
Will breast milk become less and less nutritious the more it is fed?

Will breast milk become less and less nutritious the more it is fed?

Little Wild Lily (Baby Seven Months):

There was a mother's answer at the bottom that really opened my eyes, and I couldn't help but come up and answer a wave. The respondent said this: "In addition to a little immune molecules in breast milk, it really has no nutrition for the baby." Without mixed feeding with milk powder, teeth and hair cannot grow out, and there is anemia, so breast milk can only be used as water to quench the baby's thirst in the later stage..."

After reading the answer, I looked at the question mark??? What is "in addition to a little immune molecule", do you know that this "immune molecule" is milk powder merchants can not do how much money can not be done?" Teeth and hair don't grow" because the baby is still young. There are more causes of anemia, how can you drink breast milk so casually? You can only quench your baby's thirst with water" - this sentence makes me angry, there are many nutrients that are super important to the baby in breast milk, and these are precisely the industrial production of milk powder can not be added, by you light

Piao's phrase "quench thirst" obliterates.

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until the age of two, but it is really difficult for most people to do so, so feeding is necessary for at least 6 months. After 6 months to start adding complementary food, does not mean that breast milk has no nutrition, but 6 months ago the baby needs all the nutrition from breast milk, after 6 months more nutrition from complementary food, nutrition obtained from breast milk naturally with the reduction of milk consumption will slowly decrease.

So if you have the conditions, have energy, really don't care about the tongue of relatives and neighbors, I was once told by the door aunt that the baby is too thin, after knowing that I am pure breast milk, and then shake me to add milk powder, "your baby is five months old, your milk is too clear now, no nutrition", you see 3 of the beans, eat milk powder to eat chubby eh! ”

3 buildings that beanie is obviously fat excess nutrition, my baby is not fat and not thin, the mother seems to be just right, do not care about the big mothers, always think that the fat baby is healthy. Finally, in the state of poverty and famine in Africa, the mother's breast milk, and the fully nutritious mother's breast milk, there is no obvious difference in nutritional composition, can give the baby enough nutrition, this is how selfless our human beings have been for thousands of years of evolution, ah, really, how many times the mother's love has been praised is not exaggerated.

Will breast milk become less and less nutritious the more it is fed?

Chubby (baby 2.5 years old):

How can there be no nutrition? Remember, no dairy product is as good as breast milk.

Regarding the fact that breast milk is not nutritious, I have listened to it countless times since I beat my baby for six months, and my ears are about to grind cocoons, and I can only he to those "kind people" who persuade me to wean the baby quickly and drink milk powder.

Don't believe this kind of pit baby,Don't believe it, let alone wean the baby early. I still breastfeed until the age of two, the baby is almost not very sick for a year, the resistance is lever drops as the baby's own rations, breast milk is a smart food, will automatically adjust the amount of secretion and composition, to meet the needs of the baby at different times, as long as the conditions allow, rest assured to feed on the line.

Why advocate adding complementary foods to six-month-old babies? It is not that breast milk has no nutrition, but that the nutrients in breast milk (such as iron) can no longer meet the needs of the baby's continuous growth, and need to be obtained from complementary foods.

Why is it best to breastfeed until age 2? This is because the new antibodies needed by the baby within the age of two are constantly obtained from breast milk, which means that before the age of two, the baby needs to rely almost entirely on breast milk to provide immune protection (of course, the baby's timely vaccination is also to provide immune protection, the two are allies, not opponents!)

Sometimes you may see that the milk is very thin, the color is like light rice soup, you will involuntarily feel that the milk has no nutrition, in fact, no matter what the color of the milk, generally speaking, there is no impact on the nutrition of the milk, as long as the body is healthy, the normal secretion of milk is ok. In addition, to determine whether breast milk is nutritious, one of the most obvious indicators is to see whether the baby's weight gain is within the standard line. As long as it matches the growth curve, you don't have to worry too much.

Jin Jing mother (baby three months):

No, it won't.

The human body is very magical, the composition of milk with the growth of the baby, the composition and proportion of the inside is also adjusted at the same time, it can be said that breast milk is the baby's private customized nutrition meal is not too much! However, the addition of complementary foods from the baby's sixth month is generally because as the baby grows larger, more and more types of nutrients are needed, and the supply required is also larger and larger, plus in order to promote gastrointestinal digestion

As the system develops healthily, we slowly add complementary foods.

However, the nutrition in breast milk is not any other food or milk powder can be replaced, so if conditions permit, please do the first six months of exclusive breastfeeding, and then continue to feed breast milk after adding complementary foods, it is best to feed the baby naturally, whether physically or psychologically, this is the best for the baby and the mother. Although I know how difficult breastfeeding is, I still hope that everyone can feel happy in the process of breastfeeding and feed it firmly in the voice of others! Breastfeeding is not easy, and it is fed and cherished.

Will breast milk become less and less nutritious the more it is fed?

Bean Mom:

Definitely not. For the baby, no food nutrition can exceed breast milk, even if it is naturally out of milk, breast milk is also the baby's most nutritious ration, which does not need to be doubted.

Many people think that the addition of complementary foods to the baby is because breast milk is not nutritious enough, which is actually a wrong view. The addition of complementary foods is only because the iron in the baby's body is consumed, additional supplements are needed, and as the baby continues to grow, it is necessary to gradually accept other foods, so slowly, the baby will eat mushy food to bulk food, and then to food similar to adults, generally to about 2 years old. And breast milk has gradually changed from the original staple food to a complementary food to the end is only a meal for the baby.

Breast milk within 6 months is containing antibodies, if the baby can insist on eating breast milk for more than six months, usually it will be less sick, breast milk after 6 months is also nutritious, the nutritional value of breast milk is still no food can be replaced, so if there is a condition, you can try to extend the time of breastfeeding.

Breast milk has various forms, such as colostrum, pre-milk, post-milk, etc., but this is not the focus, there is only one focus: as long as it is breast milk,

It is enough to meet the needs of the baby's growth and development.

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