
The provincial winter project preparation training work seminar was held

On the occasion of the successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, in order to further promote the development of winter sports in the province, on February 21, the provincial winter project preparation training seminar was held in Gu'an County, Langfang City. Li Dongqi, deputy secretary of the party group and deputy director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, attended the meeting and made a speech, and Liu Jie, director of the Olympic Affairs Office and director of the Winter Games Center, presided.

The provincial winter project preparation training work seminar was held

Li Dongqi pointed out that at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Hebei Ice and Snow Athletes achieved a historic breakthrough in their competitive level and athletic achievements, the number of participants, participating projects, and participating results achieved a major leap forward, and the individual results of participating in many Olympic Games created the best results in the history of our province and mainland projects participating in the Winter Olympic Games.

Li Dongqi stressed that it is necessary to consider the development situation of winter projects in multiple dimensions. From the national level, the development of ice and snow sports is not due to the whim of preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympics, but to promote long-term and consistent national plans; from the regional level, the Provincial Sports Bureau must consider the construction of the Beijing-Zhang sports cultural tourism belt when studying the development of ice and snow sports in the province; from the perspective of the holding level of the National Games of the Winter Games, it is necessary to improve the competitive level of key sports teams at the fastest speed, introduce high-level athletes and coaches in the most accurate way, in order to maximize the integration of internal potential and promote the Hebei winter project in the " From the perspective of the three major bases that have been built, it is necessary to base itself on obeying and serving the national winter project to prepare for the competition, based on the comprehensive development of sports, and to better play the unique and important role of the base in national team training, Hebei provincial team training, holding various training camps, undertaking domestic and foreign training and high-level events, and creating a world-class training center, scientific research center and event center.

The provincial winter project preparation training work seminar was held

Li Dongqi demanded that in the post-Winter Olympic era, Hebei's ice and snow sports should be strong and excellent, and they should firmly take the road of elite soldiers and do something. It is necessary to do a good job in the construction of the training system, the competition system, and the policy guarantee system; it is necessary to play a game of chess in the whole province, make a full fuss about building a strong province of ice and snow sports, work the word win, strengthen the spirit of struggle, enhance the ability to win, persist in facing the future with the idea of winning, use the idea of winning to lay out development, use the goal of winning to form a team, use the standard of winning to select talents, carry out training with the rhythm of winning, train the team with the winning competition, and use the selection mechanism of winning to force innovation in training competitions and temper them. Dare to win" tenacious style, with the spirit of "must win" to do a good job in preparing for training.

The provincial winter project preparation training work seminar was held

Focusing on the spirit of Li Dongqi's speech and combining the actual development of winter projects in the city, the local municipal sports bureaus exchanged views on the basic situation of winter projects, team formation and development ideas.

Before the seminar, the participants visited the relevant facilities of the Gu'an County Skating Hall and observed the training of the short track speed skating team in Hebei Province.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Winter Games Center, the responsible comrades of the local municipal sports bureaus and the responsible persons of the competition training section (division) attended the meeting.

Source: Winter Games Center


Organizer: Hebei Provincial Sports Bureau

Producer: Guo Lijun

Editor's proofreading: He Wanxuan

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