
"Cold" after rain? Doctor: Be wary of encephalitis is easy to misdiagnose

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Lin Qingqing Correspondent Zheng Lin

Photo/Visual China

After a heavy rain, a teenager in Meizhou repeatedly had fever and headaches, and mistakenly thought it was a cold. Unexpectedly, his condition worsened, and he was once sent to the intensive care unit for rescue, and finally found that it was encephalitis, and was successfully rescued in Guangzhou. Every year on February 22 is the "World Encephalitis Day", the doctor reminds that the first symptoms of encephalitis are similar to colds, and I hope that citizens and friends will be vigilant.

"Cold" after rain?

Zhang Xing (pseudonym), 16, is a local high school student in Meizhou. One day in mid-October last year, it rained heavily after school hours. Just without an umbrella, Zhang Xing thought that the school was not far from home, so he rode home in the rain. When she got up the next day, Zhang Xing's mother found him walking shakily and almost fell, so she touched her forehead and found that it was a little hot. "The child said he had a fever since last night." Zhang Xing's father, Zhang Jun (pseudonym), said he thought it was a cold and fever after the rain.

"Cold" after rain? Doctor: Be wary of encephalitis is easy to misdiagnose

In the local hospital, the doctor suspected that the fever was caused by the upper respiratory tract infection, and after giving the drug symptomatic treatment for three or four days, not only did the "cold" not get better at all, but the headache worsened and the spirit was weak. Zhang Jun accompanied his son to a higher-level hospital for treatment, and was told by the doctor that it was tuberculous meningitis. However, symptoms remain uncontrolled after symptomatic treatment. Anxious, he was introduced by a friend and in late October last year, he took his son to guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital for emergency referral.

Encephalitis is easily misdiagnosed as a cold

"When he came to the hospital, the patient had impaired consciousness, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, and weakness in both lower limbs, and was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit." Kuang Zuying, administrative assistant to the director of the First Department of Neurology, who was treated by the hospital, introduced that the brain and thoracic vertebral MRI examination found that the meninges and meninges had obvious strengthening lesions, and the intracranial infection was clear, but the pathogen was not clear, and further identification was needed. After the relevant tests were perfected, it was finally determined that the patient was autoimmune GFAP meningocephalomyelitis.

"Cold" after rain? Doctor: Be wary of encephalitis is easy to misdiagnose

"I knew I had sent him an umbrella, but I didn't expect the rain to cause such a big illness." Zhang Jun was remorseful.

"Adolescents have a poor autoimmune system and are susceptible to infection and induce autoimmune encephalitis after rain." Wang Zhanhang, vice president of the hospital and an expert in neurology, explained that immunity is the umbrella of human health, and when the body's immune function is low, viruses, bacteria, etc. will take advantage of the void, which will seriously affect the health of the body. After symptomatic treatment such as immunoglobulin shock, anti-infection, nutritional nerves and rehabilitation, Zhang Xing was successfully discharged from the hospital. "This time to review, the recovery is very good!" Zhang Jun said happily.

It is reported that February 22 of each year is "World Encephalitis Day". Wang Zhanhang said that the clinical symptoms of encephalitis in the early stage are not typical, generally fever, headache or general weakness, and are easy to misdiagnose as colds. Wang Zhanhang reminded, "But encephalitis is an emergency, not treated in time, the fatality rate is very high, delayed treatment will also lead to serious sequelae, citizens and friends should be vigilant." (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | ZHANG Hua

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