner nothingness.

Mary's infatuation stemmed from her desire for a free life.

Henry's forbearance stems from his deep inferiority complex.

They are poor people who are trapped in a deep network of love and cannot extricate themselves.

07 Echoes of History

This love triangle story is adapted from a real story in France at the end of the 19th century.

Pierre is a French pornographer who was awarded the Order of french Knighthood.

Marie was the gold of the French scholarly Mend, and later became a novelist and poet.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Henry did have his own people.

Pierre has a life of affection, but he has never been able to find a spiritual harbor.

Marie waited for Pierre's prodigal son to turn back, and did not hesitate to humble herself.

Henry humbled Mary to dust, but returned to endless sorrow.

In the film, not only Marie, Pierre and Henry, but even Zogela, Jean and Louise, are also prisoners of lust.

Everyone has become a pawn of destiny.

They have been obsessed with love all their lives, but they do not know that true love is more responsible than lust.

The most beautiful scene in the movie appears in Pierre.

In the park, he picked up the baby with both hands.

At that moment, his eyes were gentle and the corners of his mouth were upturned.

The infant child changed him from a prodigal son to a loving father, from a "ghost" to a "man".

This down-to-earth life dissolved his inner sense of nothingness and made him realize the meaning of life.

When marriage becomes a transaction, the serial tragedy has just begun! Human nature is uglier than you think

Shakespeare said, "Lust is like a charcoal fire, and it must be cooled, otherwise the fire will scorch the heart." ”

Love, marriage, and family cannot escape the laws of human nature.

Love can make people better, and it can also make people worse.

When love becomes a slave to lust, the ugliness of human nature will be aroused, and everyone may become the devil who devours himself.

Love is not heavy, not born of a wife, love is not deep and does not fall into reincarnation.

Attachment is the root of life's troubles.

The world is big and life is limited.

Whoever can let go of attachment and lead themselves to a larger world can harvest a full and comfortable life.


About the Author: Grace of the Gods, Writer, Multi-Platform Contracted Author. This article is an original article, plagiarism or washing must be investigated.