
Is the discord between the Three Giants of the Green Army a rumor? Piercesa and Garnetre Allen were photographed, and everyone laughed happily

Beijing time on February 22 news, not long ago, Boston Celtics celebrity Paul Pierce updated his social blog, posted him, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen together to take a photo of the moment, breaking the three people are not in line with rumors.

Is the discord between the Three Giants of the Green Army a rumor? Piercesa and Garnetre Allen were photographed, and everyone laughed happily

As shown in the picture above, from left to right, ray Allen, Garnett, and Pierce, the three still look very happy.

As it coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the NBA, this year's All-Star Weekend also held some celebrations, such as the collective appearance of the NBA's 75 stars. However, it is such a link that some fans misunderstand the relationship between the former Big Three of the Green Army.

Is the discord between the Three Giants of the Green Army a rumor? Piercesa and Garnetre Allen were photographed, and everyone laughed happily

After the event, someone posted on the social blog, yesterday's ceremony site, when introducing Ray Allen on stage, Garnett and Pierce were that kind of stiff expression, and did not make any congratulations or welcome movements, and Ray Allen also went straight to LeBron James's side after taking the stage and hugged him. In this regard, some people interpret it as Pierce and Garnett still have a grudge against Ray Allen's departure that year.

Is the discord between the Three Giants of the Green Army a rumor? Piercesa and Garnetre Allen were photographed, and everyone laughed happily

But as Pierce, one of the parties involved, revealed the photo of the three people, all the gossip was self-defeating.

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