
Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

The most intense contest between Jia Mu and Lady Wang was when Lady Wang reported that Qingwen had been promoted and attacked. Jia Mu seemed to have no attitude, but she was dumbfounded by the criticism of Madame Wang.

Madame Wang had originally planned to take this opportunity to turn the attackers to the right. She told Jia Mu that although the attacker did not look as good as Qingwen, his personality was really good. He was even more loyal and willing to persuade Jia Baoyu to work hard and take the right path. So he secretly gave her two or two pieces of silver. In order to be able to be more diligent and earnest, to help Jia Baoyu develop well.

Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

(Seventy-eighth time) "And the unclear speaker, one Baoyu is still young, and the old master knows it and is afraid to say that he has delayed the book; the second is that Baoyu thinks that he is already a person who is in front of him and does not dare to persuade him, but instead indulges in it." So until today I didn't return to the old lady. ”

Mrs. Wang's words actually expressed her real worries and intentions to report to Jia Mu.

First, Jia Baoyu was not very old at that time, and he was arranged by Lady Wang to take in the house and take concubines, which was considered to be "not doing the right thing", and Jia Zheng must not like it.

Second, Madame Wang's main purpose in attacking people was to find someone to "persuade" Jia Baoyu to take the right path.

Third, when Lady Wang promoted the raiders, Jia Zheng was sent as an official for three years.

Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

In ancient times, officials were not allowed to bring their families with them on "business trips" different from external transfers. Jia Zheng was away for three years, and Aunt Zhao and Aunt Zhou did not bring it, but went on the road alone.

Lao Tzu is working hard outside, and his son is taking concubines at home, which is inconsistent with etiquette and filial piety.

When Madame Wang reported, Jia Zheng did not return for a long time, but many things happened.

First of all, Jia Mu's "Celebration of The Eighties", the inspection of the Grand View Garden, and then after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Madame Wang rectified the Yihong Courtyard and took away Qingwen and others, plus Cai Xia, who she hooked up with Jia Huan, was also released...

Madame Wang obviously has the intention of cleaning up and removing obstacles, so as to avoid being blamed by Jia Zheng after discovering the problem.

Therefore, qingwen was simply and rudely taken away, and Cai xia was also inexplicably let out. And she and Jia Mu said that "until today I did not return to the old lady", which was even more to justify the name of the attacker.

Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

As long as Jia Mu said that it was a good choice, she would immediately go back to Jia Zheng and tell Jia Zheng that the old lady was very good at attacking people and was given Tou Yu. I watched it for a few years, and I also returned to the old lady to collect the room. Let Jia Zheng have nothing to say.

Madame Wang was anxious to help the attackers correct herself because of Aunt Zhao's complaint a few days ago.

At that time, Aunt Zhao wanted to please Cai Xia to Give Jia Huan. Jia Zheng thought that he was too young, and said that he had already looked after two handmaidens, one for Baoyu and one for Jia Huan. Aunt Zhao said, "Baoyu already has it."

Just when Jia Zheng asked who it was, Madame Wang's eyeliner magpie who was lurking next to Aunt Zhao made a loud noise and interrupted their conversation.

Then Xiao Que went to Yihong Courtyard and led to Qingwen instigating Jia Baoyu to pretend to be ill and be picked up. And Xiao Que was bound to tell Madame Wang.

Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

Lady Wang's promotion of the attacker was a private decision, neither telling Jia Mu, but also deciding in the absence of Jia Zheng. As mentioned above, neither etiquette nor filial piety is untenable.

If Madame Wang did not deal with it well before Jia Zheng asked her, it would be difficult to explain it at that time. She reported the incident to Jammu. It is to get permission to push on Jia Mu, and neither she nor Jia Baoyu will be wrong.

Jia Mu listened and smiled, "It's better this way, so much better." The raider was originally silent from a young age, I only said that he was a gourd without a mouth. Since you know very well, there is a great mistake. And your idea of not saying this with Baoyu is better. And don't mention it, just know it in your heart. I know very well that Baoyu will also be a person who will not listen to his wife and concubines in the future. I can't figure it out, and I've never seen a child like that. ”

How could Jia Mu not know the psychology of Madame Wang letting her "carry the pot"? She did not agree to attack people as concubines, so she was not deceived. He also said, "Don't mention it, just know it in your heart"!

Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

I believe that Madame Wang was at that time...

She borrowed the attacker to take away Qingwen, which was "attacking the shield of the son with the spear of the son", leaving Jia Mu with nothing to say, anyway, it was her handmaiden.

Jia Mu "gives back to the other in the way of the other", if you don't let you say it, then don't say it.

As a result, this matter was completely "hanging".

Do you know why Jia Mu has not given Jia Baoyu Lin Daiyu the master before, and did not give Qingwen "name"? Just because Jia Zheng was not at home, he did not conform to etiquette and rules.

Jia Mu was so obedient to the rules and respected her son, but what did Madame Wang do? Taking the lead in guiding her son not to respect his father is a good mother!

Jia Mu: Easily see through Madame Wang's calculations, and with her human way, she punctures her lies and tricks

The attackers completely ruined the "future" because of Jia Mu's words.

Jia Zheng was particularly dismissive when he first heard the name of the attacker, and it was destined that the attacker would eventually marry out of the house and Jia Zheng did not agree. And the two servants that Jia Zheng looked at were definitely not attacking people.

Madame Wang was busy back and forth. It is also interesting to lose more face and face in front of Jia Zheng.

Wen | Junji Yakan Red Chamber

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