
Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

Yes, the person who said this word, Zhang Xian, is the Zhang Xian who has a close relationship with Su Shi and is funny and humorous. He has many allusions, and he is a rare elderly lyricist, who died at the age of 88. At the age of eighty, she was an eighteen-year-old concubine who had two sons and two daughters, and this matter was also ridiculed by Su Shi. He had twelve children in his lifetime, the eldest son and the youngest daughter sixty years apart. He has a lifetime of poetry and wine, enjoy wealth and wealth, but this does not mean that he has no troubles, in his old age, seeing the spring light passing will also be sad, issuing a sigh of the past can not look back, the masterpiece "Tianxian Zi · Water Tune Several Sounds holding wine listening" is one of the masterpieces, come to appreciate together.

Water tune several sounds to hold the wine to listen. Wake up drunk and not awake. Send spring to spring when to return. Pro Evening Mirror. Wound flow view. The province of the late empty memory of the past.

On the sand and on the poultry pond. Clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows. Heavy curtains obscure the lights, and the wind is uncertain. People are quiet. The trail should be full of red at sunset.

Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

This is a poem written by Zhang Xian when he was 52 years old, and there is a small preface in front of this poem, indicating the simple background of the occurrence of this word, "When he was Jiahe Xiaoqi, he slept with illness and did not go to the government meeting", Zhang Xian was the judge of Jiahe at this time, and he did not go to the banquet of the official government on this day. It can be understood that the mood of the lyricist at this time is tired and bored.

When people are more sad, it is easy to borrow wine to pour sorrow, and the lyricist is no exception. Holding a wine glass to listen to people sing "Water Tune Song", after listening to a few sounds, I found that my heart was more bored, and after a few glasses of stuffy wine, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was not refreshed, and the wine had passed, but the sadness was still there.

Sending spring hurt goodbye, but "when will spring go back", a question indicates that "the day of spring return" is far away in the author's mind. The spring of nature is reincarnated in the cycle, but the spring of life can never come back. With the passage of time, it is not only the flowers of spring that are red and willow green, but also their youth. "When to return" seems to be sentimental spring, but in fact, it is a question that is only sent by sentimentality.

Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

Under such sentimental feelings, he took a self-portrait and found that the green silk on his head had turned into white hair, which increased the sadness of the passing of the years. Time is as merciless as flowing water, and it flows silently away from people.

The sentence "Approaching the Evening Mirror, Wounded Flow Scene" borrows Du Mu's poem "Self-Sorrow Comes to Dawn Mirror, Who And Cherishes the Year of Flowing", but this sad mood is changed to the evening, and the change here is both the realism of the evening of the evening in the middle of the day, and the meaning of the evening "old age" in the life of the lyricist, and the wounded flow scene further expresses the feeling of this old age. "Empty memories of the past in the later period", those sweet or sad past events are left in the memory in vain, the past can not be looked back, everything is empty.

Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

The film is written about their own mood, drinking and listening to music is originally a very healing two leisure activities, but the author's sadness has not been relieved, borrowing wine to pour sorrow is more sad, delicate and subtle, implicit but not revealing, extremely graceful.

In the evening when the mood was low, the author walked out of the door and saw "on the sand and on the pond", on the sand shore by the pool, mandarin ducks dormant side by side. The author is a single shadow, lonely and lonely, and the author's heart at this time recalls the past of Yan'er in his youth or what? Looking up at the sky, the moon broke through the obscuration of the layers of clouds, the clouds opened up and the moon rose, looking down at the ground, and the flowers on the ground fiddled with their figures in the moonlight.

Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

"The cloud breaks the moon to make a flower shadow" is also a famous sentence that has been passed down through the ages, and a "lane" writes the "flower" under the moon. "Red Apricot Shangshu" Song Qi's sentence "Red Apricot Branches Spring Is Haunting", this sentence is evaluated in Wang Guowei's "Words and Sayings on Earth" that "a word realm is all out" This is the most authoritative evaluation, and Song Qi also praised him for "breaking the clouds and breaking the moon to make flowers and shadows in Langzhong".

At the same time, this word also changed the previous melancholy, with a faint joy. At the same time, it also increases the attachment to spring. Hua is still in love with the beautiful spring, Gu Ying is self-pitying, let alone people?

Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

This sentence is also the author's own most satisfactory sentence, "the cloud breaks the moon to make a shadow" and the "curtain roll flower shadow" in "Return to the Dynasty" and "soft willow shakes, falling light and shadowless" in "Cut Peony" are his proud sentences, so he also has the nickname of "Zhang Sanying".

The wind started, the author returned to the house, pulled up the heavy curtain, covered the flame of the lamp, under the haze of the heavy curtain, the author's mood returned to calm, people gradually entered the dreamland at this time, but "people are quiet at first, the wind is uncertain", it is precisely because there is a wind, mandarin ducks and birds are snuggled up to each other, sleep side by side, because there is a wind, only to blow away the floating clouds, the moon can appear, because there is a wind residue flowers under the moon to make a shadow, because there is a wind, "tomorrow and sunset red should be full of paths", good times are impermanent, just under the moon shadow of the flowers, Tomorrow is expected to wither away.

The upper film writes love, the next film writes the scene, and the "falling red" at the end of the sentence and the wounded spring at the beginning echo, which are integrated. The feelings of the whole word hurt spring are delicate and subtle, but they are not decadent, because from the "flower shadow" we see vitality, a round of moon, a branch of flowers, giving people enlightenment, the overall style is a little sad, a little leisurely, a little emotional rhyme, no wonder the late Qing Dynasty lexicographer Chen Tingzhuo commented on Zhang Xian's word cloud: "It is not big and there is more than enough, different from the Qin, Liu, Yan, and Ou families, the unique and wonderful realm, the word world can not be without this family." "Point out his position on the word.

Zhang Xian's favorite song of the Heavenly Immortals, a phrase "clouds break the moon to make flowers and shadows" has been recited by later generations for thousands of years

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