
Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

author:Song Yaqun

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Lin Biao, Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu

As the god of war of the People's Liberation Army, the only person in the whole army who can compare with him in the art of command is General Su Yu.

However, Lin Biao's most glorious moment was the Liaoshen Campaign in the northeast, in which nearly 500,000 elite Kuomintang troops were wiped out in World War I, liberating the entire territory of northeast China four years ahead of schedule; then the Northeast Field Army marched into the pass, and jointly launched the Pingjin Campaign with Nie Rongzhen's North China Military Region, forcing the surrender of the strong enemy Fu Zuoyi and peacefully liberating Peiping, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of new China.

It can be said that Lin Biao's most legendary stage was in the two major battles of Liaoshen and Pingjin, annihilating nearly one million enemies, which can be described as "two wars and gods". So, let's assume that if Lin Biao did not participate in these two major battles, could he still become a marshal?

We can run lin biao through various historical periods, and at the same time compare other marshals whose situation is similar in this period, and perhaps the answer is not self-explanatory.

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?
Oil painting "Nanchang Uprising"

During the great cause of the founding of the army

Lin Biao participated in the Nanchang Uprising, but at that time he was only a company commander, and his influence was very limited, and he could not talk about "leadership." Looking back at the performance of other marshals at the same time, He Long was the commander-in-chief of the uprising, Zhu De was the core general, and later brought the only 800 elites remaining in the uprising to Jinggangshan, Liu Bocheng was the head of the staff regiment, and Chen Yi was the leader of the regiment. The other two marshals, Ye Jianying and Nie Rongzhen, also made outstanding contributions to the uprising, both of whom were military leaders.

In the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising, Luo Ronghuan and Xu Xiangqian all appeared, not to mention Ye Jianying and Nie Rongzhen, who were the backbone generals of the Guangzhou Uprising. Of the ten marshals, only Peng Dehuai did not appear in the three uprisings of 1927, but he led the Pingjiang Uprising the following year and served as the commander of the Red 5 Army.

Therefore, based on the above analysis, compared with other marshals, Lin Biao's role during the great cause of army building was not obvious, and his seniority was only a little higher than that of Luo Ronghuan.

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Mao Zedong and Zhu De during the Red Army

The period of the Red Army

Lin Biao's military genius was discovered by Zhu De and Mao Zedong at Jinggangshan, and that period was Lin Biao's first highlight stage, almost a promotion in a battle, and the military position jumped up like a rocket. From an ordinary cadre, he became a backbone general in the Zhumao Jinggangshan era.

By the time the Red Army abandoned the Central Soviet Zone and embarked on the Long March from Ruijin, Lin Biao was already the commander of the Red 1St Corps. At that time, the Red 1 Army, like the Red 3 Army, was the main force of the Central Red Army, and Lin Biao, like the Red Army general Peng Dehuai, became the core general of the Red Army.

It can be said that Lin Biao during this period was very eye-catching, and after a few years, he established his military status as one of the gods of war of the Red Army, although it was not as good as Xu Xiangqian, a god-possessed general who commanded a large army to fight, but it was already very outstanding.

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Ping-type Guandajie Memorial Hall

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Because Lin Biao was previously the most backbone general of the Central Red Army, when the Central Red Army (Red 1st Front) was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army (18th Group Army), he served as the commander of the 115th Division, one of the three main divisions of the Eighth Route Army, and together with He Long, commander of the 120th Division, Liu Bocheng, commander of the 129th Division, and Ye Ting, commander of the New Fourth Army, became the chief military officers of our army.

In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lin Biaohe's performance was also very powerful, he and his deputy division commander Nie Rongzhen set up an ambush at Pingxingguan and beat a major detachment of the Japanese army to pieces, which was the famous "Pingxingguan Victory", although the results of the battle were not brilliant, but breaking the myth of the invincibility of the Japanese army in the world, the significance of which can be imagined in the early stage of the War of Resistance.

But then Lin Biao fell silent, not that he was not good at the level, but was mistakenly injured by Yan Xishan's soldiers, and from then on he was far away from the front line of the War of Resistance, basically missing most of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Lin Biao and the main generals of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, Nie Rongzhen, Chen Guang, and Zhou Kun


Many years later, Lin Biao reappeared on the stage of War in China, and was sent by Liu Shaoqi, who was then acting chairman of the CPC Central Committee, to preside over the northeast war, and Lin Biao, who had just arrived in the northeast, also experienced a very embarrassing stage, being chased all the way by the Nationalist army to escape the Songhua River, but soon Lin Biao achieved counter-killing, began to swallow the whole territory of the northeast, and liberated the entire northeast in less than two months, which even surprised Mao Zedong and the Central Military Commission.

Then, if it were not for the glory of the northeast, would Lin Biao still be a marshal in the 1955 grand title?

The answer is a bit of a hangover, but it's not entirely impossible.

Let's take a look at his performance in various historical periods, even if it is during the great cause of army building, his position is too low; during the Red Army period, he was an important general, along with Peng Dehuai and others, and was a very good endorsement of the rank of marshal; the War of Resistance Against Japan also showed that he was the commander of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and played the famous "Ping-type Guan Dajie" in history, which is too heavy.

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Huang Kecheng, Tan Zheng, Nie Rongzhen, Xiao Hua, Luo Ronghuan, Liu Yalou, Gao Gang and Lin Biao

So on the whole, even if Lin Biao can become a marshal, it is still a bit reluctant. Then the person who awarded the title of marshal on behalf of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army may be Chen Guang (Luo Ronghuan was already a marshal).

However, if we look at Luo Ronghuan, his contribution was mainly in the Shandong base area of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and his contribution to the War of Liberation was mainly for the Northeast Field Army and the East China Field Army, but that was the source of soldiers, the reason was still in Shandong, and Luo Ronghuan's performance in the Liaoshen and Pingjin Battles was elevated by the movie "Armageddon" - therefore, Luo Ronghuan's liberation war was not too convincing, but he was also awarded the rank of marshal.

He Long, whose three positions as commander-in-chief of the Nanchang Uprising, commander-in-chief of the Red 2nd Front, and commander of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, were too hardcore, and although the Liberation War was invisible throughout the war (only symbolically showing his face during the liberation of Chengdu), he was still a marshal and ranked not low.

To sum up, if Lin Biao did not participate in the two major battles of Liaoshen and Pingjin, it would be very difficult to be selected as a marshal, and even if he became a marshal, he would definitely be in the second half of the region, because in terms of his contribution in the early stage, he still had a significant gap compared to He Long.

Lin Zong's peak is Liaoshen and Pingjin, if there is no two decisive battles, can he still be crowned commander?

Luo Ruiqing, Nie Rongzhen, Xu Xiangqian, Tao Zhu, Ye Jianying, Chen Yi, Liu Bocheng, Lin Biao, He Long and Luo Ronghuan